Have you looked at creating a function in perl and creating a new
connection? Or using a dblink query which can create a new connection?
These two methods work. I have used them to insert to a log table regardless
of the parent transaction being commited or rolled back.
A old example I posted of u
Have you looked at creating a function in perl and creating a new
connection? Or using a dblink query which can create a new connection?
These two methods work. I have used them to insert to a log table regardless
of the parent transaction being commited or rolled back.
A old example I posted of u
Coming from an Oracle background my understanding is they're one in the
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Alvaro Herrera
> Bob Henkel escribió:
> > Have you looked at creating a function in perl and creating a new
> > connection? Or
In my quest to create a simple PostgreSQL program that runs on the
iPhone I have ran into some problems.
The first issue I had with my build was libpq being compiled for
architecture of type x86_64 by default on Snow Leopard and the
Simulator being i386 so my build would fail telling me libpq was
Thanks Jan that was the issue. The SDK that my app was using for the
simulator build was was 10.5 while the my compile of libpq was using
10.6. Once I forced libpq to compile with 10.5 all my problems went
away. Thanks for your help I appreciate it.
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Jan Otto wrote
On Apr 9, 2005 10:55 PM, Steve - DND <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:What is the general consensus on using table inheritance? I know it's there,but is it good, bad, or just dependent on how it's used? I need to trackcreation/update information for a large number of tables in my current DB. Iwas just goi
On Apr 12, 2005 9:40 AM, Andrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The following statement runs VERY slowly on large tables.Any idea how to speed it up ?UPDATE rid SET dokumnr=NULL WHERE dokumnr NOT IN (SELECT dokumnr FROM dok);Tables:CREATE TABLE dok ( dokumnr INTEGER, CONSTRAINT dok_pkey PRIM
I couldn't agree with you more. I'm just a developer in a very large
company and getting anyone to listen and then understand that logic would
be a nightmare to say the least. If it was my company I would put money
toward those issues.
ck for error
code logic here
check for error
code logic here
check for error
code logic here
check for error
Bob Henkel 651-738-5085
Mutual Fu
when infact the GUI tool choose the order. Just a thought
Bob Henkel 651-738-5085
Mutual Funds I/T Woodbury
Hartford Life
500 Bielenberg Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
| | Richard Huxton |
| |
I won't say what is right or wrong to do. But some will say to store the
file location in a field such as /mydocs/mypictures/myimage.jpg and then
have your php or what ever open that file. by using a select statement.
Not sure how you would store them in the database and pull it righ out. I
Just my experience, but we when I have used Oracle as my database. My
processes that run in batch use shell scripts to kick of stored procedures
even though Oracle does provide jobs. Shell scripts can be much more
flexible in many cases. You can have dependancies on all kinds of things
My thoughts in a perfect world for having oracle style jobs in postgresql
would be a very loud yes. In the world called reality I say why waste
precious time on something that can already be accomplished by other means.
This feature at this time would just be icing on an already tasty cake.
I just want a general idea of what Postgresql can handle. I know the guru's
will say it depends on many different things, but in general what can this
bad boy handle?
50gb to 100gb is by no means small. But how does Postgresql 7.4 handle
database of 900G, or 1 Terabyte or greater?
How does
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