[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel Kastenholz) writes:
> Hi,
> is there a rule of thumb or an estimate which language provides the
> best performance for stored procedures?
> I'm currently using PL/Pgsql, and wondering
> - to what extent these stored procedures are actually precompiled
> and/or optimize
> I'm disappointed because SLONY-II has not been released yet to support
> multi-master replication! PostgreSQL is going through all of the
> releases - and that's great - BUT, where is the sync-up with the
> powerhouse of a component, that Slony-II would bring to the tab
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Alexander Staubo") writes:
> On 6/1/07, Andrew Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> These are all different solutions to different problems, so it's not
>> surprising that they look different. This was the reason I asked,
>> "What is the problem you are trying to solve?"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Murphy) writes:
> My present need is for email notification; if there's a pg function or
> module that would handle this (I haven't turned up anything in my
> searches, but maybe I'm using the wrong search terms in the wrong
> places) I'd be OK for now, but I'd rather have t
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Christan Josefsson") writes:
> So you indicate that the so called bitmap index scan, a.k.a
> in-memory bitmap indexes (right?), already adds such an
> improvement when it comes to optimized response time on large
> query sets (having the characteristics as normal
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (paddy carroll) writes:
> store mail , send mail, receive mail, filter mail.
> I need a mail firewall for a set of bespoke applications in a secure
> environment.
> I will probably use postfix
It is possible to configure various parts of postfix (e.g. - aliases
and other such)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Csaba Nagy) writes:
> In postgres we're currently not chunking, due to the fact that the code
> to do it is simply overly contorted and inefficient compared to the
> other DBs we use. At least all the solutions we could think of to do the
> chunking in a safe way while the insert
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Merlin Moncure") writes:
> On 8/2/07, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Pardon me for being the contrarian, but why does a server need a
>> GUI? Isn't that just extra RAM & CPU overhead that could be more
>> profitably put to use powering the application?
> A server w
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben) writes:
> We recently installed and populated a new postgres 7.3 server, which
> was quickly abused with a good 12 hours of 115-degree heat. Now, we
> see ~1000 rows missing from a single table, and given our application,
> a delete of those rows seems a very remote possibil
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Phoenix Kiula") writes:
> I have a table with ten columns. My queries basically one column as
> the first WHERE condition, so an index on that column is certain. But
> the columns after that one vary depending on end-user's choice (this
> is a reporting application) and so does
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("TJ O'Donnell") writes:
> I am getting in the habit of storing much of my day-to-day
> information in postgres, rather than "flat" files.
> I have not had any problems of data corruption or loss,
> but others have warned me against abandoning files.
> I like the benefits of enfor
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gregory Stark) writes:
> "Webb Sprague" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I can always count on (note the order name):
>> \a
>> oregon_2007_08_20=# select array_accum(name) from (select name from
>> placenames where desig='crater' order by name desc) a;
>> array_accum
>> {"Yapo
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Trevor Talbot") writes:
> There's also a point in regard to how modifications are made to your
> data store. In general, things working with text files don't go to
> much effort to maintain durability like a real database would. The
> most direct way of editing a text file is
> Relational database pioneer says technology is obsolete
> http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9034619
> kindlt explain how??
There are several spins relevant to this:
1. He's trying to sell His New Thing, and it certainl
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Jay Dickon Glanville") writes:
> On 9/12/07, Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 12:36:22PM -0400, Jay Dickon Glanville wrote:
>> > Hello all.
>> >
>> > Is it possible for PostgreSQL to notify me of a successful transaction
>> > commit?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Travers) writes:
> Since the utility statements are not parameterized, the easiest way to
> manage the roles in an application is to use stored procedures which
> EXECUTE strings to create SQL queries. These EXECUTE statements
> include user-supplied data, and since these
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Bima Djaloeis") writes:
> Hi there,
> I am new to PostgreSQL, is it possible to create something so that
> 1) If I insert / update / delete an item from my DB...
> 2) ... an awk / shell / external program is executed in my UNIX System?
> If yes, how do I do this and if no, thank
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Scott Marlowe") writes:
> About 75% of the time I see that response, it comes with the actual
> code to do just that. I.e. cut and paste and voila, you've got the
> functions.
>> You write the function. Fuck the standard and
>> wake up.
