:= i + 1;
Are there any way to do this kind of thing for triggers with PL/pgSQL at
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
eed, whereas PL/pgSQL doesn't. I'd prefer not to have to load
further PL's into the database, but it's worth looking at anyway.
Regards and best wisehs,
Justin Clift
Hope this helps,
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
How to I run PostgreSQL on an Intel machine with Windows?
Hi Thomas,
This is probably the page you want:
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
---(end of broadcast)---
Hope that helps.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Steve wrote:
I've been running postgres on my server for over a year now and the
tables have become huge. I have 3 tables that have data over 10GB each
and these table
us to keep
a very in-sync relationship between the new PostgreSQL HOW-TO and the
present version.
It also means that no one person has total control of it, and it can be
contributed to by anyone that has a suggestion and/or can generate a
So, what do people think?
Regards and b
to restore the appropriate image to a hard drive
with Ghost.
Works well for me. What do you guys think, good approach?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Lamar Owen wrote:
> On Friday 06 July 2001 09:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > This might sound like a flame, bu
Hi Adam,
There are a few links to benchmark-type things you might find useful at
Hope they're useful.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Adam Manock wrote:
> >This is almost certainly a lousy idea. You do
arts, then have your
user accounts setup so they can access PostgreSQL directly? That way
people should be able to log in as themselves and use PostgreSQL
directly without having to su anywhere?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
R Talbot wrote:
> I was not able to get an RPM
egards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Fran Fabrizio wrote:
> Does postgres support replication? I think this is the feature I need.
> I have a table in one db that I need to use from another db on another
> machine. The first db is behind two firewalls (for a good reason =) and
> th
een, and it can only generate
PostScript output files from what I remember.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Steve Werby wrote:
> I am looking for a program to convert a PostgreSQL database to Access. I'm
> not migrating to Access, I simply want an easy way to load the sch
Hope these prove to be useful.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Todd LaClair wrote:
> I will be migrating a Tango app on Windows with a SQL Server backend
> over to Linux, Apache, and Postgresql. What do I need to b
ng things up if you want to
do changes through a VIEW.
Does that help?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Jeremy Hansen wrote:
> I'm trying to do some more advanced things in sql to make my tables more
> efficient. I'd like to do a link, or perhaps it's a join, a
Hi again,
You're probably best to look through the mailing list archives for the
best ways people have found for doing this. There have been a few
people with similar problems over time. :-)
If you don't find anything there, feel free to ask again.
Regards and best wishes,
able to get vacuum to work 100%
If someone can take a look at the description of the problem which Monty
is having (he's the lead MySQL developer) we'll be able to have accurate
benchmark for PostgreSQL on their benchmark page.
So, anyone want to lend a hand?
Regards and best w
effective) with SCSI.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Steve Wolfe wrote:
> > I respectfully disagree with Steve's "disk speed isn't terribly
> > important" -- it can be (and is totally dependent on what you're doing)
> and
> &
s of commercial support can be found at the PostgreSQL
Commercial Support page :
Hope this is helpful.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Tony Hoyt wrote:
> I'm curious how PostgreSQL compares to Oracle in t
Hi Gilles,
That's cool. Was hoping you'd figure it out!
Just updated the buggy link to point to your new HOWTO :
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Gilles DAROLD wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some of you dre
Hi all,
Branden has written an "Introduction to PostgreSQL" article for the
Tucows network (another high profile group of sites):
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"My grandfather once told me tha
on testing PostgreSQL in this regard yet.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
therstuff varchar(20));
That would explain the wrapping around behaviour, but not when the field
is a SERIAL type.
+ Justin Clift
Stephen Robert Norris wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 18, 2001 at 03:49:10PM -0700, Joe Conway wrote:
> > > > > Sometimes (about 20%, it seems) with seve
# INSERT INTO foo (stringfield) VALUES ('blah blah blah');
Hope that's helpful, did it from memory, so the exact output may look
slightly different.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"William D. Tallman" wrote:
> Just started fiddling with Postg
Hi Ivan,
I was running a database with ~27GB of info (admittedly in large, very
simple tables) on PostgreSQL 7.0.3 a while ago for a few months.
