Re: [GENERAL] How to retrieve number of rows affected, in an after statement trigger?

2007-07-07 Thread Zlatko Matić
Thank you for the answer. At least I'm glad it is possible! But , as I don't know Perl, could you, please, tell me how to accomplish it in plpgsql. Thanks, Zlatko - Original Message - From: "Greg Sabino Mullane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 1:47 PM Subject:

Re: [GENERAL] optimizing postgres

2007-07-12 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello, Tom. I don't understand relation between constraints and indexes. By using EMS PostgreSQL Manager Lite, I created indexes on columns, some of them are unique values. But when I open it in PgAdmin, all such "unique" indexes are listed as constraints and there are no indexes in Indexes sec

[GENERAL] multirow insert

2007-07-13 Thread Zlatko Matić
When using multirow INSERT INTO...VALUES command, are all rows inserted in a batch, or row by row? Regards, Zlatko

[GENERAL] authorizations for a statement

2007-07-15 Thread Zlatko Matić
What authorizations are needed for the following statement: UPDATE "pg_class" SET "reltriggers" = 0 WHERE "relname" = 'orders'; ?

[GENERAL] ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"

2007-07-17 Thread Zlatko Matić
I have a plpgsql function that returns dataset. First it was defined to return SETOF someview. Then I changed it to return SETOF RECORD, in order to be able to return dataset with varying number of columns. But, I get the following error:"ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions

Re: [GENERAL] ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"

2007-07-17 Thread Zlatko Matić
OK. Thanks. Regards, Zlatko - Original Message - From: "Pavel Stehule" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 12:14 PM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] ERROR: a column definition list is required for functi

[GENERAL] protect a database

2007-07-17 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. Is there any way to hide database structure (at least functions and triggers) from a superuser/administrator? Regards, Zlatko

[GENERAL] several postgres installations on the same machine?

2007-07-19 Thread Zlatko Matić
Is it possible to have few independant PostgreSQL 8.2 installations on the same PC, WIndows XP? Thanks, Zlatko

Re: [GENERAL] several postgres installations on the same machine?

2007-07-20 Thread Zlatko Matić
Message - From: Anoo Sivadasan Pillai To: Zlatko Matić Cc: Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 8:40 AM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] several postgres installations on the same machine? If you mean multiple instances, Then it can be. Have a look on Pauls personal Blog

[GENERAL] privillages for pg_class

2007-07-20 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. I use following statements for temporarily disable triggers and enable them again: --Disable triggers. UPDATE "pg_class" SET "reltriggers" = 0 WHERE "relname" = 'orders'; --Enable triggers. UPDATE pg_class SET reltriggers = ( SELECT count(*) FROM pg_trigger where pg_class.oid = tgreli

Re: [GENERAL] several postgres installations on the same machine?

2007-07-20 Thread Zlatko Matić
tion option -L.". I tried to find that postgres.bki file, but it seems it doesn't exist. What now? Regards, Zlatko - Original Message - From: Anoo Sivadasan Pillai To: Zlatko Matić Cc: Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 8:40 AM Subject: Re: [

[GENERAL] encodings

2007-07-21 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. If I have an UTF8 database, dump it and the restore as WIN1250 database, then dump it again and restore as UTF8, would structure of the database (schema) be exactly the same as initial database, or something will change in the process? In other words, does encoding influence only data stor

Re: [GENERAL] encodings

2007-07-22 Thread Zlatko Matić
No, I didn't, I'm just courious. Regards, Zlatko - Original Message - From: "Michael Fuhr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 5:41 AM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] encodings On Sat, Jul

[GENERAL] double quotes inside VBA string ?

2005-05-18 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. I have a problem when working with MS Access/PostgreSQL. Namely,  as PostgreSQL syntax uses doble quotes for table names and field names,  when I write it as a string of a pass-through query or Command text of ADO Command object it looks like:"select * from public."Customers""and VB

[GENERAL] logout Postgres from MS Access (ODBC) ?

