I look into the patch again and have some comments.
+ Size oid_cmp_len = sizeof(Oid) * ind1->ncolumns;
+ return ind1->ncolumns == ind2->ncolumns &&
+ ind1->unique == ind2->unique &&
+ memcmp(ind1->indexkeys, ind2->indexkeys, sizeof(int) *
In function plan_union_children(),
I found the lcons and list_delete_first here is easy to be replaced by lappend
and list_delete_last.
And I also found a previous commit do similar thing, so I try to improve this
Previous commit:
Best regar
I take a look into the patch, and here some comments.
+ ereport(WARNING,
+ (errmsg("could not wait for the termination of the
backend with PID %d within %ld milliseconds",
+ pid, timeout)));
The code use %ld to print in
> > + ereport(WARNING,
> > + (errmsg("could not wait for the termination of the
> backend with PID %d within %ld milliseconds",
> > + pid, timeout)));
> > The code use %ld to print int64 type.
> > How about use INT64_FORMAT, which looks more
> I changed the status to 'wait on anthor'.
> The others of the patch LGTM,
> I think it can be changed to Ready for Committer again, when this comment
> is confirmed.
I am Sorry I forgot a possible typo comment.
+{ oid => '16386', descr => 'terminate a backend process and wait for it\'s
-however only superusers can terminate superuser backends.
+however only superusers can terminate superuser backends. When no
+wait and timeout are
+provided, only SIGTERM is sent to the backend with the given process
+ID and false is returned immediatel
When test pg_terminate_backend_and_wait with parallel query.
I noticed that the function is not defined as parallel safe.
I am not very familiar with the standard about whether a function should be
parallel safe.
But I found the following function are all defined as parallel safe:
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world: tested, passed
Implements feature: tested, passed
Spec compliant: tested, passed
Documentation:not tested
Thanks for the new patch, the patch LGTM and works as expected
+ /*
+* Flag to let the planner know that the SELECT query is for CTAS. This
+* used to calculate the tuple transfer cost from workers to gather
+* case parallelism kicks in for the SELECT part of the CTAS), to zero
+* each worker will inse
> > 4.
> > A suggestion for CacheLineInfo.
> >
> > It use appendBinaryStringXXX to store the line in memory.
> > appendBinaryStringXXX will double the str memory when there is no enough
> spaces.
> >
> > How about call enlargeStringInfo in advance, if we already know the whole
> line size?
> > It c
> > I'm not quite sure how to address this. Can we not allow the planner
> > to consider that the select is for CTAS and check only after the
> > planning is done for the Gather node and other checks?
> >
> IIUC, you are saying that we should not influence the cost of gather node
> even when the
Since ba3e76c,
the optimizer call generate_useful_gather_paths instead of
generate_gather_paths() outside.
But I noticed that some comment still talking about generate_gather_paths not
I think we should fix these comment, and I try to replace these "
+ allow = ps && IsA(ps, GatherState) && !ps->ps_ProjInfo &&
+ plannedstmt->parallelModeNeeded &&
+ plannedstmt->planTree &&
+ IsA(plannedstmt->planTree, Gather) &&
> Currently, for CTAS or CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW(CMV) without if-not-exists
> clause, the existence of the relation gets checked during the execution
> of the select part and an error is thrown there.
> All the unnecessary rewrite and planning for the select part would have
> happened just to fail
> IMO, let's not change the 1) behaviour to 3) with the patch. If agreed,
> I can do the following way in ExplainOneUtility and will add a comment on
> why we are doing this.
> if (es->analyze)
> (void) CheckRelExistenceInCTAS(ctas, true);
> Thoughts?
Just in case, I took
> Attaching v11 patch set. Please review it further.
Currently with the patch, we can allow parallel CTAS when topnode is Gather.
When top-node is Append and Gather is the sub-node of Append, I think we can
still enable
Parallel CTAS by pushing Parallel CTAS down to the sub-node Gather, such
> Thanks for the append use case.
> Here's my analysis on pushing parallel inserts down even in case the top
> node is Append.
