The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, passed
Implements feature:       tested, passed
Spec compliant:           tested, passed
Documentation:            tested, passed

I think it is good to warn the user about the increased allocation of memory 
for certain parameters so that they do not abuse it by setting it to a huge 
number without knowing the consequences.

It is true that max_connections can increase the size of proc array and other 
resources, which are allocated in the shared buffer, which also means less 
shared buffer to perform regular data operations. I am sure this is not the 
only parameter that affects the memory allocation. "max_prepared_xacts" can 
also affect the shared memory allocation too so the same warning message 
applies here as well. Maybe there are other parameters with similar effects. 

Instead of stating that higher max_connections results in higher allocation, It 
may be better to tell the user that if the value needs to be set much higher, 
consider increasing the "shared_buffers" setting as well.

thank you

Cary Huang
Highgo Software Canada

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