2005-06-05 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hi!In MS Access/PostgreSQL combination I have login form. After user writes all neccessary inputs and push the button, a startup procedure creates DSN-less connection string, receates all linked tables and change connection string in all pass-through queries. It works nice...But, how to achi

[GENERAL] users,groups and permissions

2005-06-12 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   If we have a database with defined user groups, users and permissions on database objects, what happens when we backup database (dump) and try to install on some other server ? Does information about user groups, users and permissions migrate along with database itself or I need to

[GENERAL] retrieving information about password from MS Access front-end

2005-06-12 Thread Zlatko Matić
How could I retrieve information about actual user password, if md5 method is set in pg_hba.conf ? I want to create VBA procedure that compares value in text box with actual password to determine if it is the same. As the password is encrypted (md5) I can't read it from pg_shaddow system tab

Re: [GENERAL] Pb with linked tables on PG8

2005-06-13 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hi. I'm forwarding you what I answered to Rolland about it. This "#deleted" phenomena is something often, but can be easily solved. It seems to be common problem with Access connectiong to ODBC data source. Access has some problems to determine primary key... You should not use textual fields as

Re: [GENERAL] [INTERFACES] retrieving information about password from MS Access front-end

2005-06-13 Thread Zlatko Matić
Thanks. - Original Message - From: "Volkan YAZICI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: ; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 8:47 AM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] [INTERFACES] retrieving information about password

[GENERAL] user groups

2005-06-14 Thread Zlatko Matić
When I create some user group and set permissions and then dump (backup) database and install on some other computer, what will happen with groups and permissions? Should they exist on other computers too ? I don't understand whether permissions to groups are something  that is integrated in

[GENERAL] users/users groups management from MS Access front-end

2005-06-14 Thread Zlatko Matić
Does anyone have some experience with users management from MS Access front-end ?

Re: [GENERAL] user groups

2005-06-15 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hi. Thank you for information. How can I dump_all from pgAdmin III ? Thanks. - Original Message - From: "John DeSoi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:25 AM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] user group

Re: [GENERAL] How to set an expiration date for a WHOLE user account

2005-06-15 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hi. Concerning Együd's question, I also wanted to ask about setting expiration date for database. But, I would like to set validity in sense of certain actions. For example, I would like to prevent adding new records after expiration, but would allow viewing existing records Is there any w

[GENERAL] pg_dumpall

2005-06-16 Thread Zlatko Matić
How to start pg_dumpall ?

Re: [GENERAL] enebling regular user to create new users ?

2005-06-16 Thread Zlatko Matić
ot;Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:35 PM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] enebling regular user to create new users ? Tom Lane wrote: Richard Huxton writes: Zlatko Matiæ wrote: I was thinking about tw

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dumpall

2005-06-16 Thread Zlatko Matić
Done. Thanks. - Original Message - From: "Sean Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:51 AM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] pg_dumpall See:

[GENERAL] user/groups query ?

2005-06-19 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   How to make a query that will include information both about user and group (or groups) he belongs to ? Thanks.

Re: [GENERAL] user/groups query ?

2005-06-20 Thread Zlatko Matić
Thank you very much ! - Original Message - From: "John DeSoi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 3:40 AM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] user/groups query ? On Jun 19, 2005, at 3:56 PM, Zlatko Matić wr

Re: [GENERAL] enebling regular user to create new users ?

2005-06-22 Thread Zlatko Matić
Berend,   Thank you for the function code. It helped me a lot! Regards,   Zlatko    ---Original Message---   From: Berend Tober Date: 06/15/05 18:08:22 To: Zlatko Matić Cc: Subject: Re: [GENERAL] enebling regular user to create new users ?   Zlatko Matić

[GENERAL] help about the function

2005-06-23 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello!   I have implemented solution for enabling regular user (from group "ADMINS") to create new users in predefined groups, by your modified function:   CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."alter_group" (name, boolean, name, varchar, timestamp) RETURNS boolean AS$body$DECLARE  l_group ALI

Re: [GENERAL] help about the function

2005-06-23 Thread Zlatko Matić
Great! It works. Thanks. - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 10:18 AM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] help about the function Hi, Why not :  

[GENERAL] truncate all tables?

2005-06-29 Thread Zlatko Matić
How could I truncate, delete all content of all tables in one step ?

