this since moving to FreeBSD 6.x ... no patches required ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Yahoo . yscrappy Skype:
> --
> Alvaro Herrera
> PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
. My Usenet connection was directly to
Well, the "someone" was Marc ... hey Marc, are you aware that people are
reporting the mail-to-usenet gateway isn't working lately?
regards, tom lane
Marc G. Fournier
Which works well, but only includes 4 graphs, and is database specific,
without (it seems) a 'server wide' functionality ...
Has anyone done any work on this / added features ... ?
Marc G. FournierHub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
also, but right now we're looking at
performance stats vs up/downtime, but the latter will be required when we
go production) ...
On Sat, 27 Feb 2010, Greg Smith wrote:
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
We are mainly a nagios / cacti environment, and I came across...
Why start with Cacti the
Greg, before I start hacking away at it, do you have any examples of using
check_postgres_dbstats with cacti? rather not recreate teh wheel is
someone has already done it ...
thx ...
On Sat, 27 Feb 2010, Greg Smith wrote:
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
We are mainly a nagios / cacti
ats with the newest version of Cacti, and have it
On Mon, 1 Mar 2010, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
Greg, before I start hacking away at it, do you have any examples of using
check_postgres_dbstats with cacti? rather not recreate teh wheel is someone
has already done it ...
thx ...
On Wed, 3 Mar 2010, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
Greg (or anyone out there) ... have you had any experience with using --action=dbstats with Cacti? I'm getting, in my cacti.log,
a result of:
SPINE: Poller[0] Host[124] DS[2619] SCRIPT: /usr/local/bin/
Has anyone either played with, or gotten to work, a plPgSQL function that
would take: and determine the start and end IP from that?
Or even start IP + # of IPs in the subnet?
Marc G. FournierHub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
ctly prohibited.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://w
l one?
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: ysc
day ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
in having plPHP in core?
Is there a reason why it can no longer operate as a standalone language
out of pgfoundry, like pl/java and pl/perl?
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ
e to agree ... we're
an "extensible database that requires the extensions to be in core" is
effectively what is being said, which kinda defeats the 'extensible'
nature ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PR
(if more PLs) come
online ...
Also, since plPerlNG is maintained on PgFoundry, are the changes you are
making to core getting migrated back to the main project itself?
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
wheel 512 Feb 20 04:59 postgresql80-client
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 1024 Mar 19 04:59 postgresql80-server
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Oct 24 04:59 postgresql_autodoc
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
language. Whatever I put into print will
always benefit from a review.
There is nothing stop'ng a chapter being added now, and a pointer to where
to download it could be easily added as part of it ..
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EM
rk that someone else might be working on (ie.
in this case, Dave's pl-j alternative to pl-java) ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
is a 'server-side .Net'? Like a
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
On Sat, 2 Apr 2005, Bruce Momjian wrote:
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
On Sat, 2 Apr 2005, Bruce Momjian wrote:
Stanislaw Tristan wrote:
If there was idea to implement a .NET support in Windows version of PostgreSQL? Like existing Pl/Java
We have a .Net client. You want server-side .Net? No one has
ating a 'dist' target to makes a tar
ball that includes everything required to build it seperately ... its a
matter of finding the time to do it :(
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy
Over the past several weeks, Tom Lane has been working on replacing our
old Cache Management Alorithm (ARC) with a new, patent free one (2Q).
In order to reduce the number of 8.x deployments out there that are using
the old manager, we have just released 8.0.2, and encourage adminstrators
to up
Ingres was a Spanish painter. Not every name has to mean something.
Spanish? I always thought he was a French painter.
He was:
And its pronounced: {ang'-gruh}
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (htt
serted data, although the scenario seems of very low
probability. There are no known cases of it having caused more than
an Assert failure.
Downloads are available via:
Please report any bugs to:
Marc G. F
n around long enough, you'll know how
fluid our 'estimates' tend to be, but that is our current goal ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
On Tue, 24 May 2005, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 19:31:28 -0300,
"Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, 24 May 2005, James Croft wrote:
Scott Marlowe wrote:
I'd go for 8.0. It's quite stable now, and 8.1 will take as long as it
On Wed, 25 May 2005, Robert Treat wrote:
On Tuesday 24 May 2005 23:49, Tom Lane wrote:
Bruno Wolff III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
"Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Estimate right now for going beta on 8.1 is July 1st ... aiming for a
Isn't tha
Do to moderator error (namely, mine), several hundred messages (spread
across all the lists) were just approved ...
