[Pharo-users] how to open a system browser on a environment?

2019-08-28 Thread Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras
hi, i used to open a system browser with an environment i built the following environment earleyEnvironment | packageNames | packageNames := OrderedCollection with: BaselineOfEarleyParser package packageName. packageNames addAll: (BaselineOfEarleyParser project version packages collect: [ :each |

Re: [Pharo-users] Connection Timed Out

2019-08-28 Thread horrido
I did a bit of research on the web and I discovered that nginx can be unreliable due to default or inappropriate settings for certain timeout values. Currently, I'm testing a possible fix: set /keepalive_timeout/ to 90, rather than the default 65. So far, it seems to work, but I need further testin