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL, WIndows, regular backup

2005-06-30 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. I would appreciate if someone helps me to resolve this problem about regular backups on Windows. I have a batch file (.bat) for backup, but don't know how to include timestamp in backup file name. In this way I allways have only one, the most recent, backup file. I want Windows to pro

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL, WIndows, regular backup

2005-07-01 Thread Zlatko Matić
DB_mm_dd_yy. When you run the little test .bat script above, you will get: datestr is 06_30_2005 backup file name is MYDB_06_30_2005 Hope this helps. Susan Zlatko Matić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: .hr&

[GENERAL] postgres temporary tables and MS Access

2005-07-24 Thread Zlatko Matić
I tried to work with postgres temporary tables from MS Access, but unsuccessfully... I was able to create temporary table by pass-through query, also I succeeded in creating linked table through code, but when I try to open it, an error apears and Access says there is no schema... Also, I co

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL, Lazarus and zeos ?

2005-07-25 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hi.   Someone mentioned Lazarus as good IDE for working with PostgreSQL, so that's the reason I started to learn Lazarus...   Now, I was told that I need to install ZEOS library in order to work with PostgreSQL. I downloaded the following .zip files: zeosdbo-5.0.7-beta, zeosctrl-1.0.0-beta.

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL, Lazarus and zeos ?

2005-07-27 Thread Zlatko Matić
on. The old 5.x only worked with Delphi. See the Lazarus forums for more information. Ben ""Zlatko Matić"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi. Someone mentioned Lazarus as good IDE for working with PostgreSQL, so that's the reason I s

[GENERAL] A6 parameter in ODBC connection string

2005-07-29 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   Somone helped me to set proper A6 parameter in ODBC connection string, for WIN1250 encoding, as following CLIENT%5fENCODING%3dWIN1250. If A6 is blank string, I suppose that ODBC driver uses default UNICODE ? Could someone tell me how to set other encodings in A6 parameter ? Is ther

[GENERAL] vacuum freeze

2005-07-29 Thread Zlatko Matić
I performed vacuum freeze instead vacuum full, by mistake, using PgAdmin. Is there any danger for my database ?   Zlatko

[GENERAL] templates, encoding

2005-07-29 Thread Zlatko Matić
My template0 and template1 have SQL ASCII encoding, while I created a database with UNICODE encoding. Could it cause some conflicts ? If so, how can I change templates databases to be UNICODE as well ?  

Re: [GENERAL] templates, encoding

2005-07-30 Thread Zlatko Matić
Why there is no Unicode as option during initdb. There are some encodings, but not all alisted in PostgreSQL manual ? How different SQL ASCII is from Unicode ? - Original Message - From: "Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED

[GENERAL] Instalation batch file

2005-08-03 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   I would like to install database schema on a server using  files with dumped schema and globals (produced by dumpall), that are placed on CD. The installation script (batch file) that restores these two files is also placed on the same CD, (let's say E:) in the same folder.   cd C:\

Re: [GENERAL] Instalation batch file

2005-08-05 Thread Zlatko Matić
Thank you for answer. It seems that %HOMEDRIVE% is just enough to solve this problem. Thanks. - Original Message - From: "Glenn Davy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 12:15 AM Subject: Re:

[GENERAL] tables in public

2005-08-06 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   Postgres automatically included some tables in my public domain: pg_ts_cfg, pg_ts_cfgmap,pg_ts_dict, pg_ts_parser, spatial_ref_sys. I suppose it's because I switched on  all additional options during initdb...   My question regarding those tables is wheter I can delete them safely f

Re: [GENERAL] tables in public

2005-08-06 Thread Zlatko Matić
Could you, please, give me short description of functionalities of those modules? I don't know whether I need it, because I don't know what is the purpose of those tables... - Original Message - From: "Magnus Hagander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "

Re: [GENERAL] tables in public

2005-08-06 Thread Zlatko Matić
OK.thanks...I suppose I don't need it. - Original Message - From: "Magnus Hagander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2005 9:55 PM Subject: RE: [GENERAL] tables in public Could you,

