Re: [PATCH] add relation and block-level filtering to pg_waldump

2022-02-28 Thread Cary Huang
he given relation" just to make it sound more formal. :) best Cary Huang -- HighGo Software Canada

Re: pg_rewind copies

2020-12-15 Thread Cary Huang
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application: make installcheck-world: tested, passed Implements feature: tested, passed Spec compliant: tested, passed Documentation:not tested Hello The patch seems to do as described and the regression and

Re: Fix typo about WalSndPrepareWrite

2021-02-17 Thread Cary Huang
rrent timestamp to the reserved spot. This technique is used in WalSndWriteData() and also XLogSendPhysical()... so really it doesn't matter which function name to put in the comment. thank you! --- Cary Huang HighGo Software (Canada)

Re: [PATCH] Add --create-only option to pg_dump/pg_dumpall

2021-03-29 Thread Cary Huang
ly applies to CREATE DATABASE related commands, not CREATE TABLE or other objects. In the help menu, you can then elaborate more that this option "dump only the commands related to create database like ALTER, GRANT..etc" Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada)

Re: Terminate the idle sessions

2020-08-10 Thread Cary Huang
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application: make installcheck-world: tested, passed Implements feature: tested, passed Spec compliant: tested, passed Documentation:tested, passed I applied this patch to the PG13 branch and generally this fe

Re: Any objections to implementing LogicalDecodeMessageCB for pgoutput?

2020-09-04 Thread Cary Huang
. The attached tap test case is comprehensive and is passing. However, the patch does not apply well on the current master; I had to checkout to a much earlier commit to be able to patch correctly. The patch will need to be rebased to the current master. Thanks Cary Huang - HighGo

Re: [PATCH] Proof of concept for GUC improvements

2021-10-15 Thread Cary Huang
on_workers max_sync_workers_per_subscription jit_above_cost jit_inline_above_cost jit_optimize_above_cost log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_transaction_sample_rate Cary Huang - HighGo Software Canada

Re: add checkpoint stats of snapshot and mapping files of pg_logical dir

2021-11-29 Thread Cary Huang
s any harm having little extra statistical information about the checkpoint process. In fact, it could be useful in identifying a bottleneck during the checkpoint process as the stats exactly the time taken to do the file IO in pg_logical dir. best Cary Huang

Re: Setting min/max TLS protocol in clientside libpq

2020-01-02 Thread cary huang
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application: make installcheck-world: tested, passed Implements feature: tested, passed Spec compliant: not tested Documentation:tested, passed Hello I have applied the patch and did some basic testing with v

Re: [Proposal] Table-level Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) and Key Management Service (KMS)

2020-01-03 Thread cary huang
to figure out how many times "EVP_EncryptUpdate" should be called and finalize it with "EVP_EncryptFinal" at last block. Lastly, I think we are missing a cleanup routine that calls "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free()" to free up the EVP_CIPHER_CTX when encryption is done. Thank you Cary Huang HighGo Software Canada

Re: [Proposal] Table-level Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) and Key Management Service (KMS)

2020-01-09 Thread cary huang
On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 4:43 AM Masahiko Sawada <> wrote: > On Sat, 4 Jan 2020 at 15:11, cary huang wrote: > >> > >> Hello Sawada and all > >> > >> I would like to elaborate more on Sehrope and Sawada's discussion

Re: [DOC] Add detail regarding resource consumption wrt max_connections

2024-01-12 Thread Cary Huang
ar effects. Instead of stating that higher max_connections results in higher allocation, It may be better to tell the user that if the value needs to be set much higher, consider increasing the "shared_buffers" setting as well. thank you --- Cary Huang Highgo Software Canada

Re: [Proposal] Allow pg_dump to include all child tables with the root table

2023-02-24 Thread Cary Huang
exclude partitions of the specified tables if any. thank you Cary Huang HighGo Software Canada

Re: pgbench - adding pl/pgsql versions of tests

2023-03-24 Thread Cary Huang
initialized pgbench database with --no-function, and plpgsql-tpcb-like and plpgsql-simple-update scripts will fail to run thanks Cary Huang === Highgo Software Canada