> Me? What about you? The fact is t
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Johnson) writes:
> On 10/16/07 08:21, hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
>> hi,
>> would it be possible for someone to add "last query" for
>> pg_stat_activity view?
>> there is a lot of cases that we have "idle in transaction" sitting for
>> long time, and since we dont lo
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Christian Rengstl") writes:
> Whenever I try dropping a view using DROP VIEW myschema.myview the
> query runs forever. The last time I tried was ten minutes ago and the
> query is still running even though the view queries just data of one
> single table with around 5 fields.
Sascha Bohnenkamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I tryed to use large-object and saw some 'toast' while reading the
> documentation :)
> How do i use it?
You generally merely need to add data to your tables; if columns are
large enough, then PostgreSQL will consider TOASTing them without you
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("=?UTF-8?Q?piotr=5Fsobolewski?=") writes:
> I was very surprised when I executed such SQL query (under PostgreSQL 8.2):
> select random() from generate_series(1, 10) order by random();
> I thought I would receive ten random numbers in random order. But I received
> ten random
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("=?UTF-8?B?VG9tw6HFoSBWb25kcmE=?=") writes:
> Try to one of these:
> a) don't use INSERT statements, use a COPY instead
> b) from time to time run ANALYZE on the "public" table (say 1000
>inserts, then one analyze)
> c) create the table without constraints (primary / fo
Sascha Bohnenkamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I saw on the todo list that the "with recursive" option for selects
>> (equivalent to oracle's connect by, as far as I know) is on the todo
>> list for postgresql, but apparently not for the upcoming 8.3 release.
> the postgresql derivate enterprised
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Jeff Larsen") writes:
>> Alvaro Herrera wrote:
>> > Glyn Astill wrote:
>> >> Thanks everyone for your replies. EnterpriseDB looks like the way to
>> >> go if we want good replication.
>> >
>> > Sorry, this makes no sense to me -- EnterpriseDB has no replication
>> > solution tha
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erik Jones) writes:
> Since no one's mentioned it, and while I don't have any personal
> experience with it, I thought I'd mention the recently released
> Bucardo (http://bucardo.org/) as another Postgres replication option.
It's Yet Another Asynchronous Replication System, ergo
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glyn Astill) writes:
> It it possible to get a system that does syncronous replication and
> also allows slaves to catch up if they're down for a period of time
> like you can with asyncronous?
Well, a "modal approach" is possible - that's what Postgres-R tries to
Of course
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Curtolo) writes:
> Hi, my question is this: it is possible to query, using SQL, an LDAP
> server and put these data to a table of a Postgres database (under
> linux) ???
Unfortunately, the LDAP model is more or less a "network model," which
doesn't fit terribly elegantly o
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glyn Astill) writes:
> [posted again as it found it's way into another thread]
> Hi people,
> I intend to set up two slave servers, one using WAL shipping and one
> using Slony I.
> Are there any good tools, or scripts that'll help us check that both
> replication methods a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Josh Harrison") writes:
> Does slony support postgres major version upgrade ? ie., will it
> replicate between different major versions?
Yes, that's one of the major "use cases" for Slony-I.
Version 1.0 and 1.1 support (loosely) from PostgreSQL 7.3 to 8.1-ish.
Version 1.2 dro
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Scott Marlowe") writes:
> On Dec 10, 2007 2:19 PM, Chris Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Josh Harrison") writes:
>> > Does slony support postgres major version upgrade ? ie., will it
>> > replicate be
Goboxe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What need to be taken care of when replicating data from partitioned
> tables?
> I have several master tables that are inherited by date either daily,
> weekly and monthly.
> How to automate addition of newly created child tables into Slony
> cluster?
Goboxe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks Chris.
> How do I use *.sh & *.ik files?
The "*.sh" files are shell scripts that should run with any Bourne
shell; the *specific* intent is that they be invoked by the test
control script, "run_test.sh".
The "*.ik" files are (mostly) bodies of Slonik
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Gainty) writes:
> Not the planner but you can hint the query as in this example
> select /*+ ordered use_hash(code1)*/ * from table_1;
That might have some effect with Oracle; is there some reason why you
think this would be expected to have any effect on a PostgreSQL que
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Momjian) writes:
>> I am not sure if I am asking too much but does it make sense, and is it
>> possible, to enhance NOTIFY that process "name/value" pair? Like this:
>> NOTIFY "MyName=MyValue";
>> With the capability of name/value pair, the listener will not have to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Sullivan) writes:
> On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 11:15:23AM +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
>> I'm just wetting my hands with slony and during the setup of the slave,
>> I did and dump and restore of the master DB to the Slave DB.