[GENERAL] Remopte connection to POstgreSQL via ODBC

2005-08-07 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   I just read all about TCP/IP, pg_hba.conf, listen_adresses and similar topics regarding remote TCP/IP connections, but where can I find explanations about how to remotely connect using ODBC and DSN-less connection string. For example, how to connect to PostgreSQL server from remote

[GENERAL] remote connection, web hosting, IP adress

2005-09-05 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   I will install a database on a remote server. There is pg_hba.config file that should be adjusted to protect from unauthorized access. It requires IP adresses. Now, I would like to be able to connect to the server from my personal computer, in order to do some maintenance job on the

[GENERAL] pg_restore - authentication failed?

2005-09-08 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. I have a strange problem when trying to use pg_restore to restore data from a backup, on WIN XP, PostgreSQL 8.0.3. If I use PgAdmin it works, but if I copy the command to .bat file authentication fails although I enter correct password. The .bat script is the following: cd D:\Program

[GENERAL] installing several PostgreSQL instances on Windows

2005-09-30 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   Is it possible to install several completely independent instances of PostgreSQL on the same Windows machine? I'm asking this mostly because I want to have complete control over my database, which is not possible if there is some other superuser. Therefore I need dedicated Postgres s

Re: [GENERAL] installing several PostgreSQL instances on Windows

2005-10-02 Thread Zlatko Matić
thanks. - Original Message - From: "Magnus Hagander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 12:58 PM Subject: RE: [GENERAL] installing several PostgreSQL instances on Windows Hello. Is it possible to install several completely

[GENERAL] varchar to text

2005-10-02 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   There are some columns in my tables that I should change from varchar to text, in order to have enough space for long textual commentaries. Before I do that, I would like to know is there any restriction regarding text type in comparison to varchar type? Especially concerning trigge

[GENERAL] Unbound text box, Text > 255 characters, MSAccess/PostgreSQL

2005-10-04 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. I have the following problem with MS Access/PostgreSQL combination: There is a form in Access that has an unbound text box, used for entering a commentary of a batch of records. There is a DAO Append Query that has a parameter that is passed from the text box using parameter of DAO Que

Re: [GENERAL] [INTERFACES] [ODBC] Unbound text box, Text > 255 characters, MSAccess/PostgreSQL

2005-10-06 Thread Zlatko Matić
works with recordset object... Thanks, Zlatko - Original Message - From: "Greg Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Tuesday, Octob

[GENERAL] pg_autovacuum

2005-10-09 Thread Zlatko Matić
How to use pg_autovacuum ?

[GENERAL] problems with upgrade from 8.0.3 to 8.0.4, Windows

2005-10-09 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. I downloaded 8.0.4 Windows installer and wanted to update my previos 8.0.3 installation, by using upgrade.bat. Unfortunately I was not able to do it. Just before the end of installation an error apears "Service 'PostgreSQL Database Server 8.0' (pgsql-8.0) could not be installed. Verif

Re: [GENERAL] pg_autovacuum, vacuumdb on Windows XP

2005-10-10 Thread Zlatko Matić
From: "Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 5:37 PM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] pg_autovacuum =?iso-8859-2?Q?Zlatko_Mati=E6?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: How to use pg_autovacuum ? Read the README f

[GENERAL] user privilages for executing pg_autovacuum?

2005-10-11 Thread Zlatko Matić
For pg_dump minimum privilages is to have select right on tables. For vacuumdb, one must be owner of tables or a superuser.   What are minimum rights for user that is trying to execute pg_autovacuum ?   How can I monitor vacuuming by pg_autovacuum ?   Thanks,   Zlatko

Re: [GENERAL] user privilages for executing pg_autovacuum?

2005-10-11 Thread Zlatko Matić
" To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 4:00 PM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] user privilages for executing pg_autovacuum? Zlatko Matić wrote: For pg_dump minimum privilages is to have select right on tables. For vacuumdb, one must be owner

Re: [GENERAL] user privilages for executing pg_autovacuum?