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2024-03-18 Thread Cary Huang
n and pg_stat_ssl both return timestampTz in whatever timezone PostgreSQL is running on, they do not always return UTC timestamps. Attached is the v10 patch with the above changes. Thanks again for the review. Best regards Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada)

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2024-03-19 Thread Cary Huang
int64 values with units of microseconds. (Once upon a time they were * double values with units of seconds.) but it seems to me that many of the timestamp related functions still consider timestamp or timestampTz as "double values with units of seconds" though. Best regards Cary

Re: Add last_commit_lsn to pg_stat_database

2024-04-05 Thread Cary Huang
e patch supports the recording of last commit lsn from 2 phase commit as well, but the test does not seem to have a test on 2 phase commit. In my opinion, it should test whether the last commit lsn increments when a prepared transaction is committed in addition to a regular transaction. thank yo

Re: Encoding protection for pgcrypto

2024-02-09 Thread cary huang
ansaction. It may be ok to just give them a warning about invalid character encoding. thanks Cary Huang Highgo Software - Canada

[Patch] add multiple client certificate selection feature

2024-02-12 Thread Cary Huang
trust from specified "sslcertdir" and "sslkeydir" directories Please let me know what you think. Any comments / feedback are greatly appreciated. Best regards Cary Huang Highgo Software (Canada) v1-0001-multiple_client_certificate_selection_support.patch Description: Binary data

Re: [Patch] add multiple client certificate selection feature

2024-03-01 Thread Cary Huang
e welcome. Thank you! Best regards Cary Huang v2-0001-multiple_client_certificate_selection_support.patch Description: Binary data

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2024-03-08 Thread Cary Huang
It shall be okay to specifically set the outputs of pg_stat_ssl, ssl_client_get_notbefore, and ssl_client_get_notafte to be in GMT time zone. The not before and not after time stamps in a client certificate are generally expressed in GMT. Thank you! Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (

typo in paths.h

2024-03-12 Thread Cary Huang
Hello I noticed that the comment for declaring create_tidscan_paths() in src/include/optimizer/paths.h has a typo. The function is implemented in tidpath.c, not tidpath.h as stated, which does not exist. Made a small patch to correct it. Thank you Cary Huang - HighGo

Re: Patch: Global Unique Index

2023-01-12 Thread Cary Huang
nsert a conflicting tuple, no transaction lock wait will be triggered, and therefore no deadlock will happen. Regards Cary Huang --- HighGo Software Canada

Re: Patch: Global Unique Index

2023-01-13 Thread Cary Huang
ve the attach issue here, basically to allow ATTACH PARTITION CONCURRENTLY... regards Cary Huang - HighGo Software Canada

Re: pg_recvlogical prints bogus error when interrupted

2023-04-06 Thread Cary Huang
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application: make installcheck-world: tested, passed Implements feature: tested, passed Spec compliant: tested, passed Documentation:not tested Hello The patch applies and tests fine. I like the way to have b

Re: [PATCH] Allow Postgres to pick an unused port to listen

2023-05-05 Thread Cary Huang
I am actually not able to find out the port number that my PG is running on, at least not in a straight-forward way. thank you == Cary Huang HighGo Software

Re: pg_receivewal fail to streams when the partial file to write is not fully initialized present in the wal receiver directory

2022-03-31 Thread Cary Huang
a new .partial file. Also, in your patch, you are using pad_to_size argument in function dir_open_for_write to determine if it needs to create a temp file, but I see that this function is always given a pad_to_size = 16777216 , and never 0. Am I missing something? Cary Huang

Re: Add support for AT LOCAL

2023-09-22 Thread cary huang
checked out fine. Thank you Cary Huang -- Highgo Software Canada

Include sequence relation support in logical replication

2020-03-24 Thread Cary Huang
is done by setting SEQ_LOG_VALS to 0 in sequence.c I think the question is that should we minimize WAL update frequency (every 32 calls) for getting next value in a sequence at a cost of losing values during crash or being able to replicate a sequence relation properly at a cos

