Hi all.
I'm new to this list and, first of all, I'm a new user of PostgreSQL.
The version I'm using is 8.2.3 and I've the necessity to retrieve, using an
application, the ID of a modified (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) record of a
triggered table. I wasn't able to find out a way to obtain the required I
ion in order to catch the
notice event?
From: Kenneth Downs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Luca Ciciriello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Retrieve the record ID
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:49:33 -0400
We have a system that sends back
Hi All.
My question is simple: can the function PQntuples returns a negative
integer? I've found in the PostgreSQL manual the following definition:
Returns the number of rows (tuples) in the query result.
int PQntuples(const PGresult *res);
So, my doubt is: if the return type is int instead of
I\'m trying to install PostgreSQL 8.2.3 on WindowsXP SP2 Media Center (2005
edition). I\'m administrator on this machine, but at the end of the
installation process it fails reporting the following error: \"Unable to
start the service. You must have Administrator rights\". Then the
Anybody know if is possible to install PostgreSQL in cluster mode on a
cluster formed by two windows server 2003 cluster?
Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f
Vivi i MONDIALI di ATLETICA di TOKYO da protagonista. Compra on line i
Thanks, setting it up as generic service make the clustering procedure to
work fine, but I'm still unable to relocate the data directory. We have
copied the DATA directory in the right path, but which variables I must
change? I've changed the variable about the path (now I'm not in the office
and d
Hi all.
I post it again, not sure to have posted it correctly the last time.
My problem is about installing PostgreSQL 8.2.3 on WIndows XP Mediacenter.
At the end of the installation, I get the following error: "unable to start
the service. Administrator right required".
Obviously I'm Administrat
No. Because after the error I've got, the installation rools back and also
the service "PostgreSQL Database Server 8.2" is uninstalled.
Thanks anyway.
- Original Message
Da: Andrei Kovalevski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: pgsql-general@post
Hi All.
I\'ve the necessity to use Crystal Report in my C++ project to report (in
PDF) some PostgreSQL table.
Any idea how to implement this functionality in my C++ project, or where I
can find some useful CR documentation?
All the Crystal Report documentation I found is about VisualBasic or C# AP
Hi All.
I've the necessity to call some functions of libpq.lib from my code. The
problem is that my code is Managed C++ (as defined by Microsoft VisualStudio
2005). Managed C++ has a very special memory management and I don't know if
using libpq.lib (an old C library) is a safe procedure. I've Alre
Hi All.
I've sperimented a strange behaviour using the command BEGIN and COMMIT in a
multi-threaded Linux environment.
In one of the two thread I use I've got the following message after
PQexec(myconn, "BEGIN;");
WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress
And after the command PQexec(
Yes, there is a different connection for each thread :-(
- Original Message
Da: Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org,
Oggetto: Re: [GENERAL] BEGIN strange behaviour
Hi All.
My question is simple and plain: Are there some limit in the number of
database operations between a BEGIN statement and a COMMIT statement?
Thanks in advance.
Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f
Un look da modella in pochi se
Hi All.
Does somebody know where (some internet sites or sample code) I can achieve
a good understanding in the use of the
PQTRANS_UNKNOWN using the lib function
I need to use this flags in order to discipl
Hi list.
Does someone know if there is some kind of incompatibility between POSIX
(glibc 2.4) and libpq (postgres 8.2) on Linux RedHat 5.0?
Thanks in advance
Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f
In REGALO 'All the Good Thing' di NELLY F
Sorry, my information was not complete.
The Linux version is Linux AS 5.0 Enterprise
- Original Message
Da: Richard Huxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Oggetto: Re: [GENERAL] POSIX and libpq
I've a multithread application running on Linux. In each thread i've a loop
performing a single INSERT operation on the DB.
Sometimes (not always), two of the three thread die apparently without any
reason. The strange thing is that if I remove the store operation from
the threads, all runs fine. V
The Postgres version is 8.2.4 and seems that the operating system is not
affected by this application freezing.
Thanks.Luca.- Original Message Da: "Bruce
Momjian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Cc:
pgsql-general@postgresql.orgOggetto: Re: [GENERAL] hyperth
Hi all.
Has someone encountered a problem using pqlib in a multi-threading
application (POSIX or Win32) when the Intel Hyperthreading is enabled?
Disabling the hyperthreading option from the bios of the computer all works
fine, otherwise the threaded application does freeze randomically after a
Hi All.
Is it possible in postgreSQL 8.2.4, using pg_dump.exe, make a backup/restore
conditioned to the key of some tables (respectingexisting constraints)?
I'm using Windows Xp and Windows Server 2003.Thanks in advance.Luca.
Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email
Hi All.
Anyone knows if rebuilding the postgresql sources with the flag
--without-tcl --without-perl in ./configure filecan prevent the correct use
of the triggers wrote in plpgsql language?
Wich behaviour I've to expect in postgres using these flags?Thanks in
Email.it, the pro
Hi All.
Anyone knows if rebuilding the postgresql sources with the flag
--without-tcl --without-perl in ./configure filecan prevent the correct use
of the triggers wrote in plpgsql language?
Wich behaviour I've to expect in postgres using these flags?Thanks in
advance.LucaEmail.it, the profes
Hi All.
I'm using for the first time the postgres lock utilities, but brobably
I'm doing something of not legal.My action are:void *Execute(void
string tableLock = "BEGIN
Sorry for the bad text format. Below the right (I hope...) text:
Hi All.I'm using for the first time the postgres lock utilities, but
brobably I'm doing something of not legal.My action are:void
*Execute(void *pParam){
Sorry for delay in my answer. The problem is that with the lock
instructions my app remain in a freeze state. It resembling a MUTEX
deadlock.Anyway, as soon as possible I'll test yuor idea to use a
separate PQexec.
Thanks.Luca. - Original Message Da: "Alvaro
Herrera" <[E
Hi All.
I need to create a sql script and launch it from pgadmin. In this script
some sql statements (INSERT) have to depend from the result of previous
statements (SELECT).
Is there a way to define a variable in SQL and set its value with the result
of a SELECT query?
Using the psql console I'v
I've wrote a PLPGSQL stored procedure for a DB I've to delivery to my
customer. The problem is that I want to hide the code of the stored
procedure. I don't want that my customer is able to read the code of the my
Do exist a way to mask the code of the store procedure shipped with my DB?
I All.
I've installed postgres 8.2 on my Windows XP. All Ok. Then I've removed this
installation from the control panel. Then I've tryed to reinstal the same
version of postgres but the first time I've received the error: "the user
postgres already exiists", then after the change of the user name I
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