> For union cases which need to remove duplicate tuples, we can't push the
> inserts or CTAS dest receiver down. If I'm not wrong, Append node is not
> doing duplicat
> From: Hou, Zhijie [mailto:houzj.f...@cn.fujitsu.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 7:30 PM
> To: Bharath Rupireddy
> Cc: Amit Kapila ; Luc Vlaming ;
> PostgreSQL-development ; Zhihong Yu
> ; Dilip Kumar
> Subject: RE: Parallel Inserts in CREATE TABLE AS
> Discussion here is on the point - whether to show up the invalidated
> connections in the output of the new postgres_fdw_get_connections()
> function? If we were to show, then because of the solution we proposed for
> the connection leak problem in [1], will the invalidated entries be shown
I have an issue about the existing testcase.
-- Test that alteration of server options causes reconnection SELECT c3, c4
FROM ft1 ORDER BY c3, c1 LIMIT 1; -- should work ALTER SERVER loopback OPTIONS
(SET dbname 'no such database'); SELECT c3, c4 FROM ft1 ORDER BY c3, c1 LIMIT
1; -- s
The cfbost seems complains about the testcase:
Command exited with code 1
perl dumpregr.pl
=== $path ===\ndiff -w -U3
--- C:/projects/postgresql/src/test/reg
> Posting an updated set of patches to address recent feedback:
> - Removed conditional-locking code used in parallel-safety checking code
> (Tsunakawa-san feedback). It turns out that for the problem test case, no
> parallel-safety checking should be occurring that locks relations because
> Added this to commitfest, in case it is useful -
> https://commitfest.postgresql.org/31/2856/
I have an issue about the safety of enable parallel select.
I checked the [parallel insert into select] patch.
It seems parallel select is not allowed whe
I have an issue about the parallel-safety checks.
If target table is foreign table or temporary table,
rel_max_parallel_hazard_for_modify will return PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE,
which not only disable parallel insert but also disable underlying parallel
+create temporary table temp_names (l
> > I may be wrong, and if I miss sth in previous mails, please give me some
> hints.
> > IMO, serial insertion with underlying parallel SELECT can be
> > considered for foreign table or temporary table, as the insertions only
> happened in the leader process.
> >
> I don't think we support
> Thanks for taking a look at the patch.
> The intention of the patch is to just enable the parallel mode while planning
> the select part of the materialized view, but the insertions do happen in
> the leader backend itself. That way even if there's temporary tablespace
> gets created, we have
> Yes this optimization can be done, I will handle this in the next patch
> set.
I have a suggestion for the parallel safety-check.
As designed, The leader does not participate in the insertion of data.
If User use (PARALLEL 1), there is only one worker process which will do the
> see new version in attachment.
I took a look into the patch, and have some comments.
+ {
+ copy_fmstate = NULL; /* Detect problems */
I don't quite understand this comment,
does it means we want to detect something like Null reference ?
> Yeah without explain analyze we can not show whether the parallelism is
> picked in the test cases. What we could do is that we can add a plain RMV
> test case in write_parallel.sql after CMV so that at least we can be ensured
> that the parallelism will be picked because of the enforcement there
> wrt v18-0002patch:
> It looks like this introduces a state machine that goes like:
> - possibly moves to CTAS_PARALLEL_INS_SELECT
> - if both were added at some stage, we can go
I found a possible typo in the comment of ReorderBufferProcessTXN().
* relmapper has no "historic" view, in contrast to normal
* the normal catalog during decoding. Thus repeated
Is there an extra ‘normal’ in the comment ?
in contrast to normal the normal catalog during decoding == >> in co
> > For v20-0001-Parallel-Inserts-in-CREATE-TABLE-AS.patch :
> >
> > ParallelInsCmdEstimate :
> >
> > + Assert(pcxt && ins_info &&
> > +
> >
> > Sinc the if condition is c
> > I think it makes sense.
> >
> > And if the check about ' ins_cmd == xxx1 || ins_cmd == xxx2' may be
> > used in some places, How about define a generic function with some comment
> to mention the purpose.
> >
> > An example in INSERT INTO SELECT patch:
> > +/*
> > + * IsModifySupportedInParalle
> >
> > + /* Okay to parallelize inserts, so mark it. */
> > + ((DR_intorel *) dest)->is_parallel = true;
> >
> > +
> PSA the v11 patch for the Tablesync Solution1.