Re: Include sequence relation support in logical replication

2020-03-26 Thread Cary Huang
Hi Andres thanks for your reply and your patch review. Please see my comments below >On 2020-03-24 16:19:21 -0700, Cary Huang wrote: >> I have shared a patch that allows sequence relation to be supported in >> logical replication via the decoding plugin ( test_decoding f

Re: Internal key management system

2020-03-30 Thread Cary Huang
f (stat(KMGR_DIR, &st) != 0) + { + ereport(DEBUG1, + (errmsg("both directories %s and %s exist, use the newly wrapped keys", + KMGR_DIR, KMGR_TMP_DIR))); I think the error message should say "there is onl

Re: Let people set host(no)ssl settings from initdb

2020-04-06 Thread Cary Huang
e the "#ifndef HAVE_UNIX_SOCKETS" around its declaration as well so both function definition and declaration would make sense. #ifndef HAVE_UNIX_SOCKETS static char **filter_lines_with_token(char **lines, const char *token); #endif Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada)

Re: warn if GUC set to an invalid shared library

2022-01-28 Thread Cary Huang
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application: make installcheck-world: tested, passed Implements feature: tested, passed Spec compliant: tested, passed Documentation:not tested Hello I tested the patches on master branch on Ubuntu 18.04 and

Patch: Global Unique Index

2022-11-17 Thread Cary Huang
Patch: Global Unique Index “Global unique index” in our definition is a unique index on a partitioned table that can ensure cross-partition uniqueness using a non-partition key. This work is inspired by this email thread, “Proposal: Global Index” started back in 2019 (Link below). My colleag

Re: Patch: Global Unique Index

2022-11-23 Thread Cary Huang
:tps = 0.008209 -> regular unique index:tps = 0.054367 -> global unique index: tps = 57.740432 thank you very much and we hope this information could help clarify some concerns about this

Re: Patch: Global Unique Index

2022-11-24 Thread Cary Huang
On Thu, 24 Nov 2022 08:00:59 -0700 Thomas Kellerer wrote --- > Pavel Stehule schrieb am 24.11.2022 um 07:03: > > There are many Oracle users that find global indexes useful despite > > their disadvantages. > > > > I have seen this mostly when the goal was to get the benefi

Re: [PATCH] Simple code cleanup in tuplesort.c.

2022-11-25 Thread Cary Huang
fine as it is already set in sort_bounded_heap(state) few lines before. Cary Huang HighGo Software Canada

Re: Authentication fails for md5 connections if ~/.postgresql/postgresql.{crt and key} exist

2023-01-27 Thread Cary Huang
fault certificate I put "default" in the parameter name to indicate that it only applies to default certificate. If user specifies a non-default certificate using "sslcert" parameter, "defaultclientcert" should not be used and client should give error if both exists. Cary Huang HighGo Software Canada

Re: Avoid memory leaks during base backups

2022-10-14 Thread Cary Huang
valgrind on it while doing a basebackup with simulated error. No memory leak related to backup is observed. Regression is also passing thank you Cary Huang HighGo Software Canada

Re: allow specifying action when standby encounters incompatible parameter settings

2022-04-29 Thread Cary Huang
extend other possible actions such as automatically adjust to match the new value. - Cary Huang HighGo Software Canada

Re: Allowing REINDEX to have an optional name

2022-05-27 Thread Cary Huang
to prevent deadlock. At the end, give user a notification that system catalogs have not been reindexed, and tell them to use REINDEX SYSTEM instead. Cary Huang - HighGo Software Canada

Re: Switching XLog source from archive to streaming when primary available

2022-06-24 Thread Cary Huang
does bring some benefit during a very large REDO job where it will try to re-stream after restoring some WALs from archive to speed up this "catch up" process. But if the recovery job is not a large one, PG is already switching back to streaming once it hits consistent state. tha

