Sorry for delay in my answer. The problem is that with the lock
instructions my app remain in a freeze state. It resembling a MUTEX
deadlock.Anyway, as soon as possible I'll test yuor idea to use a
separate PQexec.

Thanks.Luca.       --------- Original Message --------     Da: "Alvaro
Herrera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         To: "Richard
Huxton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Cc:    Oggetto: Re: [GENERAL] LOCK TABLE HELP  Data:
14/03/08 17:51              > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  > My action
are: > > void *Execute(void *pParam) > { >        
........................................ >        
........................................ > >  & nbsp;      string
tableLock = "BEGIN WORK;"; >         tableLock.append("
LOCK TABLE "); >         tableLock.append(actorTable); >        
tableLock.append(" IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE;"); >         res =
PQexec(connection, tableLock.c_str());   > Well, all this doesn't
work (the connection is th e always the same in   > all methods and
functions). Have I to Lock the table, perform some   > operation on this
table, and unlock the table all in the same function   > scope?  What do
you mean it doesn't work?  How exactly it fails?  If anything, I'd
suggest to send the LOCK TABLE in a separate PQexec() call from BEGIN WORK. 
--  Alvaro Herrera                       PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom
Development, 24x7 support  --  Sent via pgsql-general mailing list
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