> Difference from v10:
> - Addresses several recent review comments.
> - pg_indent has been run
I took a look into the patch and have some comments.
* So the state progression is always: INIT -> DATASYNC -> SYNCWAIT ->
- *
> PSA the v12 patch for the Tablesync Solution1.
> Differences from v11:
> + Added PG docs to mention the tablesync slot
> + Refactored tablesync slot drop (done by
> DropSubscription/process_syncing_tables_for_sync)
> + Fixed PG docs mentioning wrong state code
> + Fixed wrong code comm
Attaching v6 patches with the changes:
* rebase the code on the greg's latest parallel insert patch.
* fix some code comment.
* add some test to cover the partitioned table.
Please consider it for further review.
Best regards,
> hi,
> Here we go, my first patch... solves
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/7d6fdc20-857c-4cbe-ae2e-c0ff9520
> e...@www.fastmail.com
partitioned_table_reloptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate)
+ static const relopt_parse_elt tab[] = {
+ {"parallel_worke
I found some issue in v9-0002
+ elog(DEBUG1, "[Worker] Processing - line position:%d, block:%d,
unprocessed lines:%d, offset:%d, line size:%d",
+write_pos, lineInfo->first_block,
I found some possible typo in procarray.c and xlogreader.h
- * For VACUUM separate horizons (used to to decide which deleted tuples must
+ * For VACUUM separate horizons (used to decide which deleted tuples must
- * Callers supply a page_read callback if they want to to call
+ *
(sorry forget to cc the hacklist)
> Improve psql \df to choose functions by their arguments
I think this is useful.
I found some comments in the patch.
> * Abbreviations of common types is permitted (because who really likes
> to type out "character varying"?), so the above could also b
> my $bytes = $ARGV[0];
> for(my $i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i+=8){
> print "longdata";
> }
> print "\n";
> postgres=# copy longdata from program 'perl /tmp/longdata.pl 1'
> with (parallel 2);
> This gets stuck forever (or at least I didn't have the patience to wait
I notice that there are no Nullif case in eval_const_expression.
Since Nullif is similar to Opexpr and is easy to implement,
I try add this case in eval_const_expressions_mutator.
Best regards,
Description: 0001-patch-eval-NULLIF.patch
Hi Vignesh,
I took a look at the v10 patch set. Here are some comments:
+ * CheckExprParallelSafety
+ *
+ * Determine if where cluase and default expressions are parallel safe & do not
+ * have volatile expressions, return true if condition satisfies else return
+ * false.
+ */
I'm very interested in this feature,
and I'm looking at the patch, here are some comments.
+ if (!TupIsNull(outerTupleSlot))
+ {
+ (void)
node->ps.dest->receiveSlot(outerTupleSlot, node->ps.dest);
I have an issue about the following code:
econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;
+ if (ISCTAS(node->ps.intoclause))
+ {
+ ExecParallelInsertInCTAS(node);
+ return NULL;
+ }
/* If no projection is
Hi ,
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 7:47 AM Hou, Zhijie
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have an issue about the following code:
> >
> > econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;
> > ResetExprContext(econte
> > I took a deep look at the projection logic.
> > In most cases, you are right that Gather node does not need projection.
> >
> > In some rare cases, such as Subplan (or initplan I guess).
> > The projection will happen in Gather node.
> >
> > The example:
> >
> > Create table test(i int);
I found IncrementalSortPath type is not analyzed in outNode.
It does not matter during runtime though.
Just for the convenience of debugging,
when debug by gdb, we can use "call pprint(incresortpath)" to list the node
So I try to support IncrementalSortPath in outNode.
Best regards,
> Attaching v21 patch set, which has following changes:
> 1) 0001 - changed fpes->ins_cmd_type ==
> PARALLEL_INSERT_CMD_CREATE_TABLE_AS to fpes->ins_cmd_type !=
> 2) 0002 - reworded the commit message.
> 3) 0003 - added cmin, xmin test case to one of the parallel insert
> > I notice that there are no Nullif case in eval_const_expression.
> > Since Nullif is similar to Opexpr and is easy to implement, I try add
> > this case in eval_const_expressions_mutator.
