Re: [GENERAL] Out of Memory - 8.2.4

2007-08-30 Thread Alvaro Herrera
cuum needs its own value of > "maintenance_work_mem", or that it should automatically divide the value > by the authorized number of workers. Hmm, this makes sense. -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM: S 39º 49' 18.1", W 73º 13' 56.4" "Cómo p

Re: [GENERAL] Out of Memory - 8.2.4

2007-08-30 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Tom Lane escribió: > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > I'm not having much luck really. I think the problem is that ANALYZE > > stores reltuples as the number of live tuples, so if you delete a big > > portion of a big table, then ANALYZE

Re: [GENERAL] Question regarding autovacuum in 8.1

2007-08-30 Thread Alvaro Herrera
> tables are used more often then other... Well, if you want to know which tables are used more, check the pg_stat views. -- Alvaro Herrera "No hay cielo posible sin hundir nuestras raíces en la

Re: [GENERAL] Removing pollution from log files

2007-08-30 Thread Alvaro Herrera
uys. OTOH, maybe you are using ODBC wrongly. -- Alvaro Herrera "El destino baraja y nosotros jugamos" (A. Schopenhauer) ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 3: Have you checke

Re: [GENERAL] Out of Memory - 8.2.4

2007-08-30 Thread Alvaro Herrera
vacuum, the PG_TRY block at the end. It was committed in rev 1.52 of autovacuum.c. -- Alvaro Herrera "We are who we choose to be", sang the goldfinch when the sun is high (Sandman) ---

Re: [GENERAL] Out of Memory - 8.2.4

2007-08-30 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Tom Lane escribió: > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Tom Lane escribió: > >> BTW, if an autovac worker gets an elog(ERROR) on one table, does it die > >> or continue on with the next table? > > > It continues with the next table if interru

Re: [GENERAL] Out of Memory - 8.2.4

2007-08-30 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Tom Lane escribió: > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> VACUUM getting "Out of memory" may not sound like a big problem, but > >> the scary thing is - the last VACUUM's memory request may succeed and > >> that means following queries

Re: [GENERAL] Out of Memory - 8.2.4

2007-08-30 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Tom Lane escribió: > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > I'm not having much luck really. I think the problem is that ANALYZE > > stores reltuples as the number of live tuples, so if you delete a big > > portion of a big table, then ANALYZE

Re: [GENERAL] WAL to RAW devices ?

2007-08-31 Thread Alvaro Herrera
s, you need journalling of metadata only, not of data; the latter is provided by WAL. So you can mount the data filesystem with the option data=writeback. -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM: S 39º 49' 18.1", W 73º 13' 56.4" "All rings of power are equal, Bu

Re: [GENERAL] WAL to RAW devices ?

2007-08-31 Thread Alvaro Herrera
; block list in the filesystem), take a new snapshot, create the jail and stop the recovery mode again. So you have a fresher postmaster for queries. It's not as good as having a true hot standby, for sure. But it seems it's good enough while we wait. -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia

Re: [GENERAL] Out of Memory - 8.2.4

2007-08-31 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Tom Lane escribió: > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > It continues with the next table if interrupted (SIGINT), but the worker > > exits on any other error. I would ask you to review that code -- it's > > in do_autovacuum, the PG_TRY block at t

Re: [GENERAL] ERROR: table row type and query-specified row type do not match

2007-09-02 Thread Alvaro Herrera
thing is wrong with the subselect. >>> >> AFAICT, this works for me, so either you left something important out of >> your example or you're looking at an already-fixed bug. What PG version >> is that? -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] Statistics collection question

2007-09-03 Thread Alvaro Herrera
ain select shows that index is being > used! Let's see the explain output? I doubt your games with stats have anything to do with it. Maybe it is having to scan a lot of dead tuples or something like that. -- Alvaro Herrera The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Suggestion for new function on pg_catalog: get_config()

2007-09-03 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Luiz K. Matsumura wrote: > Hi all, > > I want to suggest a inclusion of an new function on the pg_catalog. > Since we have set_config(text, text, boolean) > can we have an get_config( text ) ? Hum, isn't this current_setting()? -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM

Re: [GENERAL] Suggestion for new function on pg_catalog: get_config()

2007-09-04 Thread Alvaro Herrera
) > where name = 'default_tablespace' > > and > > select current_setting('default_tablespace' ) > > can be considered equivalent ? Probably. Also try select * from pg_settings; -- Alvaro Herrera Developer, "In