Didn't have any real problems with it, apart from having to accept that
a lot of data takes time to process. :-/
Regards and best wishes,
You could do something along the lines of :
SELECT foo, bar FROM baz WHERE date_part('hour', foo) > 0 AND
date_part('hour', foo) < 8;
Simple, but effective. Only works for whole hours like in your example
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
and other constructs from a target database
by itself. You might just want to run that instead of doing it
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Andrew Gould wrote:
> During a pg_dump, I got the following messages:
> Notice: function "pgadmin_get_rows"
ay or another.
If anyone else can see things blatantly wrong on that page, email me
about them and I'll ask Monty (the MySQL guy) to please
change/remove/fix them.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Sean Chittenden wrote:
> > Has anyone seen this page on Mysql.org comp
Hi Peter,
There's a Solaris specific installation guide for PostgreSQL at :
Have you taken a look at it yet?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Peter Lauko wrote:
> Hi!
> I've installed 7.1.2 on sparc sol
Did you definitely make sure it was doing the test with Unix Domain
Sockets instead of via TCP (it's a search and replace, as per that
Installation Guide)? If so, then the test results are accurate and it
could be a problem.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Peter Lauko
y not for a document which will incite PostgreSQL-vs-MySQL
warfare and not try and get people to choost the appropriate product(s).
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Digital Wokan wrote:
> Knock yourself out. I got jumped by a MySQL user on AZPHP for asking
> another person
Vince Vielhaber wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Justin Clift wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > It is definitely something interesting, and there are a fair few
> > PostgreSQL jobs out there.
> >
> > The address Joe mentioned is correct, I'm just
sn't mean we have to take
a cut of it. This should also mean they feel more comfortable about
posting PostgreSQL jobs, and thereby benefits our community.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and
we're doing this for the benefit of the PostgreSQL
Community, they're cool with it.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Vince Vielhaber wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Justin Clift wrote:
> > I definitely believe we should allow agencies to list their jobs at no
You could try either of :
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Hunter Hillegas wrote:
> My postgres build on MacOS X is failing:
> cc -traditiona
Thanks Bruce,
I'll check the Archives for more info about it then. Prob should have
done that before asking.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > Does anyone know anything about this SQL*Net compatible thing which
't use this for
production projects until it's finalised).
You can download the latest RPM's of PostgreSQL for RedHat 7.1 from the
PostgreSQL ftp sites (www.postgresql.org lists the mirrors).
A direct URL is :
Hi Tauren,
Have you found the solution for this yet?
It really sounds like part of your customer's database has been deleted
or gone missing.
Which version of PostgreSQL are you using, and which operating system is
it on?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Tauren Mills
using one of those it might be ok.
When you've figured out your compiler problem, you can follow the
Solaris specific installation instructions for PostgreSQL at :
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
haifa touati wrote:
best wishes,
Justin Clift
"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
- Indira Gandhi
---(end of
be able to get far better results by doing performance tuning of
PostgreSQL and/or the server.
What do you think?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"Tille, Andreas" wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Herbert Liechti wrote:
> > I tried it. See my actions below. The ma
CVS version of it, and also tweaked to not use hash indices. A
tarball of working source code is available at :
Hope this is of assistance Andreas.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"Tille, Andreas" wrote:
To whoever sent this posting (being Al Dev, or someone spoofing),
Please stop posting to the PostgreSQL mailing lists.
You are not helping PostgreSQL with your postings, instead you are
inciting anger and hostility.
Cease and desist these postings immediately.
Justin Clift
ing worked on either presently (lack of time).
Finally got Bricolage installed on a system here at work to play around
with. Reckon Josh'll be interested in that...
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Item #87 on Josh's ToDo list ...
Hi all,
As I not familiar with the linux newsgroups and mailing lists, can
anyone give me some
guidance as to where I should post details of a java development job?
It's a Java GUI application which interfaces to a PostgreSQL database
through JDBC.
Regards and best wishes,
put the pg_log file onto the fastest
disk subsystem you can buy. I haven't yet moved the pg_log file to a
different disk than the main postgresql installation and created a soft
link to it (this is the next step) but hopefully it won't be a problem.
The system in question is PostgreSQL 7
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Database Administrator
artup scripts for
other OS's. Startup scripts that are SANE of course.
>From what I understand of Debian, it uses a different method of starting
up than Mandrake, so I'd appreciate a copy of the Debian startup script
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"My g
It doesn't seem to have been mentioned that the preferable way to
compile PostgreSQL on Solaris is to unset your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and set
an LD_RUN_PATH instead.
