[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Bima Djaloeis") writes:
> Hi there,
> I am new to PostgreSQL, is it possible to create something so that
> 1) If I insert / update / delete an item from my DB...
> 2) ... an awk / shell / external program is executed in my UNIX System?
> If yes, how do I do this and if no, thanks for telling.
> Thanks for reading, any help is appreciated.

I Would Not try to do that directly, as that could lead to arbitrary
numbers of processes getting scheduled, which could cause Plenty O

I would instead suggest having a trigger in place that would, upon
doing this:

 a) Insert an ID, if needed, into a work queue table.
    (This may be optional.)

 b) Use NOTIFY to tell a process that uses LISTEN to wake up and
    do whatever work is necessary, possibly processing *multiple*

The LISTENING process needs to be prepared to process all the
queued-up work; that should lead to *vastly* more efficient processing
than spawning a worker for each item.
Rules of the  Evil Overlord #60. "My five-year-old  child advisor will
also  be asked to  decipher any  code I  am thinking  of using.  If he
breaks the code  in under 30 seconds, it will not  be used. Note: this
also applies to passwords." <http://www.eviloverlord.com/>

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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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