Hi all, my question: ------------ - does anybody know what is needed for the installation of gcc and PostgreSQL with g/c++ on an IRIX 6.2 including the stuff for IRIX 6.2 itself and how to do it. and - if you have the binaries, please answer too. description of the situation: ----------------------------- at this moment I have gcc installed without g/c++, but I want to reinstall gcc, now with g/c++. Therefore I downloaded libstdc++ and tried. But installation went wrong with errors concerning old and new 32-bits objects, abi (during the installation-process there magically sprang a directory 'mabi=64' into existance) etcetera. After this I want to reinstall PostgreSQL with gcc and g/c++, because some numeric datatypes are not working (e.g. int8) or giving notices about casting to a different datatype (e.g. float8). I'm not very technically oriented, so my one and only idea is that the problems have something to do with something internal and with missing files or with configure/make-options I have to set while installing. And maybe the datatype-problems with PostgreSQL will also be solved after a correct installation of gcc..... system: ------- IRIX mars 6.2 03131015 IP22 mips-abiversion: 1.2 current software: ----------------- gcc: 2.8.1 libstdc++: 2.8.1 PostgreSQL: 6.4.2 Thanks, Jelle. -------------------------------------------------------------- NEROC Publishing Solutions Jelle Ruttenberg De Run 1131, 5503 LB Veldhoven Phone : +31-(0)40-2586641 P.O.Box 133, 5500 AC Veldhoven Fax : +31-(0)40-2541893 The Netherlands E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------------------