2005-10-12 Thread Zlatko Matić
OK. but, is it required that the user is a superuser, owner of tables or just needs to have select rights on tables? Thanks, Zlatko - Original Message - From: "Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "Matthew T. O

[GENERAL] How to secure pgpass file from unauthorized reading of passwords ? (WIndows)

2005-10-12 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   It seems that for all automated tasks (backup, autovacuum etc.) passwords should be provided by pgpass file. But, anyone can read pgpass file   How can I make it secure that nobody can read it, except programs for backup and autovacuum ?   Thanks,   Zlatko

[GENERAL] versions of oDBC driver

2005-10-20 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   Could someone say which versions of ODBC drivers are recommended for PostgreSQL/MS Access 2003 combination, for: a) Postgres 8.0.4 b) Postgres 8.1 beta   Namely, I was not able to connect from my Access front-end when I migrated from Postgres 8.0.4 to Postgres 8.1 beta3 Are ther

[GENERAL] sequences, moving from 8.0.4 to 8.1 ?

2005-10-21 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello, I was reading release notes for 8.1 and there is something about changes concerning replacing ::text with ::regclass in default clauses. There is a query in Release notes, that should be executed to update dump from previos versions. But, even without it,  I see that all serial filed

[GENERAL] pg_autovacuum (8.0.4) as Windows service ?

2005-10-22 Thread Zlatko Matić
When installing pg_autovacuum as Windows service, should user that makes connection be the service account or a superuser ? For example, I have service account "postgres_service" and database superuser "postgres". Which one should be used in following script: @echo off set TARGET_DISC=C:echo

Re: [GENERAL] [ODBC] versions of oDBC driver

2005-10-26 Thread Zlatko Matić
=0;A6=" & A6 & ";A7=100;A8=" & SOCKET & ";A9=1;" & _ "B0=254;B1=8190;B2=0;B3=0;B4=1;B5=1;B6=0;B7=1;B8=0;B9=0;" & _ "C0=0;C1=0;C2=dd_;" strConnection = strConnInfo & strConnUserPass & strConnParms What can I remove from it?

[GENERAL] querying PostgreSQL version?

2005-10-26 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   Is there any way to check the version of PostgreSQL by a query? Maybe by querying catalog tables? Thanks,   Zlatko

[GENERAL] creating users in groups, in 8.1

2005-10-27 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. I had the following function in Postgres 8.0.4 for creation of users inside existing groups. Now I need to adjust it for new Roles system. What do I neeed to change? Especially regarding: CMD := 'CREATE USER "' || l_username || '" WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ''' || l_password || ''' IN GROUP

[GENERAL] missing FROM clause ?

2005-10-27 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. In Postgres 8.1 I have a message that there is a missing FROM clause in the following query:   select into l_validity "rok_valjanosti"."rok_valjanosti" FROM ( SELECT min("rok_valjanosti"."rv_id") AS "rv_id", "rok_valjanosti"."rok_valjanosti" FROM "rok_valjanosti" GROUP BY "rok_valjano

[GENERAL] autovacuum,8.1, Win

2005-11-08 Thread Zlatko Matić
What needs to be configured in order autovacuum process be active?

[GENERAL] psycopg2 problem with libpq.dll , Postgres 8.1.0 Win XP

2005-11-13 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. I was using psycopg2/Python with Postgres 8.0.4, on Win XP. Now, when I installed Postgres 8.1.0 and was trying to connect with Python/psycopg2, an error occured: "This application has failed to start because lipq.dl was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem."

[GENERAL] ODBC connection string, MS Access

2005-12-22 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   Could you, please, help me to optimize my connection string (MS Access 2003, PostgreSQL 8.1.1. and psqlodbc-08_01_0102)? '   PG_ODBC_PARAMETER   ACCESS_PARAMETER'   *'   READONLY    A0'   PROTOCOL   

[GENERAL] POstgreSQL 8.1.X/Lazarus?

2005-12-29 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello.   Is there anybody using lazarus with new POstgreSQL 8.1.X ? I couldn't connect using Zeos, because it seems zeos work only with old versions of PostgreSQL. Also, I couldn't connect by using TPSQL, because it can't find libpg.dll installed (?)...   Regards,   Zlatko

Re: [GENERAL] POstgreSQL 8.1.X/Lazarus?