Sorry for all the incoming junk :(
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy
ES"' to /etc/rc.conf
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
worry about 1 and 5 since they are auto-set ... I
know 3, since I spent alot of time in the early days developing the
configure side of things, and, well, as someone else pointed out, 4 is a
no brainer ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.h
f spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
message c
: Fax : +61 2 6772 5376 : :
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
forget to increase your free space map settings
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don'
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)-
seems to
reference it) :(
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
Most odd ... just restarted it, taking a look to see if there is a reason why
the web server is stopping :(
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Scott Marlowe wrote:
Looks like gborg is having issues again. The slony home p
index_right.php fixed now also ...
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
I've email'd Chris about this, since I'm getting some really odd behvaiours
when hitting the web site ... namely, its trying to load an index_right.php
file from, but I can't
back up ...
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Joe Healy wrote:
apache test page is showing at 2005-07-15 09:00 AEST.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Netw
runtime: 20166.326 ms
(7 rows)
If it is, then I'm obviously overlooking something key here ... now, I've
read through the docs in contrib/tsearch2/docs, and don't *think* I've
missed anything obvious ... it seems fairly straightforward ...
Is there something else I
On Sun, 7 Aug 2005, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
'k, I'm obviously doing something wrong, since my experiences with sites
like indicate things should be *alot* faster then I'm
getting ...
Well the first thing I would ask is are you
available at:
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
We host *everything* that nobody else wants to ... and give you full root
access to add more if you need ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
message can get through to the mailing list cleanly
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy
These Point Releases do not require a dump/reload from the previous
Point, but *may* require one if upgrading from an earlier version. Please
see the Release Notes to confirm procedures for upgrading if your current
version is older then 1 Point Release.
Marc G
old a *long* time ago ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
y wouldn't have known about it in advance.
Or, they knew about it and have some sort of contigency plan already in
place for when the license does expire ... ?
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
going after them wouldn't buy them *that* much, I wouldn't think ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)
ugh to the mailing list cleanly
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading thro
ge to buy
them out.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMA
oring -hackers and updating tickets, etc ... :(
This, like GPL vs BSD, comes up about every 3 months or so :)
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
ly easily *once*
its in place, and others that stay resistent to it for awhile ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
to high salary jobs??
Wow, what a twisted way to look at it ... not entirely inaccurate, but
twisted :)
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Jan Wieck wrote:
On 10/12/2005 6:18 PM, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Jussi Mikkola wrote:
Well, if the PostgreSQL developers would be hired away from the project
with big money, would that not mean, that the project would be a good path
to earn a
quot;reasonable time" provided to remove it? We've
already shown in the past that that isn't a big hurdle, with the ARC
stuff, so am just curiuos as to how big a thing the Patent stuff is, or
does even that fall under 'temporary setback / inconvience'?
Marc G. Fournie
also available via:
Please report any bugs with this beta to:
Or through our Bug Reporting Tool available at:
Marc G. Fournier Hu
bly they
force the "union" of mysql and SAP-DB code base to keep their transaction
competence, but this are just my €0,02...
They do not "own" MaxDB. They license it, just like Innodb.
Damn, do they ever have alot of "loose ends" ... what part, exactly,
On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Chris Travers wrote:
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
They do not "own" MaxDB. They license it, just like Innodb.
Damn, do they ever have alot of "loose ends" ... what part, exactly,
constitutes "MySQL" vs third party add ons? :)
If MaxDB, I
is not equal to 'a
'. 'a ' is not equal to 'a'. Port that to another database. Seen the
JOIN syntax? *sigh*
Wait, I've lost something here, apparently ... but that is the case with
PostgreSQL as well:
ams=# select ' a' = ' a';
'a ' = 'a ';
(1 row)
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
AND 'a ' = 'a '
It returns (correctly): 1
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:pgsql-general-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marc G. Fournier
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:41 AM
Subject: Re
On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, Dann Corbit wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Stephan Szabo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:39 PM
To: Dann Corbit
Cc: Marc G. Fournier; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; pgsql-
Subject: Re: [pgsql-advocacy] [GENERAL] Oracle buys
(1 row)
The truncation you describe would simply be wrong.
ams=# select length('a '::char(8));
(1 row)
ams=# select version();
We heavily encourage any, and all, to test this Beta out, to make sure we
have weeded out as many bugs before release as possible ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy
4, it was disabled again before it
was packaged...
Or are you referring to something else?
I was referring to:
But hadn't seen the followup on the 22nd concerning temporarily disabling
it :(
Sorry about that ...
hough ...
- Original Message - From: "Magnus Hagander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] [ANNOUNCE] PostgreSQL 8.1 Beta 4
>> In order to address some issues found
, please go to:
For RPMs, please visit:
Windows Binaries to be announced shortly.
Marc G. Fournier
PostgreSQL Core Group
---(end of broadcast
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives
8 November 2005, Frankfurt, Germany (OpenDBCon):
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group proudly announces the release of
PostgreSQL 8.1, further extending PostgreSQL's lead as the most advanced
open source database management system.
