what is RFB used for ? and can I load it in Pharo 7.
I could not find any documentation anywhere
When migrating an earlier application (pharo 6.1 to 7.0)
RFB was loaded in the ConfigurationOfApplication,(in 6.1)
However in Pharo 7, I manually loaded the required packages and loading
seems complet
--- Begin Message ---
Given the "What FP can learn..." demo, I decided to take another look at
Pharo. Needless to say, I'm pleasantly suprised by the progress. The
Launcher, in particular is impressive. Soon ran into an issue. On my pc
under Windows 10, double-clicks would rarely select a word. Sea
split (or splitOn) are working on characters, but also on regex and blocks!
'Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor' splitOn: '-| ' asRegex.
'Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor' splitOn: [:c | c isSpaceSeparator
or:[ c = $-] ].
Am Sa., 24. Nov. 2018 um 22:29 Uhr schrieb Roelof Wobben
hmm, I can split on the space or on
the - but not on both
'Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor' splitOn: '[- ]'
this does nothing
'Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor' splitOn: '- '
does work and
this one looks very promosing : self assert: ('foobar' splitOn:
Op 24-11-2018 om 22:07 schreef Nicolai Hess:
What have you tried so far?
There is a split meth
--- Begin Message ---
Never realized we had that method in the image!
Benoît St-Jean
Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean
Twitter: @BenLeChialeux
Pinterest: benoitstjean
Instagram: Chef_Benito
IRC: lamneth
Blogue: endormitoire.wordpress.com
"A standpoint is an intellectual
This works! Everything is copacetic.
On Fri, 23 Nov 2018 at 04:02, horrido wrote:
> Okay, I've resolved everything. First, the reason why I'm getting the
> 'pthread_setschedparam failed' error when I run Pharo under Debian is
> because it must be run as 'root'! Don't ask me w
What have you tried so far?
There is a split method in pharo, with examples :)
Am Sa., 24. Nov. 2018 um 21:49 Uhr schrieb Roelof Wobben :
> Hello,
> For a acronym maker challenge on exercism.io I have to make acronyms.
> But I see I have to split the parts on space and when it's a word with a
--- Begin Message ---
You need to add something like this in class String:
rejectForAcronymsWords: aCollectionOfUnwantedWords
'An example with an unwanted particle at the start of a sentence and also one
in the middle' rejectForAcronymsWords: #('a' 'an' 'the' 'in' 'of' 'at'
For a acronym maker challenge on exercism.io I have to make acronyms.
But I see I have to split the parts on space and when it's a word with a
- then I have to split on that,
Any hint how I can do that ?
Of course, that's my preference, too, but I have to take whatever I can get.
I'm working against the clock and I need the very best help I can find.
And, yes, the most important consideration is success. The basic philosophy
I work with is this: A rising tide lifts all boats.
Richard Sargent wr
Indeed, Lorenzo Schiavina has expressed interest in modelling a similar
competition in Italy with my competition material! This was the vision I had
three years ago.
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
> Yes, as I told that would be a big deviation from the vision, but also a
> way to bridge i
How can I "attach a repository" to project pharo?
In a fresh pharo 7 image I get this message on clicking the "history"
button on a method in calypse:
[image: grafik.png]
btw, the "atttached" has three t's :)
And wouldn't it be better, to show an error dialog instead of a debugger
stacktrace, i
By the way, after looking at password hashing algorithms and what the experts
say about them, I've decided to implement an interface to the Argon2 library
(see https://password-hashing.net/argon2-specs.pdf for a whitepaper). The
algorithm is designed to be far more resistant against cracking than m
And if the video came from an event is in Latin America we would have
mostly young and mature Latino males, as we are also struggling in
gender and other kinds of inclusiveness. The diversity problem is a big one.
On 24/11/18 6:44, Norbert Hartl wrote:
> For an event like this whi
Yes, as I told that would be a big deviation from the vision, but also a
way to bridge it with the community. Anyway making a pretty localized
competition in a Smalltalk variant for a particular population of a
specific country is also a way to promote Smalltalk and after done it
will bring lessons
On Sat, Nov 24, 2018, 10:27 Mariano Martinez Peck
> On Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 9:54 AM horrido wrote:
>> All of these are good ideas. But they deviate from my vision. At any
>> rate, my
>> competition idea was a big hit in Salta, and I am committed to moving
>> forward with it.
>> Since nobod
On Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 9:54 AM horrido wrote:
> All of these are good ideas. But they deviate from my vision. At any rate,
> my
> competition idea was a big hit in Salta, and I am committed to moving
> forward with it.
> Since nobody has stepped up to the plate, David Buck will try to find tim
All of these are good ideas. But they deviate from my vision. At any rate, my
competition idea was a big hit in Salta, and I am committed to moving
forward with it.
Since nobody has stepped up to the plate, David Buck will try to find time
to code the competition. However, progress will be slow be
> On 24 Nov 2018, at 12:30, Sanjay Minni wrote:
> Also has Seaside REST been ported for Pharo 7 ?
> as I see there is a line in Catalog Browser 'SeasideREST' but there is an
> error while trying to install
Somebody put old configurations in that catalog then, because ‘SeasideREST’
OK ... just managed to load 'REST' by executing in the playground:
(ConfigurationOfSeaside3 project version: '3.2.4' ) load: 'REST'.
Sanjay Minni wrote
> Hi Johan,
> I couldnt figure out how to load Seaside 'REST' group on readme,
> So could you pls help me with the command to load 'REST' (
For an event like this which is one day long people won‘t arrive from far. So
it is expected to see most people being caucasian.
Hackathons usually attract more young people I guess. We are working on the
gender but is still not easy as it just started that women come back to the
Where can I find RFB for Pharo 7
Regards, Sanjay
Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html
Hi Johan,
I couldnt figure out how to load Seaside 'REST' group on readme,
So could you pls help me with the command to load 'REST' (explicitly) in
Pharo 7.
(... yes I am beginner level in pharo)
Also has Seaside REST been ported for Pharo 7 ?
as I see there is a line in Catalog Browser 'Seasi
Hi Sanjay,
Ok, that’s the latest release.
However, I assume you are upgrading from an earlier version… which version were
you using before?
Since Seaside 3.2.0 (I believe to recall), we made the default load of Seaside
much lighter, requiring you to load additional groups explicitly. Before, al
Thru monticello browser it shows
ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.335 bugfix release 3.2.4
Repository: smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pharo/MetaRepoForPharo70/main
if that helps
Sanjay Minni wrote
> Johan,
> I am installing by going to Pharo 7.0.0rc1->Catalog Browser right click on
> seasi
I am installing by going to Pharo 7.0.0rc1->Catalog Browser right click on
seaside3 and selecting install stable version. From the messages I presume
its installing 3.2.4
if you can tell me how to figure out the Version and Repository I will get
the info.
Johan Brichau-2 wrote
> Sanjay,
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