2006-01-02 Thread Zlatko Matić
t; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 6:12 PM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] POstgreSQL 8.1.X/Lazarus? Are you running Lazarus on win32 or Linux?(I assume win32 because you mentioned a dll) I have successfully used Zeos

[GENERAL] visual query builder for Postgres?

2006-01-15 Thread Zlatko Matić
Is there any visual tool for creating queries in PostgreSQL?   Zlatko

[GENERAL] temporary tables, pgAdminIII

2006-01-16 Thread Zlatko Matić
In Postgres 8.1.1, Win XP, I tried to create some temporary tables by using pgAdmin. For example, I executed : CREATE TEMP TABLE privremena() INHERITS (plants)WITHOUT OIDSTABLESPACE pg_default;ALTER TABLE privremena OWNER TO matalab;   Although query was successfully executed, I just can't f

Re: [GENERAL] visual query builder for Postgres?

2006-01-16 Thread Zlatko Matić
Thanks - Original Message - From: "Tony Caduto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 3:01 PM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] visual query builder for Postgres? Zlatko Matić wrote: Is there any vis

Re: [GENERAL] visual query builder for Postgres?

2006-01-16 Thread Zlatko Matić
thanks. - Original Message - From: Michael Schmidt To: ; Zlatko Matić Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 11:40 PM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] visual query builder for Postgres? A Visual Query Builder is available in PG Lightning

[GENERAL] linking temporary tables from MS Access?

2006-01-17 Thread Zlatko Matić
Is it possible to use temporary tables from MS Access, as linked tables? I was not able to link, but maybe someone succeeded?

[GENERAL] general questions about joins in queries

2006-01-17 Thread Zlatko Matić
Hello. Is it better to use A) or B) ?   A)   SELECT "public"."departments".*, "public"."plants".*, "public"."batches_microbs".*, "public"."results_microbs".*FROM "public"."departments", "public"."plants", "public"."batches_microbs", "public"."results_microbs"WHERE "plants"."department" = "depar

[GENERAL] numeric data type?

2006-01-21 Thread Zlatko Matić
Is "numeric" data type good choice for a field that would store integer values in most cases, but sometimes decimal values as well? Thanks,   Zlatko  

Re: [GENERAL] numeric data type?

2006-01-22 Thread Zlatko Matić
similar to float, but is much exact. Am I right or I missunderstood? Thanks, Zlatko - Original Message - From: "Tony Caduto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:15 PM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] numeri

Re: [GENERAL] numeric data type?

2006-01-23 Thread Zlatko Matić
OK. Thanks for clarification. - Original Message - From: "Doug McNaught" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: ; "Tony Caduto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 2:39 PM Subject: Re: [GE

[GENERAL] tetst

2006-09-04 Thread Zlatko Matić

[GENERAL] Upgrade Postgres 8.1.2 to 8.1.4

2006-09-04 Thread Zlatko Matić
 In Windows XP Pro (SP2) I tried to upgrade PostgreSQL server from 8.1.2 to 8.1.4., by using upgrade.bat. Everything goes nice until end of installation when the following error apears:  "Service 'PostgreSQL Database Server 8.1' (pgsql-8.1) could not be installed. Verify that you have suffic

Re: [GENERAL] Upgrade Postgres 8.1.2 to 8.1.4

2006-09-05 Thread Zlatko Matić
Does anybody has a clue? Somebody experienced similar problem? Should I be logged to Windows as regular user (administrator) or as "postgres" service account?   Thanks. - Original Message - From: Zlatko Matić To: Sent: Tuesday,

Re: [GENERAL] Upgrade Postgres 8.1.2 to 8.1.4

2006-09-05 Thread Zlatko Matić
first and then install new version of the server. I don't want to uninstall the server this time Zlatko - Original Message - From: "Scott Marlowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Zlatko Matić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "pgsql general" Sent:

[GENERAL] program for graphical/schematical representation of relations between tables

2006-09-12 Thread Zlatko Matić
Is there any free program that can graphically/schematically display relations between all tables in a database? Regards,   Zlatko