> Nope, you don't need to do that. You need a copy
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Harald Armin Massa") writes:
>> Not likely to change in the future, no. Slony uses triggers to manage the
>> changed rows. We can't fire triggers on large object events, so there's no
>> way for Slony to know what happened.
> that leads me to a question I often wanted to ask
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Zoltan Boszormenyi) writes:
> which will be fast and depending on the initial value of COUNT(*)
> it will be very close to the exact figure. You can extend the example
> with more columns if you know your SELECT COUNT(*) ... WHERE
> conditions in advance but this way you have to
Kico Zaninetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi all.
> I have a database with 62 million registers and I have to make a
> SELECT using LIKE.
> This is my select:
> SELECT * FROM phone WHERE name LIKE = '%ZANINETTI%' AND city = 'SAO
> PAULO' AND state = 'SP'
> I have an index created like this
to come to Christ; they are so wicked that Christ will never accept
them. And then it may be they set themselves upon a new course of
fruitless endeavors, in their own strength, to make themselves better,
and still meet with new disappointments. They are earnest to inquire
what they shall do. T
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ow Mun Heng) writes:
> Just wondering if my 'Perceived' feeling that since implementing slony
> for master/slave replication of select tables, my master database
> performance is getting slower.
> I'm constantly seeing a very high amount of IO wait. ~40-80 according to
> vmstat
carlos.menn...@gmail.com (Carlos Mennens) writes:
> Just wondering how you guys feel about NoSQL and I just wanted to
> share the following article...
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/10770
> Looking to read your feedback and / or opinions.
There's a lot there to agree with, and a lot to
dp...@pgadmin.org (Dave Page) writes:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 2:58 AM, Peter C. Lai wrote:
>> On 2010-10-11 05:57:37PM -0600, David Boreham wrote:
>>> On 10/11/2010 5:46 PM, Carlos Mennens wrote:
>>> > Just wondering how you guys feel about NoSQL and I just wanted to
>>> > share the following
mcham...@gmail.com (Mauricio Chamati) writes:
> Postgree is the most amazing DB, even more it will be the only one that will
> remain free (the good ones) as MySQL has been taken. In order to move on with
> this project, as an Java Senior Architect, I am recomming to you guys to have
> an special "
mgo...@intermodalsoftwaresolutions.net (Michael Gould) writes:
> What and why should I look at certain distributions? It appears from
> what I read, Ubanta is a good desktop but not a server.
There are Ubuntu versions that don't promise support (e.g. - ongoing bug
& security fixes, and such) for
te...@chosen-ones.org (Terry Lee Tucker) writes:
> Lately, I've begun using views quite often especially when queries for
> various
> reports, etc. become complicated. I am now wondering if there is a price to
> pay in terms of overhead for this. In truth, I don't really understand how a
> view
matthieu.h...@wallix.com (Matthieu Huin) writes:
> Greetings,
> Does anyone here have any experience with tags schemas on postgresql ?
> I am struggling with a schema inspired by "scuttle" described here :
> http://www.pui.ch/phred/archives/2005/04/tags-database-schemas.html
> Performances
kamaual...@gmail.com (Allan Kamau) writes:
> I agree with Merlin, There is a surprising big number of "good"
> technology companies (including Google) out there using MySQL. For
> sometime I have been wondering why and have come up with a few
> (possibly wrong) theories. Such as: these companies ar
andrew writes:
> hi all,
> I've just read that pgadmin team was hired by some company and the
> project will be closed... It was a post from 2009.
> I'm just curious what's the story behind that. Did anyone leave?
> thanks.
Are you thinking about this announcement?
gwch...@gmail.com (Gary Chambers) writes:
>> What is the best tool of data modeling and ER diagram for PostgreSQL.
>> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/GUI_Database_Design_Tools
> Although it may not be considered a tool for use in the design (per
> se) of a database, I would highly recommend that
gvi...@gmail.com (gvim) writes:
> If a table representing contact details can have 2 but no more than 2 email
> addresses is it really worth factoring-out email addresses to a separate
> table. Technically it's a 1-to-many relationship so should be done this way
> but what is the general practic
gvi...@gmail.com (gvim) writes:
> I'm putting together a database for a web project which has a lot of
> HR components which I imagine are fairly standardised so, to avoid
> re-inventing the wheel, is there a source of standard, downloadable
> schemas for common projects?
