I did a bit of research on the web and I discovered that nginx can be
unreliable due to default or inappropriate settings for certain timeout
values. Currently, I'm testing a possible fix: set /keepalive_timeout/ to
90, rather than the default 65. So far, it seems to work, but I need further

Ben Coman wrote
> On Wed, 28 Aug 2019 at 03:12, Richard Kenneth Eng <

> horrido.hobbies@

> >
> wrote:
>> I have a Teapot application running under Linux and nginx. From time to
>> time, I get the following error: *ConnectionTimedOut: Data receive timed
>> out.*
>> Otherwise, the Teapot application works fine, even with this error
>> message.
>> Can anyone tell me what or where it's timing out, and how can I change
>> the
>> timeout value?
> I'm not familiar with Teapot, but a screen snapshot might help.
> Hopefully someone else has some ideas.
> cheers -ben

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