Francisco Reyes wrote:
Richard P. Welty writes:

actually, what it will come down to is the cost of an upgraded connection vs $60/month rent for 3Us of rack space to place a DLT autoloader in the colocation facility.

How much data are you looking to backup?
There are companies that do rsync services.
Just saw one last night for something like $20 for 30GB.
It would go much faster than going to a DSL connection.
a couple of gig, not really all that much. the problem is that there is
an expectation of one or more persons/organizations going through
due diligence on the operation, and i'm not sure that a fuzzy
"somewhere online" file storage service will pass the smell test for
many of them, where as physical tape cartridges stored offsite will
likely make them happy.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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