One might imagine so...
d.w...@computer.org (David Wall) writes:
> We're using UUID for primary keys in PG 8.4 without any issues. I
> have no real insights into the details or performance issues, but
> always figured it was stored as a binary 128-bit value, but with added
> benefits of being able to enter and view them
dal...@solfertje.student.utwente.nl (Alban Hertroys) writes:
>>> From wikipedia, "only after generating 1 billion UUIDs every second for
>> the next 100 years, the probability of creating just one duplicate would
>> be about 50%. The probability of one duplicate would be about 50% if
>> every perso
a...@crankycanuck.ca (Andrew Sullivan) writes:
> On Wed, Jan 05, 2011 at 12:41:43PM -0700, Scott Ribe wrote:
>> I'm not sidestepping the point at all.
> You may be missing it, however, because. . .
>> The point is that the finiteness of the space is a red herring. The
>> space is large enough t
wmo...@potentialtech.com (Bill Moran) writes:
> If the chance of a duplicate is 1 in a hundred gazillion, then I can
> still hit a dupe the VERY FIRST TIME I USE IT.
> I'm writing software that is intended to be used to save lives in the
> event of an earthquake or flood or cosmic ray flipping bi
dennis.jenkins...@gmail.com (dennis jenkins) writes:
> The UUID itself is 128 bits. Some of those bits are pre-determined.
> I don't recall, but I think that a "normal" UUID has 121 bits of
> randomness.
That doesn't match RFC 4122 very well...
It indicates 5 forms of UUIDs:
1) Time-based, wher
dal...@solfertje.student.utwente.nl (Alban Hertroys) writes:
> On 6 Jan 2011, at 17:51, Chris Browne wrote:
>> wmo...@potentialtech.com (Bill Moran) writes:
>> If your system is sufficiently negligently designed that this particular
>> conflict causes it to kill people
m...@smogura.eu (Radosław Smogura) writes:
> In any approach preventing gaps, locking is required. This is real life
> situation; imagine you have two coworkers and then they need to create
> invoices, so they looks in ledger (or a last day copy of ledger in their
> offices; international compan
"Robert Paresi" writes:
> Hello,
> We have 700 user install base using Sybase SQL Anywhere 9.02
> We are looking at migrating these installations over to PostGres
> 1. Very Very Short Answer Please - why should we?
Cheaper? Perhaps faster? It's tough to guess, absent of metrics as to
guilla...@lelarge.info (Guillaume Lelarge) writes:
> Le 26/01/2011 23:13, Tom Lane a écrit :
>> Guillaume Lelarge writes:
>>> Le 26/01/2011 22:29, Lawrence Cohan a écrit :
All I need is to at least be able and save a userid(current_user),
>>> timestamp, action, and the name of the object and
hero...@unicell.co.il (Herouth Maoz) writes:
> As a result of my recent encounter with table bloat and other tuning
> issues I've been running into, I'm looking for a good resource for
> improving my tuning skills.
> My sysadmin ran into the following book:
> PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance, by
atsaloli.t...@gmail.com (Aleksey Tsalolikhin) writes:
> Situation: Disk usage on production server root filesystem is at 68%
> utilization (80 GB used), on DR is at 51% (56 GB used). We use
> SlonyII-1.2.x to keep the DR up to date. I would like to account for
> the 24 GB difference.
It's more
peter.geoghega...@gmail.com (Peter Geoghegan) writes:
> On 1 February 2011 03:52, Scott Marlowe wrote:
>> You can reclaim that space by doing a cluster or vacuum full on the
>> subject table.
> Yes, but this is a fairly bad idea, particularly prior to PG 9.0 . 9.0
> has a new vacuum full impleme
carlos.menn...@gmail.com (Carlos Mennens) writes:
> I was sitting down thinking the other day about when is it good to
> generate a new database or just use an existing one. For example, lets
> say my company name is called 'databasedummy.org' and I have a
> database called 'dbdummy'. Now I need Po
prabakara...@zohocorp.com ("prabakaran.a") writes:
> Dear All,
> In Mysql, If we create a directory under mysql/data, mysql treated as
> database instance without starting mysql server.