Re: Add last failed connection error message to pg_stat_wal_receiver

2022-07-22 Thread Cary Huang
. thank you Cary Huang Highgo Software Canada

Re: Automatic notification of top transaction IDs

2021-09-17 Thread Cary Huang
transaction ID when they are spawned and they will not call this function anyway. thank you Cary Huang HighGo Software Canada


2021-07-23 Thread Cary Huang
T and RESTART option for CREATE SEQUENCE * could override the START value and cause confusion to user. Hence, * we throw an error for CREATE SEQUENCE if RESTART option is * specified; it can only be used with ALTER SEQUENCE. */ just a thought. thanks! - Cary

Re: postgres_fdw: Handle boolean comparison predicates

2021-08-20 Thread Cary Huang
appendStringInfoString(buf, " IS NULL)"); break; case IS_NOT_UNKNOWN: appendStringInfoChar(buf, '('); deparseExpr(node->arg, context); appendStringInfoString(buf, " IS NOT NULL)"); break; } just a thought thanks! --- Cary Huang HighGo Software Canada

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2023-07-10 Thread Cary Huang
src/test/ssl/t/ Yes, agreed, I added 2 additional tests in src/test/ssl/t/ to compare the notbefore and notafter outputs from sslinfo extension and pg_stat_ssl outputs. Both should be tested equal. Also added related documentation about the new not before and not a

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2023-07-14 Thread Cary Huang
essing the ssl tests to make "not before" and "not after" timestamps static in the test certificate and also adjusting to expect the new static timestamps in the v5 patches. I am able to apply both and all tests are passing. I did not know this test certificate could be chan

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2023-07-17 Thread Cary Huang
on your v5. "v6-0001-Set-fixed-dates-for-test-certificates-validity.patch" is exactly the same as "v5-0001-Set-fixed-dates-for-test-certificates-validity.patch", I just up the version to be consistent. thank you very much Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) cary.

Re: Extension Enhancement: Buffer Invalidation in pg_buffercache

2023-07-28 Thread Cary Huang
d with that table name. There will be permission checks as well so a user cannot pg_unwarm a table owned by someone else. User in this case won't be able to invalidate a particular buffer, but he/she should not have to as a regular user anyway. thanks! Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada)

Re: [ psql - review request ] review request for \d+ tablename, \d+ indexname indenting

2023-08-25 Thread Cary Huang
finitely cluster the output so much that it starts to become annoying. Are you planning to set a limit on how many levels of sub-partitions to print or just let it print as many as it needs? thank you Cary Huang --- Highgo Software Canada

Re: [Patch] add multiple client certificate selection feature

2024-04-11 Thread Cary Huang
-certificate-feature/ thank you Best regards Cary Huang v3-0001-multiple_client_certificate_selection_support.patch Description: Binary data

Support tid range scan in parallel?

2024-04-29 Thread Cary Huang
well. I am sharing the patch here and if someone could provide a quick feedback or review that would be greatly appreciated.   Thank you!   Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) v1-0001-add-parallel-tid-rangescan.patch D

Re: Logging which interface was connected to in log_line_prefix

2024-04-29 Thread Cary Huang
in a comment because In my test, if any of my interface's IPv6 address have consecutive zeroes like this: 2000::::::200:cafe/64, my network driver (Ubuntu 18.04) will format it as 2000::200:cafe, and the patch of course will read it as 2000::200:cafe, which is

Re: Support tid range scan in parallel?

2024-04-30 Thread Cary Huang
00..969595.42 rows=68648581 width=4) (actual time=4.489..9713.299 rows=9815 loops=1) Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 -> Parallel Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..969595.42 rows=28603575 width=4) (actual time=0.995..5541.178 rows=3272 loops=3) Filter: ((ctid >= '(1,0)'::tid) AND (ctid <= '(540540,100)'::tid)) Rows Removed by Filter: 62 Planning Time: 0.129 ms Execution Time: 12675.681 ms (8 rows) Best regards Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada)

Re: Support tid range scan in parallel?

2024-05-01 Thread Cary Huang
> This isn't a complete review. It's just that this seems enough to keep > you busy for a while. I can look a bit harder when the patch is > working correctly. I think you should have enough feedback to allow > that now. Thanks for the test, review and feedback. They are greatly appreciated!