Designed, built, and tested by a large and thriving commu
low images licensed as Public Domain or GPL.
Removing the "name" from the Logo would be more appropriate, as PeterE
points out in another note ... as for the logo itself, its Public Domain
(nothing we do is GPL) ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http:
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
st another operating system company" that happens to now be
providing PostgreSQL as part of their offering ... there are several now
that are doing their own version of PostgreSQL, with 'closed source'
modifications to it ... if Sun decides to do this, they have that option
Just testing ... ignore ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the
Sorry folks, just trying to debug a bug ..
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain
reSQL have a native 64bit
> support.
> Thanks!
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
ey've done much more then talk :(
- ----
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Yahoo . yscrappy Skype: hub.orgICQ . 7615664
> Versions/Environment:
> Postgresql 8.1.4 (installed from ports on FreeBSD 6.1)
> I've already tried reinstalling the postgresql81-server and
> postgresql81-client ports and their dependencies via portupgrade, but the
> symptoms persist. What else should I try?
have performance problems on our servers, the "fix" is usually (and I mean
99.9% of the time) to restart the mysql processes *sigh*
- --On Saturday, October 21, 2006 20:07:02 -0700 "Joshua D. Drake"
> Marc G. Fournier wrote:
0 (failure)
> in session:
> 351ceb561e5da3a859ac8f28eec39c21dd3b6622
> from the resend interface, taking 0.224 seconds.
> - End forwarded message -----
> --
> Alvaro Herrera
> PostgreSQL Replicat
redundant to email you to remind yourself that you've rejected it, no? :)
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Yahoo . yscrappy Skype:
2006 18:44:52 -0300 Alvaro Herrera
> was executed with status:
> 0 (failure)
> Marc G. Fournier wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> - --On Friday, October 27, 2006 15:54:41 -0300 Al
x27;s assuming they are the same one ;)
- ----
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Yahoo . yscrappy Skype: hub.orgICQ . 7615664
a server to
handle the front end of the archives, and John Hansen @ Geeknet for
providing, and maintaining, the search engine backend.
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy
Its been almost 4 weeks since we've released Beta2, and there have been
enough improvements to the code to warrant a new Beta, to reduce the
number of "already fixed" bug reports.
For a complete list of changes/improvement since Beta 1 was released, please
On Mon, 27 Sep 2004, Robby Russell wrote:
On Mon, 2004-09-27 at 16:29, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
Its been almost 4 weeks since we've released Beta2, and there have been
enough improvements to the code to warrant a new Beta, to reduce the
number of "already fixed" bug reports.
For a c
ion, and plPHP.
Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
+1-503-667-4564 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator. Integrated Replication for PostgreSQL
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://
oops on Joshua's part:
just accessed it from here using IE ...
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Internet explorer.
"Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/19/2004 04:39 PM
d yet, please submit them before Sunday, so that this beta can be
as complete as possible ...
Thanks ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
le soon.
For a listing of all currently available FTP mirrors, please see:
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
, not 'core features' ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire t
After 4 weeks of work, involving alot of bug fixes, and documentation
improvements, to the source tree, we have just released our 4th Beta of
8.0.0. Most of the items on Bruce's Open Items list have been completed,
but we still have a half dozen or so Windows related items still open.
For a co
ehind process instead of thread based". One had a CC to the gmane newsgroup.
That one showed up. The other two had a CC to the pgsql-general list. You got
at least one of them (since you replied), but the list didn't.
I'm seeing all of your notes, and am not in the CC either ...
been moved out over the years. libpq++ is
a prime example of something that had official status for the longest
time, but where someone came along and wrote a 'better' version of it,
which is now on gborg ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (htt
don't require
changes to the backend. Replication requires changes to the backend.
Replication doesn't require changes to the backend ... neither eRServer or
Slony-I do, at least ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
ew days ... but,
they do eventually get through ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe an
literally erases all IPs on that device, leaving the server running
'un-networked' ... :(
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
27; ... :(
Good lord.
Ya well, its not something I'm particularly proud about ...
Stupid question for someone running Linux ... is this standard behaviour
that I've been lucky never to hit before, or is this something that Linux
deals with slightly more intelligently?
On Sat, 6 Nov 2004, Gaetano Mendola wrote:
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
I've posted details to the FreeBSD -stable and -current mailing list,
but the simple summary is that 'ifconfig -alias' with no ip
specific'd literally erases al
erver ... just point
yours at, and you can read from there, which has
always been the case ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
rrently does
No. The list as it currently funcions sends messages to USENet. That
needs to be changed.
The list will continue to function as it always has ... it sends to
Usenet, and receives from it ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [
irectly from the source, please email me and we can discuss a
direct link ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)-
ue for approval ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
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