Hi Mark,
Something you may want to consider in the future is to use Docker. You can
easily deploy Docker images with Pharo and you can also use
`docker-machine` to create and manage your AWS EC2 instances.
I recently wrote a blog post about that but with VA Smalltalk:
> On 29 May 2020, at 14:19, Mark Guzdial wrote:
> Thanks, Sven. Yes, there’s a big learning curve to be able to use your
> scripts, but they do seem powerful.
> I’m trying to work my way through your minimal-pharo-server-tools. I’m using
> these scripts right now:
> $ git clone htt
Thanks, Sven. Yes, there’s a big learning curve to be able to use your
scripts, but they do seem powerful.
I’m trying to work my way through your minimal-pharo-server-tools. I’m using
these scripts right now:
$ git clone https://github.com/svenvc/minimal-pharo-server-tools.git
$ ~/minimal-ph
Hmmmweird. My code was visible in preview. I did not look at the final
result after posting. Maybe I should not have used the tag.
| server client |
server := ZnWebSocket startServerOn: 1701 do: [ :webSocket |
[ webSocket runWith: [ :message | self crLog: 'Received message: ',
Hi Erik,
I am afraid I do not fully understand what your problem is.
Also, I see no code.
Server side, a web socket connection is automatically kept open (it has to be).
Client side, you should study #runWith: and how it is used.
Recently I added sending #ping keep alive message to the runWith
Sven or anyone else with experience with ZnWebSockets, a question regarding
ZnWebSocket usage.
I have the following code which sort of resembles my current usage of
ZnWebSockets. ZnWebSockets are used for both sending and receiving messages
in a random fashion (ie, no request-response like pattern
> On 29 May 2020, at 08:43, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> There is of course a significant learning curve here. You will need to
> understand what Metacello is, Monticello & Iceberg (GitHub) repositories,
> ConfigurationOfXXX & BaselineOfXXX.
> The books are good starting