Re: Support tid range scan in parallel?

2024-05-03 Thread Cary Huang
ed read=216217 I/O Timings: shared read=1155.321 -> Parallel Tid Range Scan on test (cost=0.01..256758.88 rows=1721 width=4) (actual time=0.098..2614.108 rows=1333 loops=3) TID Cond: ((ctid >= '(0,0)'::tid) AND (ctid < '(2

Re: Support tid range scan in parallel?

2024-05-08 Thread Cary Huang
2 rows=4 loops=1) Workers Planned: 3 Workers Launched: 3 Buffers: shared hit=11 -> Partial Aggregate (cost=12.72..12.73 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.563..0.565 rows=1 loops=4) Buffers: shared hit=11 -> Parallel Tid Range

Re: Support tid range scan in parallel?

2024-05-09 Thread Cary Huang
> I've not looked at the patch, but please add it to the July CF. I'll > try and look in more detail then. Thanks David, I have added this patch on July commitfest under the server feature category. I understand that the regression tests for parallel ctid range scan is a bit lacking now. It o

Re: Support tid range scan in parallel?

2024-05-14 Thread Cary Huang
nt results from parallel tests would be in multiples of 5. The attached v4 patch includes the improved regression tests. Thank you very much! Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) v4-0001-add-parallel-tid-rangescan.patch Description: Binary data

Re: Serverside SNI support in libpq

2024-05-24 Thread Cary Huang
_cert, ssl_key and ca_cert…etc settings in postgresql.conf are ignored? thank you Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada)

sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2022-08-19 Thread Cary Huang
m the currently connected client certificate. thank you! Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) v1-0001-sslinfo-add-notbefore-and-notafter-timestamps.patch Description: Binary data

Re: Mark a transaction uncommittable

2023-06-06 Thread Cary Huang
e could purposely change this default to false on a production session that needs transactions to absolutely commit, causing damages there. thank you Cary Huang -- Highgo Software Canada

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2023-06-23 Thread Cary Huang
o commitfest? What do you think? thank you Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) v2-0001-sslinfo-add-notbefore-and-notafter-timestamps.patch Description: Binary data v2-0002-pg-stat-ssl-add-notbefore-and-notafter-timestamps.patch Description: Binary data

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2023-06-23 Thread Cary Huang
> Yes, please add it to the July commitfest and feel free to set me as > Reviewer, > I intend to take a look at it. Thank you Daniel, I have added this patch to July commitfest under security category and added you as reviewer. best regards Cary Huang - HighGo Sof

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2023-06-30 Thread Cary Huang
d not fail now. > The new patchset isn't updating contrib/sslinfo/meson with the 1.3 update so > it > fails to build with Meson. Thanks again for pointing out, I have adjusted the meson build file to include the 1.3 update Please see attached patches for the fixes. Th

Re: [Patch] remove duplicated smgrclose

2024-08-23 Thread Cary Huang
physical files have just been deleted when smgrdounlinkall() completes, and we try to close something that has been deleted ?! --- Cary Huang Highgo software Canada

Re: Internal key management system

2020-06-18 Thread Cary Huang
raphic function within KMS and TDE so it is enough to finish initdb with intial WAl encrypted. This is just my thought how this KMS and TDE should look like.  Best Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) On T

Re: pg_dump --where option

2020-07-09 Thread Cary Huang
in the database and the same subquery works under psql. I also notice that the regression tests for pg_dump is failing due to the patch, I think it is worth looking into the failure messages and also add some test cases on the new "where" clause to ensure that it can cover as many use

Re: Internal key management system

2020-04-07 Thread Cary Huang
se. The new set of KEK and HMAC keys can then be used to encapsulate all 3 application level encryptions keys and store the new results in pg_cryptokeys directory. To rotate the cluster passphrase, user firstly needs to update  cluster_passphrase_command in the postgresql.conf and then

