Hi Erik,

I am afraid I do not fully understand what your problem is.

Also, I see no code.

Server side, a web socket connection is automatically kept open (it has to be).

Client side, you should study #runWith: and how it is used.

Recently I added sending #ping keep alive message to the runWith: loop (as 
browsers do the same).



> On 29 May 2020, at 12:39, Erik Stel <erik.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sven or anyone else with experience with ZnWebSockets, a question regarding
> ZnWebSocket usage.
> I have the following code which sort of resembles my current usage of
> ZnWebSockets. ZnWebSockets are used for both sending and receiving messages
> in a random fashion (ie, no request-response like pattern). Because the
> ZnWebSocket operates synchronous I fork 'handlers' which process the
> incoming messages. When executing the code below, the client closes the
> connection but will 'recognise' this itself only after a timeout (around 30
> seconds by default). Is there a better way to use ZnWebSockets which does
> not incur this delay?
> My current workaround (see comment at the bottom in code below) is to send
> an explicit "close" ZnWebSocketFrame instead of sending #close to the
> ZnWebSocket. This will have the client close 'directly', after which I can
> close the ZnWebSocket stream explicitly. The implementation of #close for
> ZnWebSocket is to perform both: send close frame and close stream. The later
> seems to 'stall' the receive message until timing out. The synchronous
> handling of incoming messages might be causing this. But could not directly
> find why closing the stream resulted in different behaviour than when only
> sending the close frame. (Hope this explanation is helpful ;-).
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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