You could try
INSERT INTO koe (id, name) SELECT nextval('koe_pkey_id'), 'uusi';
or something like that.
Esa Pikkarainen wrote:
> So, I want to insert new record and get immediately its sequence
> value (serial column) (or OID). I Use iHTML web interface.
> Now I have found out that I can give two queries in iHTML like this:
> SQL ="SELECT nextval('koe_pkey_id') as val;
> INSERT INTO koe (id, name) values (val, 'uusi');"
> Now there are some problems. The previous example causes an error:
> ERROR: Attribute 'val' not found
> Is there a method how to transmit a value from one query to another?
> If I try the examples of FAQ:
> SQL ="$newSerialID = nextval('koe_pkey_id');
> INSERT INTO koe (id, name) values ($newSerialID, 'uusi');"
> Or
> SQL ="INSERT INTO koe (name) values ('uusi');"
> $newSerialID = curr('koe_pkey_id');
> I get: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "$"
> And lately (this may be an iHTML problem) if I try:
> SQL ="INSERT INTO koe (name) values ('uusi');
> SELECT currval('koe_pkey_id') as val;"
> It causes no error, but I cannot retrieve the value because the
> queries seem not return any recordsets (nothig can be fetched).
> Any hints are valuable!
> Thanks
> Esa Pikkarainen