Re: [GENERAL] Controlling locale and impact on LIKE statements

2007-09-04 Thread Alvaro Herrera
t and Eloy is wrong on that discussion. There is not anything the DB can do to use the regular index if the locale is not C for LIKE queries. There are good reasons for this. There's not much option beyond creating the pattern_ops index. -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM:

Re: [GENERAL] How to 'register' functions, so they can be called (plpythonu)

2007-09-04 Thread Alvaro Herrera
> python libs? This is quite different -- I'm guessing the Python library can be accessed via normal means. What you cannot do is use Postgres' CREATE FUNCTION to define a regular Python function (i.e. you cannot extend the "library"). -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] problem with transactions in VB.NET using npgsql

2007-09-05 Thread Alvaro Herrera
on statement logging (I've set log_statement to > 'all'), but it doesn't seem to show the begin transaction - commit - > rollback statements. Is there another way to have them show up in the log? If they don't show up, they are not being executed at all; which exp

Re: [GENERAL] problem with transactions in VB.NET using npgsql

2007-09-05 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Tom Lane wrote: > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Owen Hartnett wrote: > >> I've been able to turn on statement logging (I've set log_statement to > >> 'all'), but it doesn't seem to show the begin transaction - commit - &g

Re: [GENERAL] Querying database for table pk - better way?

2007-09-05 Thread Alvaro Herrera
of them, so the regex engine really gets \((.*(\) which means "parens, then .*, then parens, but capture whatever is matched by the .*". Phew, I think this is a very confuse explanation. Hope it helps :-) -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] Controlling locale and impact on LIKE statements

2007-09-06 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Martin Langhoff escribió: > On 9/5/07, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Martin Langhoff escribió: > > > > > As I have a Pg install where the locale is already en_US.UTF-8, and > > > the database already exists, is there a DB-scoped way of co

Re: [GENERAL] Alias "all fields"?

2007-09-06 Thread Alvaro Herrera
102 > > > primary key: (id,year) > > value not null > > and be ready. > >the import/update reasons are pretty easily solved > >that way too. > > then your primary key will consists of two fields. > I prefer the primary keys with one f

Re: [GENERAL] Need suggestion on how best to update 3 million rows

2007-09-06 Thread Alvaro Herrera
n be useful too. > > How about: make sure you have enough free space because the table will > effectively double in size? Assuming it hasn't already been updated a few > times without vacuuming :). It is true for CLUSTER, but not for VACUUM FULL. -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] Need suggestion on how best to update 3 million rows

2007-09-06 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Alvaro Herrera wrote: > Lincoln Yeoh wrote: > > At 06:32 PM 9/6/2007, Richard Huxton wrote: > > > >> Two other tips for bulk-updates like this: > >> 1. Do as many columns in one go as you can > >> 2. Only update rows that need updating > >> >

Re: [GENERAL] Query with "like" is really slow

2007-09-07 Thread Alvaro Herrera
an the actual query > is a symptom of time being lost to a function call? It means that measuring alters the reality. -- Alvaro Herrera "I must say, I am absolutely impressed with what pgsql's implementation of VALUES

Re: [GENERAL] Auto vacuum documentation

2007-09-07 Thread Alvaro Herrera
eans that it connects to see if there's anything to vacuum. It may not actually vacuum any tables at all. To see if it vacuums anything you must change log_min_messages to debug2. (On 8.3 we've added a new config parameter log_autovacuum which will allow you t

Re: [GENERAL] Time Zone design issues

2007-09-10 Thread Alvaro Herrera
ything works the same. FWIW, the equivalent to the TZ variable in Postgres is setting the TimeZone variable (either using SET at the start of the session, or via ALTER USER/SET, etc). -- Alvaro Herrera "E pur si muove&

Re: [GENERAL] Checking is TSearch2 query is valid

2007-09-10 Thread Alvaro Herrera
: 42601: no operand in tsearch query: "(" > LOCATION: gettoken_query, tsquery.c:163 > > Seems to be "SYNTAX_ERROR". Hmm, maybe we should be displaying the textual name of the SQLSTATE somehow. -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] Time Zone design issues

2007-09-10 Thread Alvaro Herrera
likely offering the user's tz > info...but I am interested in seeing someone's mature system for > returning the user's local time based their tz as stored in their > profile. I wouldn't trust the browser's TZ, and you would need a way to override it. So stor

Re: [GENERAL] problems with large table

2007-09-12 Thread Alvaro Herrera
ggestion is > this to create a new table that is populated from the old table, rename > the old table to big_table new, rename new table to old table. Run analyze. Running CLUSTER is a faster and less error-prone way of doing the same thing. -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM: S 39

