I'm CC'ng this over to -hackers ... Tom? Comments?
On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, Dann Corbit wrote:
Yes, clearly that is the wrong result according to the SQL standard.
Here is a SQL*Server query:
select 1 where 'a' = 'a ' AND 'a' = 'a ' AND 'a ' = 'a '
It returns (correctly): 1
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:pgsql-general-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marc G. Fournier
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:41 AM
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [pgsql-advocacy] [GENERAL] Oracle buys Innobase
On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I was referring to trailing blanks, but did not explicitly say it,
though showed it in the examples. I am pretty sure that the SQL
standard says that trailing whitespace is insignificant in string
Then we are broken too :)
# select 'a ' = 'a ';
(1 row)
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ:
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Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
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