Re: Include sequence relation support in logical replication

2020-04-16 Thread Cary Huang
after. I will do more analysis on my end based on your comments and refine the patch with better test cases. Much appreciated of your help. Best regards Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) On Wed, 15 Apr 2020 22

Re: Internal key management system

2020-05-01 Thread Cary Huang
regards Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) On Tue, 07 Apr 2020 20:56:12 -0700 Ahsan Hadi <> wrote Hi Bruce/Joe, In the last meeting we discussed the need for improvi

Re: Include sequence relation support in logical replication

2020-05-08 Thread Cary Huang
more coverage on certain cases? thank you! Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 09:45:06 -0700 Cary Huang <> wrote Hi Craig, Andres Thank you guys so mu

Re: Internal key management system

2020-06-02 Thread Cary Huang
Ctx *) palloc0(sizeof(PgCipherCtx));   ctx->encctx = ossl_cipher_ctx_create(cipher, key, klen, true); ctx->decctx = ossl_cipher_ctx_create(cipher, key, klen, false); #endif   return ctx; } --

Re: Internal key management system

2020-02-06 Thread Cary Huang
Using passphrase instead of master key to encrypt and decrypt function will also make front end tool integration simpler, as the front end tool also do not need to know the master key so it does not need to derive KEK or unwrap the key...etc.  Not sure if you guys agree? Thanks! Cary Huang -

Re: Internal key management system

2020-02-18 Thread Cary Huang
ta. It is currently not possible for a user to obtain the wrapped key from the server in order to use these wrap/unwrap functions. I personally don't think it is a good idea to expose these functions to user thank you Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) mailt

Re: Internal key management system

2020-02-25 Thread Cary Huang
n KMS APIs to be used by a front end.  cheers Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:55:09 -0800 Masahiko Sawada wrote On Thu, 20 Feb 2020 at 16:16, Masahiko Sawada <mailto

[PATCH] Documentation bug related to client authentication using TLS certificate

2020-03-02 Thread Cary Huang
it does not verify server hostname and certificate common name match in this case. The attached patch corrects the clientcert authentication description in the documentation cheers Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) http

Re: Internal key management system

2020-03-02 Thread Cary Huang
tion server or somewhere secured and should be obtained promptly for cryptographic operations with pgcrypto. [same examples follow after...] ===== Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) On Tue, 25 Feb

Re: [PATCH] Documentation bug related to client authentication using TLS certificate

2020-03-03 Thread Cary Huang
method is set to "cert"  Please disregard this patch. thanks! Cary On Mon, 02 Mar 2020 19:23:37 -0800 Chris Bandy wrote Hi, Cary. On 3/2/20 1:06 PM, Cary Huang wrote: > Hi > > I found a document bug about client authentication using TLS > certif

Re: Improve pg_dump dumping publication tables

2020-10-13 Thread Cary Huang
is problem, because it simply queries a table's publication one at a time and do it a million times. thank you Cary Huang HighGo Software

minor problem in boolean cast

2020-10-23 Thread Cary Huang
.  ``` postgres=# select cast('of' as boolean); bool -- f (1 row) ``` Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) 0001-boolean-type-cast-fix.patch Description: Binary data

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2024-12-19 Thread Cary Huang
tz(X509_get0_notBefore(port->peer)); - *ptr = ASN1_TIME_to_timestamptz(X509_get_notAfter(port->peer)); + *ptr = ASN1_TIME_to_timestamptz(X509_get0_notAfter(port->peer)); can you make a rebase with the above changes? Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada)

Re: sslinfo extension - add notbefore and notafter timestamps

2025-03-10 Thread Cary Huang
The attached v14 is the rebased patch that updated the OpenSSL API calls to be compatible in version 1.1.1 (and beyond), which is the new minimum OpenSSL version supported in PostgreSQL. Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada) v14-0001-Add

Re: encode/decode support for base64url

2025-03-11 Thread Cary Huang
addition, you may also want to add the C versions of base64rul encode and decode functions to "src/common/base64.c" as new API calls so that the frontend, backend applications and extensions can also have access to these base64url conversions. Cary Huang - HighGo Software Inc. (Canada)