[GENERAL] backup strategies

2007-05-26 Thread Richard P. Welty
so the outfit i'm currently working for on a quasi-full time basis has what amounts to an OLTP database server in colocation. the footprint in the rack is very small, that is, there's no DLT autoloader or anything of that sort in the rack. the temporary backup solution was to do full dumps in cro

Re: [GENERAL] backup strategies

2007-05-26 Thread Richard P. Welty
Bill Moran wrote: As an aside, you can only fit so many gallons into a 10 gallon container. You might simply have to accept that your requirements now exceed the capacity of the RR connection and upgrade. actually, what it will come down to is the cost of an upgraded connection vs $60/month

Re: [GENERAL] backup strategies

2007-05-26 Thread Richard P. Welty
Francisco Reyes wrote: Richard P. Welty writes: actually, what it will come down to is the cost of an upgraded connection vs $60/month rent for 3Us of rack space to place a DLT autoloader in the colocation facility. How much data are you looking to backup? There are companies that do rsync

Re: Creditcard Number Security was Re: [GENERAL] Encrypted column

2007-06-07 Thread Richard P. Welty
Guy Fraser wrote: On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 16:51 -0400, Andrew Sullivan wrote: Yes. I agree, in principle, that "don't store them" is the best advice -- this is standard _Translucent Databases_ advice, too. For the least-stealable data is the data you don't have. But if there is a business ca

Re: Creditcard Number Security was Re: [GENERAL] Encrypted column

2007-06-07 Thread Richard P. Welty
John DeSoi wrote: On Jun 7, 2007, at 4:03 PM, Richard P. Welty wrote: at the day job, when we switched from paypal (who we found very undependable) to authorize.net, we were very pleased to discover that authorize.net would take care of the credit card numbers for us, so we didn't ha

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump

2006-11-23 Thread Richard P. Welty
Bob Pawley wrote: No joy pg_dump aurel > aurel.out Returns - ERROR: syntax error at or near "pg_dump" at character 8 I've had a bit of trouble with the PostgreSQL system if that helps. (access violation with a reinstall) how about giving the pg_dump command to a shell instead of inside psql

[GENERAL] selinux/postgresql/jfs

2006-12-13 Thread Richard P. Welty
i'm working with an FC5 test server which i'm trying to get set up so we can benchmark xfs vs. jfs vs. ext3(writeback). does anyone have any suggestions on setting up a tablespace on a jfs partition with selinux in enforcing mode? (i'm likely going to turn selinux off for the moment, but it'd be

Re: [GENERAL] selinux/postgresql/jfs

2006-12-13 Thread Richard P. Welty
Richard P. Welty wrote: i'm working with an FC5 test server which i'm trying to get set up so we can benchmark xfs vs. jfs vs. ext3(writeback). does anyone have any suggestions on setting up a tablespace on a jfs partition with selinux in enforcing mode? following myself up here,

[GENERAL] documentation vs reality: template databases

2007-01-11 Thread Richard P. Welty
running 8.1 on a fedora core 5 linux box, up to date so far as i know. this page: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/manage-ag-templatedbs.html says the following: Note: template1 and template0 do not have any special status beyond the fact that the name template1 is the def

Re: [GENERAL] Anyone know a good opensource CRM that actually installs with Posgtres?

2007-05-07 Thread Richard P. Welty
Frank Finner wrote: You mention Compier not running on PG. Did you look ad ADempiere (http://www.adempiere.com/)? Its a fork of Compiere which claims to run especially with PG (though I did not yet have the time to test it). i did a test install of Adempiere against PostgreSQL on a FC5 box a

Re: [GENERAL] Integrity on large sites

2007-05-22 Thread Richard P. Welty
Naz Gassiep wrote: I'm working in a project at the moment that is using MySQL, and people keep making assertions like this one: "*Really* big sites don't ever have referential integrity. Or if the few spots they do (like with financial transactions) it's implemented on the application level (via

Re: [GENERAL] Integrity on large sites

2007-05-23 Thread Richard P. Welty
Scott Marlowe wrote: 2: Handling RI in the application doesn't scale. If everything you do requires you to check in the app, lock the whole table to prevent race conditions, and then commit, you'll never scale to any real number of users. You can have reliability and performance if you do RI