> I think this patch should be about a tenth the size. Try modeling it on
> the T_SubscriptingRef-etc c
> > I think this patch should be about a tenth the size. Try modeling it
> > on the T_SubscriptingRef-etc case, ie, use ece_generic_processing and
> > then ece_evaluate_expr to cover the generic cases. OpExpr is common
> > enough to deserve specially optimized code, but NullIf isn't, so shorter
> Also PSA some detailed logging evidence of some test scenarios involving
> Drop/AlterSubscription:
> + Test-20210112-AlterSubscriptionRefresh-ok.txt =
> AlterSubscription_refresh which successfully drops a tablesync slot
> + Test-20210112-AlterSubscriptionRefresh-warning.txt =
> AlterSubscription
In function fetch_table_list, it get the table names from publicer and return a
list of tablenames.
When append the name to the list, it use the following code:
nspname = TextDatumGetCString(slot_getattr(slot, 1, &isnull));
relname = TextDatumGetCSt
> I am not exactly sure of the concern. (If the extra info below does not
> help can you please describe your concern with more details).
> This [v14] patch code/feature is only referring to the immediate stopping
> of only the *** "tablesync" *** worker (if any) for any/each table being
> remov
> >>> Your observation seems correct to me, though I have not tried to
> >>> test your patch.
> >>
> >> +1 to apply, this looks correct and passes tests. Scanning around I
> >> +didn't see
> >> any other occurrences of the same pattern.
> >
> > Thanks. I am thinking to backpatch this even though t
I found a possible typo in reorderbuffer.c
* has got a combocid. Combocid's are only valid for the duration of a
Combocid's ==>> Combocids
Attatching a small patch to correct it.
Best regards,
Description: 0001-fix-typo.patch
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 5:36 PM Li Japin wrote
> > Do we really need to access PUBLICATIONRELMAP in this patch? What if
> > we just set it to false in the else condition of (if (publish &&
> > (relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE || pub->pubviaroot)))
> >
> > Thank for you review. I agree with
> We need to create the loopback3 with user mapping public, otherwise the
> test might become unstable as shown below. Note that loopback and
> loopback2 are not dropped in the test, so no problem with them.
> ALTER SERVER loopback OPTIONS (ADD use_remote_estimate 'off'); DROP
> SERVER loopbac
> >>> +1 to add it after "dropped (Note )", how about as follows
> >>> with slight changes?
> >>>
> >>> dropped (Note that server name of an invalid connection can be NULL
> >>> if the server is dropped), and then such .
> >>
> >> Yes, I like this one. One question is; "should" or "is"
Thanks for the review.
> It's a bit unfortunate now that between OpExpr, DistinctExpr, NullIfExpr,
> and to a lesser extent ScalarArrayOpExpr we will now have several different
> implementations of nearly the same thing, without any explanation why one
> approach was chosen here and another th
> Thanks for the feedback.
> Posting an updated set of patches. Changes are based on feedback, as detailed
> below:
It seems there are some previous comments[1][2] not addressed in current patch.
Just to make sure it's not missed.
> Attaching v15 patch set. Please consider it for further review.
I have some comments for the 0001 patch
In v15-0001-postgres_fdw-function-to-discard-cached-connecti
+ If there is no open connection to the given foreign server,
+ is returned. If no foreign server with th
> > > Attaching v15 patch set. Please consider it for further review.
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I have some comments for the 0001 patch
> >
> > In v15-0001-postgres_fdw-function-to-discard-cached-connecti
> >
> > 1.
> > + If there is no open connection to the given foreign server,
> false
> > +
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > > > I may be wrong, and if I miss sth in previous mails, please give
> > > > > me some
> > > > hints.
> > > > > IMO, serial insertion with underlying parallel SELECT can be
> > > > > considered for foreign table or temporary table, as the
> > > > > insertions only
> > > > happe
> > So I think we're saying that if the target table is a foreign table or
> > temporary table, it can be regarded as PARALLEL_RESTRICTED, right?
> >
> Yes
> IMO, PARALLEL_RESTRICTED currently enable parallel select but disable
> parallel insert.
> So, the INSERT only happen in leader worker
> >
> > +
> > + index_oid_list = RelationGetIndexList(rel);
> > ...