That is right isn't it?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Ahmed Moustafa wrote:
> Hi Tom,
Hi all,
Is it just my route to the main webserver, or is the website at
www.postgresql.org down?
Can access the mirrors, but can't touch anything at the main PostgreSQL
Rats, wanted to submit results of 7.1RC3 to Vince's database...
Regards and best wishes,
pages of what may just be really insightful
work... :-)
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> If you can make it a little less than 5 pages (like 2), we can put it into
> the preface of the documentation. I'd imagine it stuck somewhere near the
> following
Hi Marc,
No argument there. Solaris 8 is a LOT better then previous versions in
regards to driver support, but still a long way behind *BSD, linux,
Windows, etc.
BUT, if you've got hardware it DOES work on... it's really nice.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
The Hermit Ha
Any there any people who can understand both english and non-english
languages, who wouldn't mind translating an article or two on the
techdocs.postgresql.org website to a different language?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"My grandfather once told me that there are
and best wishes,
Justin Clift
P.S. - As a bonus, I've even figured out how to access my
[EMAIL PROTECTED] email, so I can start using this again! :-)
"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be
etc. They
also have a newsletter.
Wonder how you would get a mention that PostgreSQL works with it in
their monthly newsletter? Probably be quite a few people interested in
hearing that.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
> Cheers
> Tony Grant
Hi all,
Has anyone stepped up to review and re-work the present English HOWTO
document, the one that has been removed due to the misinformation and
inaccuracies in it?
If not, I'm going to start on it, with a view to have it ready in the
next month or two.
Regards and best wishes,
nding, improving, and
updating those notes, that will be a really great contribution.
Thanks heaps for your time and effort Dieter.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
> Dear,
> i have sucessfully configure, compile, check (make check), install,
Hi guys,
Does anyone have experience with report writers? It's not something I
know much about yet.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Original Message
Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] New PostgreSQL Review at epinions.com
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 21:19:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: Pa
s also.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
> I am rather staggered by a developer considering it necessary to
> attempt to cooerce the core development team into including a patch.
> If the work that Alfred has done is as effective as he claims, t
lock file).
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Clayton Vernon wrote:
> Thanks, but can I specify each port? I've only seen the one documented
> command option "-p" which I assume was for the TCP/IP port.
> Again, thanks for the help,
> Clayto
See http://odbc.postgresql.org/docs/index.php?sql-createsequence.html
for more info.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Christian Marschalek wrote:
> The serial data type automaticaly takes the next higher value, but what
> if there's a drop and I want to assing 3 even if t
Hi Guys,
I don't know if this has any bearing, but I remember someone recently
saying that Sun's JDK 1.3 has a memory leak bug in one of it's releases,
and our JDBC driver is affected by that.
Not sure of it's present status though.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
At present I'm considering running a mismash of zdump, perl, psql, etc, and
I'm kind of hoping there's already something out there.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all li
period, but does that transfer through to PostgreSQL?
Or would the database need to be re-started?
Or ?
Need to find out this info, but the documentation doesn't appear to mention
anything about it, and the mailing list stuff I've read just directly talk
about this.
Regards and
ially if you've
installed from a package (rpm, deb, etc).
It's something to look into.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"John Clark L. Naldoza" wrote:
> Hi,
> Chris Smith wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Did you try what it sugges
Hi Cheryl,
Do you want a one-off copy (a duplicate), or replication which
continuously keeps the databases synchronised?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Cheryl Ayres wrote:
> is there a way to replicate an existing Postgres database. We want to
> duplicate it with a new
have access to the NOTICES which PostgreSQL generates,
regardless of how I'm hitting it.
Would this be useful to you?
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Gregory Wood wrote:
> I'm partial to the ZEOS Database Explorer myself. I don't have experience
> with a mu
Hi Karen,
It wouldn't hurt to update to at least PHP 4.0.5, as it fixes a bunch of
bugs, and also knows about the changes in the PostgreSQL naming of
include files, etc.
Apache 1.3.20 is also available last I checked too.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Karen Ellrick
Hi all,
Does anyone know what the heck CLISP is, and/or if there's a driver for
using PostgreSQL with it? :-)
I'll add it to the techdocs.postgresql.org website if there is too.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
Gunjan Varshney wrote:
> Dear,
> We are w
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