[GENERAL] int8-datatype: possible bug

1999-05-06 Thread Jelle Ruttenberg
6.4.2 Platform: SGI IRIX 6.2. IP22 -- NEROC Publishing Solutions Jelle Ruttenberg De Run 1131, 5503 LB VeldhovenPhone : +31-(0)40-2586641 P.O.Box 133, 5500 AC VeldhovenFax: +31-(0)40-2541893 The Netherlands E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: [GENERAL] int8-datatype: possible bug

1999-05-07 Thread Jelle Ruttenberg
8 --- 9223091440198811892 9223091440198811892 9223091440198811892 (3 rows) edahrecepten=> select version(); version PostgreSQL 6.4.2 on mips-sgi-irix6.2, compiled by cc (1 row) So for the

[GENERAL] Int8: problems

1999-05-11 Thread Jelle Ruttenberg
9223091508918288644 9223091508918288644|9223091508918288644 9223091508918288644|9223091508918288644 9223091508918288644|9223091508918288644 9223091508918288644|9223091508918288644 (5 rows) -- NEROC Publishing S

[GENERAL] IRIX 6.2: problems installation gcc and PostgreSQL with c/g++

1999-06-02 Thread Jelle Ruttenberg
- IRIX mars 6.2 03131015 IP22 mips-abiversion: 1.2 current software: - gcc: 2.8.1 libstdc++: 2.8.1 PostgreSQL: 6.4.2 Thanks, Jelle. -- NEROC Publishing Solutions Jelle

[GENERAL] Problem connecting NT-psqlODBC to Linux-PostgreSQL

1999-09-07 Thread Jelle Ruttenberg
uble. Thanks, Jelle. -- NEROC Publishing Solutions Jelle Ruttenberg De Run 1131, 5503 LB VeldhovenPhone : +31-(0)40-2586641 P.O.Box 133, 5500 AC VeldhovenFax: +31-(0)40-2541893 The Netherlands E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

[GENERAL] Is there a psqlODBC for the Mac?

1999-09-07 Thread Jelle Ruttenberg
Jelle. -- NEROC Publishing Solutions Jelle Ruttenberg De Run 1131, 5503 LB VeldhovenPhone : +31-(0)40-2586641 P.O.Box 133, 5500 AC VeldhovenFax: +31-(0)40-2541893 The Netherlands E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: [GENERAL] Problem connecting NT-psqlODBC to Linux-PostgreSQL

1999-09-07 Thread Jelle Ruttenberg
Hello Herouth, it was indeed the authentication-method: with "password" it works well. Thanks, Jelle. >At 11:31 +0200 on 07/09/1999, Jelle Ruttenberg wrote: > > >> Unable to connect to Ident server on the host which is trying to connect >> to Postgres (IP

[GENERAL] Q: Mac: Openlink->Linux: Openlink-PostgreSQL

1999-09-21 Thread Jelle Ruttenberg
Hello all, maybe somewhat off topic here, but the people at OpenLink who are working on it don't have an answer yet: I'm using OpenLink Data Access Driver Suite 3.2 to connect from a Mac to a Linux with PostgreSQL 6.5.1. When I set the authentication in pg_hba.conf to 'password', the connection