> >
> > As memtioned in the comments of RelationGetIndexList:
> > * we return a copy of the list palloc'd in the caller's context. The
> > caller
> > * may list_free() the returned list after scanning it.
> >
> > Shall we li
I took a look at v12-0001 patch, here are some comments:
+ /*
+* Setup the context used in finding the max parallel-mode hazard.
+ Assert(initial_max_parallel_hazard == 0 ||
+ initial_max_parallel_hazard == PROPARALLEL_SAFE ||
> > And there seems another solution for this:
> >
> > In the patch, We only use the { ii_Expressions , ii_NumIndexAttrs ,
> > ii_IndexAttrNumbers } from the IndexInfo, which seems can get from
> "Relation-> rd_index".
> >
> > Based on above, May be we do not need to call BuildIndexInfo to build
After doing some test to cover the code path in the PATCH 0001.
I have some suggestions for the 0002 testcase.
+ /* Check parallel-safety of any expressions in the
partition key */
+ if (get_partition_col_attnum(pkey, i) == 0)
When reading the code of rel_max_parallel_hazard_for_modify in 0001.
I thought there are so many places call table_close().
Personally, It's a little confused to me.
Do you think it's better to do the table_open/close outside of
rel_max_parallel_hazard_for_modify ?
static bool rel_m
I have an issue of the check about column default expressions.
+ if (command_type == CMD_INSERT)
+ {
+ /*
+* Column default expressions for columns in the target-list are
+* already being checked for parallel-safety in the
> I think we can allow parallel insert in this case, because the column value
> is determined according to the DEFAULT definition of the target table
> specified in the INSERT statement. This is described here:
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/sql-createtable.html
> "Defaults may be s
When testing the patch with the following kind of sql.
Insert into part_table select 1;
Insert into part_table select generate_series(1,1,1);
Insert into part_table select * from testfunc();
we usually use these sqls to initialize the table or for testing purpose.
Personally I t
> I found a possible typo in reorderbuffer.c
> * has got a combocid. Combocid's are only valid for the duration
> of a
> Combocid's ==>> Combocids
> Attatching a small patch to correct it.
Ping again, just in case it’s missed.
> >> Combocid's ==>> Combocids
> >
> > Ping again, just in case it’s missed.
> There are in the comments "ComboCIDs", "combocids" and "ComboCids" on top
> of the existing Combocid's. Your patch introduces a fourth way of writing
> that. It may be better to just have one way to govern them all.
> From: Amit Kapila
> > Good question. I think if we choose to have a separate parameter for
> > DML, it can probably a boolean to just indicate whether to enable
> > parallel DML for a specified table and use the parallel_workers
> > specified in the table used in SELECT.
> Agreed.
I have
> > Hi
> >
> > I have an issue about the parameter for DML.
> >
> > If we define the parameter as a tableoption.
> >
> > For a partitioned table, if we set the parent table's parallel_dml=on,
> > and set one of its partition parallel_dml=off, it seems we can not divide
> the plan for the separate t
Attatching v1 patches, introducing options which let user manually control
whether to use parallel dml.
About the patch:
1. add a new guc option: enable_parallel_dml (boolean)
2. add a new tableoption: parallel_dml (boolean)
The default of both is off(false).
User can set enable_paralle
> Hi,
> Attatching v1 patches, introducing options which let user manually control
> whether to use parallel dml.
> About the patch:
> 1. add a new guc option: enable_parallel_dml (boolean) 2. add a new
> tableoption: parallel_dml (boolean)
>The default of both is off(false).
> User
Hi greg,
Thanks for the review !
> Personally, I think a table's "parallel_dml" option should be ON by default.
> It's annoying to have to separately enable it for each and every table being
> used, when I think the need to turn it selectively OFF should be fairly
> rare.
Yes, I agreed.
When developing the reloption patch, I noticed some issues in the patch.
> - Reduce Insert parallel-safety checks required for some SQL, by noting
> that the subquery must operate on a relation (check for RTE_RELATION in
> subquery range-table)
+ foreach(lcSub, rte-
> > IMO, It seems more readable to extract all the check that we can do
> > before the safety-check and put them in the new function.
> >
> > Please consider it for further review.
