Dear all,
This thread is a bit old, but anyways: here are my two cents on the
question 'What are reasons not to use Smalltalk'. Thanks, Horrido, to
constantly promote these kind of discussions.
I think that your polls are mixing very different reasons - for
instance, we choose development tools in different settings: as a group,
as a firm, as an individual -- and for different purposes - for one of
the projects, for some projects, as a general orientation of a firm, a
specific team, or an individual. So I don't respond to these polls since
it would be hard to answer properly, and "all of the above" is probably
useless to you.
What struck me about Pharo is the beauty and simplicity of the language
and environment - and its great community, of course! Despite the fact
that I have to use other tools because of my habits, environment,
colleagues, students, and customers, I keep running Pharo almost every
day, testing the ideas - it became a habit. I think that the consortium
is well aware of the important things to make Pharo a feasible toolset
for serious development, like stability, the proper GUI support, and
In my own experience, Pharo as a language is pretty mature. In every-day
situation with Pharo I deal with small challenges like remembering how
to change all spaces with hyphens in a String - as I do in other
languages when I try to remember all the methods that are already made
for me in a certain language/libraries. This is not a problem.
The real challenge is somewhere else: it's the comprehension of all the
packages that are needed for a full-size project, from persistence to
GUI. When documentation is scarce you have to go more or less deep into
the code which I often find quite challenging. Besides commentaries, it
helps tremendously if developers would always use typed variables to
indicate API, like
properties: aDictionary
presentWith: aWAPresenter
instead of
properties: someProperties
presentWith: anObject
It's true that Pharo is not among "strongly typed" languages, however we
sometimes forget that typing is not just a technical thing to avoid
run-time errors, but it also gives information to other developers
what's going on in the code and who should be the receiver.
In some packages I also miss the use of superclasses - you can see that
a bunch of classes directly inherits from Object or some other general
class, however they could be organized in a better inheritance
hierarchies, thus additionaly explaining their common and individual
Both and many other concepts are nicely described in books Learning OOP
and Pharo with Style. I know that we are always eager to develop the
package and satisfied when it works - and then it's hard to find the
time to tie up these little pieces. I hope I don't sound too patronizing
- I'm the same myself.
Years ago Borland made a breakthrough with Turbo Pascal and Turbo C. For
both tools they prepared two sets of books: user manual and reference
manual. Books about Pharo are very nice and helpful, they are user
manuals. If all the crucial packages would respect typed variables and
class hierarchies, we won't need reference manuals at all :-)
So, yeah, I think that the tipping point for Pharo is the question of
how much time a developer should use to rediscover the behaviour which
is already there.
Best wishes