Whoa! Shit! I'm working on a system which probably will use ALOT of
semaphores and mutexes. Is this the limits, <1000? I was hoping for
millions. I have asked around but no-one I have asked seems to know the
I'm using pthreads on Linux right now but will probably use HP-UX, AIX,
True64 or
Will there be an RPM for Alpha?
-Original Message-
From: Lamar Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 6:57 PM
To: Matthew
Cc: pgsql-general
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] 7.0.3 RPMs?
Matthew wrote:
> When are the 7.0.3 RPM's expected to be released? Most of my produ
I'm concidering Postgres instead of for example Oracle or DB2. Can anyone
tell me what platforms Postgres runs on?
* Alpha (True64)
* Sparc (Solaris)
* PowerPc (AIX)
* IA-64 (HP-UX)
What kind of performance can one expect from Postgres? Can I upload the
database into memory and run without
You could of course try Java and JDBC as Java runs everywhere. Then you
could run your application on Mac, Windows and Linux as you see fit.
-Original Message-
From: Alain Toussaint [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 6 december 2000 08:10
To: KuroiNeko
How do you mean "reliable"?
This raises an interesting question though. How do I _reliably_ INSERT or
UPDATE a row?
I can't INSERT - fail - UPDATE as someone might delete the record in between
my two statements.
I can't BEGIN - INSERT - fail - UPDATE - COMMIT as the failing INSERT will
, 12);
-Original Message-
From: Edward Q. Bridges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 12 december 2000 17:10
To: PostgreSQL general mailing list; Roger Wernersson
Subject: RE: [GENERAL] Re: Unanswered questions about Postgre
On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 12:04:46 +0100, Roger Wernersson wrot
I'm out of here. This list has too much traffic. Too bad it's not on usenet.
/Roger, overwhelmed
-Original Message-
From: Jon Brace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 8 december 2000 11:11
Subject: [GENERAL] Loading tables into Memory
In Oracle, there is a metho
You could try
INSERT INTO koe (id, name) SELECT nextval('koe_pkey_id'), 'uusi';
or something like that.
Esa Pikkarainen wrote:
> So, I want to insert new record and get immediately its sequence
> value (serial column) (or OID). I Use iHTML web interface.
> Now I have found out that I