> >
> I've updated your v2 patches and altered some comments and documentation
> changes (but made no code changes)
> I've had a further look at this, and this walker function is doing a lot
> of work recursing the parse tree, and I'm not sure that it reliably retrieves
> the information that we;re looking for, for all cases of different SQL
> queries. Unless it can be made much more efficient and specific to
Attaching v5 patches with the changes:
* rebase the code on the greg's latest parallel insert patch
* fix some code style.
Please consider it for further review.
Best regards,
Description: v5_0004-reloption-parallel_dml-tes
> For v3_0003-reloption-parallel_dml-src.patch :
> + table_close(rel, NoLock);
> Since the rel would always be closed, it seems the return value from
> RelationGetParallelDML() can be assigned to a variable, followed by call to
> table_close(), then the return statement.
Thanks for the commen
I took a look into the hasModifyingCTE bugfix recently,
and found a possible bug case without the parallel insert patch.
drop table if exists test_data1;
create table test_data1(a int, b int) ;
insert into test_data1 select generate_series(1,1000), generate_
> > I took a look into the hasModifyingCTE bugfix recently, and found a
> > possible bug case without the parallel insert patch.
> >
> > -
> > drop table if exists test_data1;
> > create table test_data1(a int, b int) ; insert into test_data1 select
> > generate_seri
> >
> > static Query *
> > rewriteRuleAction(Query *parsetree,
> > ...
> > if (sub_action_ptr)
> > + {
> > *sub_action_ptr = sub_action;
> > + rule_action->hasModifyingCTE |=
> parsetree->hasModifyingCTE;
> > +
> > >
> > > static Query *
> > > rewriteRuleAction(Query *parsetree,
> > > ...
> > > if (sub_action_ptr)
> > > + {
> > > *sub_action_ptr = sub_action;
> > > + rule_action->hasModifyingCTE |=
> > parsetree->hasModif
> Posting an updated set of patches.
A minor comment about doc.
+Where the above target table features are determined to be, at worst,
+parallel-restricted, rather than parallel-unsafe, at least a parallel table
+scan may be used in the query plan for the INSERT
+statement. Fo
> > Did it actually use a parallel plan in your testing?
> > When I ran these tests with the Parallel INSERT patch applied, it did
> > not naturally choose a parallel plan for any of these cases.
> Yes, these cases pick parallel plan naturally on my test environment.
> postgres=# explain verb
> > > postgres=# explain verbose insert into testscan select a from x
> > > where
> > > a<8 or (a%2=0 and a>19990);
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > Till now, what I found is that:
> > With tang's conf, when doing parallel insert, the walrecord is more
> > than serial insert (IMO, this is the main reason why it has
> > performance degradation) See the attatchment for the plan info.
> >
> > I have tried alter the target table to unlogged and
> > --
> > postgres=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_indexes_size('testscan_index'));
> > pg_size_pretty
> >
> > 4048 kB
> > (1 row)
> >
> > postgres=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('testscan_index'));
> > pg_size_pretty
> >
> > 4768 kB
> > >
> > > else if (IsA(node, Query))
> > > {
> > > Query *query = (Query *) node;
> > >
> > > /* SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE must be treated as unsafe */
> > > if (query->rowMarks != NULL)
> > > {
> > > context->max_hazard = PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE;
> What are the results if disable the bitmap heap scan(Set enable_bitmapscan
> = off)? If that happens to be true, then we might also want to consider
> if in some way we can teach parallel insert to cost more in such cases.
> Another thing we can try is to integrate a parallel-insert patch with th
> > > It did have performance gain, but I think it's not huge enough to
> > > ignore the extra's index cost.
> > > What do you think ?
> >
> > Yes... as you suspect, I'm afraid the benefit from parallel bitmap
> > scan may not compensate for the loss of the parallel insert operation.
> >
> > The lo
In (/contrib/bloom/blutils.c:277), I found it use DatumGetInt32 to get UInt32
Is it more appropriate to use DatumGetUInt32 here?
See the attachment for the patch
Bes regards,
Description: 0001-DatumGetUInt32.patch
Hi hackers
In(/src/bin/scripts/reindexdb.c; /src/backend/access/rmgrdesc/dbasedesc.c;
I found some more places that should use appendPQExrBufferStr instead of
Here is the patch.
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