> Is there any similar provision in postgres where we can create a
> database instance without starting postg
li...@serioustechnology.com (Geoffrey Myers) writes:
> Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
>> Hash: RIPEMD160
>>> cut and paste:
>> Should be
>> You can also set this when calling psql like so:
robjsarg...@gmail.com (Rob Sargent) writes:
> On 03/04/2011 04:54 AM, Vibhor Kumar wrote:
>> On Mar 4, 2011, at 5:17 PM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 08:03:59PM -0700, Gauthier, Dave wrote:
I have to update all the records of a table. I'm worried ab
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Andrej Ricnik-Bay") writes:
> On 01/02/2008, Tony Caduto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The part about the BSD license is bogus. A BSD license is the most
>> desirable of any Open Source license and gives you the right to use
>> PostgreSQL in your commercial apps without worry.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Christian Teguh") writes:
> Hi guys, i just wondering, i there a way to make PostgreSQL database
> like M$ Access. That have only single or several files without
> installing it.?? Thanks for your attention.
No, there isn't, just as there isn't a "make it faster" flag.
If you
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Wall) writes:
>> What then? Could it be marketing or the sad results of a avalanche
>> effect? Geee, there's a thought.
> What a wide variety of topics. One big difference for me is that
> MySQL used to be open source, but it no longer is. It's an odd hybrid
> OSS tha
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Craig Ringer) writes:
> Erik Jones wrote:
>> They've gotten around that by making MySQL "dual-licensed". If
>> you're going to be using MySQL in a commercial application then you
>> can not use the GPL'd version, you have to use their paid,
>> commercial license.
> My underst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Keaton Adams) writes:
> That is an interesting question. If our organization were to help fund the
> development of such a feature, would that be something taken into
> consideration by the development team?
I seem to recall there being a relevant Google Summer of Code project
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Atkins) writes:
> There are no existing clashes with system tools that I'm aware of. Are
> there any? Most of the clashes are with other installations of
> postgresql installed on the same machine, so if name clashes is the
> real reason for the change, then the version num
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("W S") writes:
> I was asked this question, and I wasn't sure if it is possible:
> do you know of a way to stop just one database (not delete/drop) on
> our PostgreSQL 8.1 server?
> And, while I know how to shut down postmaster, and/or put in rules to
> pg_hba.conf to lim
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Roberts, Jon") writes:
> I am moving from Windows to Solaris and I need pgcrypto and dblink.
> Where are these? I don't see anything in the configure that suggests it
> is even an option.
They are part of the set of "contrib" functions.
You head to directory "contrib", and, i
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ivan Sergio Borgonovo) writes:
> Is there a switch (php side or pg side) to avoid things like:
> pg_query("select id from table1 where a=$i");
> into becoming
> pg_query("select id from table1 where a=1 and 1=1; do something
> nasty; -- ");
> So that every
> pg_query(...)
> Let me just start off by saying that I *want* to use postgresql.
> That's my goal. I do not want to use SQLServer. I'm posting this
> message not to slam postgres, but to ask for someone to help me figure
> out what I'm doing wrong.
> I've used
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Lee Tucker) writes:
> Is there a distinction between "ORIGIN" and "LOCAL" as related to
> session_replication_role, and if so, what is it? I am unable to understand
> from the documentation any distinction between the two settings.
The intent is that a system that is the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Richard Broersma") writes:
> I don't believe that DDL Triggers exist, correct?
That is correct.[1]
The usual point is that you cannot attach triggers to pg_catalog
tables, which would be the "obvious" way of trying to notice DDL
changes. (e.g. - by having triggers that woul
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Sullivan) writes:
> Oh, one other thing
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 12:44:51PM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
>> > One way I can think of doing it is to write a seen_log that notes what the
>> > client has already seen with a timestamp of (say) 1 minute. Then you can
>> >
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Joshua D. Drake") writes:
> On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 22:19:23 -0500
> Josh Trutwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is your presentation available online at all?
> Blogging the bad boy up right now Will be available soon.
The presentation seems pretty good...
