I just want a general idea of what Postgresql can handle. I know the guru's
will say it depends on many different things, but in general what can this
bad boy handle?

50gb to 100gb is by no means small.  But how does Postgresql 7.4 handle
database of  900G, or 1 Terabyte or greater?
 How does Postgresql handle a table with100 columns of integers and
varchar2(400) data types with 1 million rows,10 million, 100 million 500
million,greater then 1 billion joined to a small lookup table of 50000 rows
with both tables indexed properely?  Can this database handle enterprise
quanities of data or is it geared towards the small to medium data?

|         |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
|         |           (wilbur douma)         |
|         |           Sent by:               |
|         |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           tgresql.org            |
|         |                                  |
|         |                                  |
|         |           04/15/2004 03:14 PM    |
|         |                                  |
  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                  
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:  [GENERAL] Postgresql system requirements to support large 
databases.                   |

We are looking at implementing a large Postgresql database (50GB -
100GB) and are wondering if there are any limitations or problems for
a database of this size running on 32-bit architecture.  I have seen
some older posts where it appears that Postgresql seemed to have
performance problems when the database reached 5GB, and it was
recommended that 64-bit architecture be used.  Is this still true with
Postgresql version 7.4?  This will be out first experience with
Postgresql and we are needing to get some ideas of what system
requirements a database of this size will require.  Since the machines
that we have are all 32-bit, we would like to know if we will need to
go to 64-bit.  Any comments or suggestions??

Thanks in advance for any help.

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