... But what is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alvaro Herrera) writes:
> Geoffrey wrote:
>> Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>>> On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 14:30:18 -0400
>>> Geoffrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't know that slony is the answer. It was more of a question
then an answer. We are hoping to use that solution t
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Csaba Nagy) writes:
> On Sun, 2008-04-20 at 11:32 -0600, Scott Marlowe wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Scott Ribe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > I am going to play with this and see where it breaks, but it's going to
>> > > be
>> > > an enormous time investment t
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Scott Marlowe") writes:
> What I keep dreaming of is a process that lets slony use pg_bulkloader
> or something like it to do the initial load...
Does there seem to be some likelihood of some portion of pg_bulkloader
getting added to core? It sounds like it's worth looking at
> How can I make a Update of a column in a very large table for all
> rows without using the double amount of disc space and without any
> need for atomic operation?
You may need to redefine the problem.
> I have a very large table with about 60 million rows. I sometimes
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oliver Helm) writes:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if if is possible to add a note against a field on a
> postgresql table?
> For example when running "\d tablename" i would like to have and additional
> column called 'notes' which i could add to by altering the tab
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Sullivan) writes:
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 07:46:07PM -0400, brian wrote:
>> Absolutely true. Which is odd, because this example is trotted out
>> whenever there's a thread about ENUMs.
> I don't think it's odd at all. In my view, the people who think enums are a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Treat) writes:
> I feel like some type of counter-argument is that this is probably longer
> than one would expect thier database software to last. :-)
That has the counterargument that if the database software works, it's
likely to get used for longer than one would ex
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Treat) writes:
> On Thursday 01 May 2008 13:40, Tom Lane wrote:
>> 7.4 was released 2003-11-17, so I think that it will very likely get
>> obsoleted at the end of 2008.
> If that's the case, it'd be nice to get an official statement of that now. :-)
People have been ma
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ivan Sergio Borgonovo) writes:
> On Sat, 10 May 2008 07:35:36 +0200
> "Pavel Stehule" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> your application different execution paths. Generally I can say, so
>> plpgsql isn't well language for this games, and better is using
>> plperl, plpython or othe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Joshua D. Drake") writes:
> Gauthier, Dave wrote:
>> Ive been invited to participate in a forum which discusses
>> technical issues for relational DBs used in the corporation. The 3
>> DBs they are discussing are Oracle, SQL-Server and MySQL. Id like
>> to introduce PG, but
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaloyan Iliev) writes:
> And what about RT (Request Tracker - http://bestpractical.com/rt/)
> .
> AFAIK it is free and open-source, uses Postgres and is easy to setup.
RT has a very different purpose; it was designed to track work (e.g. -
"work tickets"), as opposed to managing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martijn van Oosterhout) writes:
> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 03:07:17AM +0930, Shane Ambler wrote:
>> Exactly. The real problem is that the first one to apply for a patent
>> gets it. It really doesn't matter who invents it. If we have patents
>> that cover our work then we can cont
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("John Tregea") writes:
> I have been asked to specify a pair of HP PC's to set up a
> PostGreSQL server (and backup) for a client. The HP model we are
> looking at has an AMD Phenomâ,,¢ Quad Core Processor (9600B). The
> machines would be running Windows XP Pro (our clients
> req
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Siebert) writes:
> Well I am kind of stuck using OpenSuse. Not a bad distro and is the one
> we use in our office for production work.
> I like CentOS myself for database work and tend to use that for test
> systems here since I manage them myself.
> I was more wondering if
"Carlos Oliva" writes:
> Is there a way to create a database or a table of a database in its own
> folder? We are looking for ways to backup the sytem files of the database
> to tape and one to exclude some tables from this backup. We can selectively
> backup folders of the file system so we
"Carlos Oliva" writes:
> Is there a way to create a database or a table of a database in its own
> folder? We are looking for ways to backup the sytem files of the database
> to tape and one to exclude some tables from this backup. We can selectively
> backup folders of the file system so we
"Carlos Oliva" writes:
> Would the backup be unrecoverable if I shutdown the databse first?
If the backup includes pg_xlog and pg_clog, as well as all of the
database metadata files, then whatever portions *are* included are
likely to be somewhat usable.
The portions not included in the backup w
lizz...@gmail.com (Lizzy M) writes:
> I have an problem: can postgresql store its data on the raw disks now?
> I have checked the mail list and manual, but havent found the
> answer. In some early mails, they mentioned pg didnt support this
> character. But how about now? Raw disk m
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