Re: [GENERAL] problems with large table

2007-09-12 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Mike Charnoky wrote: > Alvaro: The cluster suggestion probably won't help in my case since data > in the table should already be naturally ordered by date. It's not helpful only for reordering, but also for getting rid of dead tuples. -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] problems with large table

2007-09-12 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Phoenix Kiula escribió: > On 13/09/2007, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Mike Charnoky wrote: > > > > > Alvaro: The cluster suggestion probably won't help in my case since data > > > in the table should already be naturally ordere

Re: [GENERAL] Cannot declare record members NOT NULL

2007-09-12 Thread Alvaro Herrera
> notice this "from-type" listing for functions. Yeah, but it doesn't allow the NOT NULL specification. I don't think there's any way to do what the OP wants ATM. -- Alvaro Herrera Voy a acabar con todo

Re: [GENERAL] Cannot declare record members NOT NULL

2007-09-12 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Cultural Sublimation wrote: > Hi, > > > I presume you mean that the server is saying the column can be NULL, > > not that it is actually NULL, since: > > Yeah, that is the correct semantics: "it can be NULL". It does make > a world of difference on the client side, because an "int4 never NULL"

Re: [GENERAL] Windows Auto-Vacuum in 8.2.4 or 8.2.5

2007-09-21 Thread Alvaro Herrera
e release notes if this bug was > fixed in versions 8.2.4 or 8.2.5. Does any know if it was? Hmm, maybe it was, but then I cannot recall what bug I was referring to :-( I can't find a relevant CVS log message either. -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] Windows Auto-Vacuum in 8.2.4 or 8.2.5

2007-09-21 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Richard Broersma Jr wrote: > --- Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Hmm, maybe it was, but then I cannot recall what bug I was referring to > > :-( I can't find a relevant CVS log message either. > > Okay. FWIW, I am still seeing the same beh

Re: [GENERAL] Migrating from 32 bit to 64 bit binaries

2007-09-21 Thread Alvaro Herrera
ad, so I won't mention that. Which makes this reply empty. Hmmm. -- Alvaro Herrera Developer, "Changing the world ... one keyboard at a time!" ( ---(end of broadcast)

Re: [GENERAL] Unable to start PostgresSQL Server

2007-09-21 Thread Alvaro Herrera
d memory (key=5432001, addr=015E): > Invalid argument Known bug, unknown cause or solution as of yet. Please see I think you need to restart the service. -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM: S 39º 49&

Re: [GENERAL] Performance Issues

2007-09-21 Thread Alvaro Herrera
estimator function. One idea is that if you are storing something that's not really a general character string, develop a specific datatype, with a more precise selectivity estimator. If you are you up to coding in C, that is. -- Alvaro Herrerahttp://www

Re: [GENERAL] Performance Issues

2007-09-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Christian Schröder wrote: > Alvaro Herrera wrote: >> Christian Schröder wrote: >> >> >>> I think it is my job as db admin to make the database work the way my >>> users need it, and not the user's job to find a solution that fits the >>>

Re: [GENERAL] Out of Memory - 8.2.4

2007-09-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Tom Lane escribió: > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > ! /* no need to allocate more space than we have pages */ > > ! maxtuples = LAZY_ALLOC_TUPLES * relblocks; > > Uh ... you need to guard against integer overflow in this calculation.

Re: [GENERAL] SRF called with optional NULL input runs 7x slower

2007-09-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
need to do something like PREPARE foo AS SELECT ... replace code with $1, etc ... EXPLAIN ANALYZE EXECUTE foo(code, ...) Otherwise they would be treated as constants so the queries would be planned differently. (untested, so correct the syntax appropriately) -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] SRF called with optional NULL input runs 7x slower

2007-09-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
> > > it ERRORs w/ could not determine data type of parameter $3 Cast it to the correct type. -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM: S 39º 49' 18.1", W 73º 13' 56.4" "Cómo ponemos nuestros dedos en la arcilla del otro. Eso es la amistad; jugar al alfarer

Re: [GENERAL] SRF called with optional NULL input runs 7x slower

2007-09-24 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Ow Mun Heng wrote: > On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 02:31 -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote: > > > it ERRORs w/ could not determine data type of parameter $3 > > > > Cast it to the correct type. > > how do I cast a NULL? Is it Varchar? I didn't say "pick a random dat

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dumping large objects

2007-09-24 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Morris Goldstein escribió: > pg_dump --help says: > > -b, --blobs include large objects in dump > > What is the definition of "large object"? The kind you create with lo_open(), etc. If you don't do that, you don't need it. -- Alvaro

Re: [GENERAL] rules and command status question

2007-09-25 Thread Alvaro Herrera
second case, by giving it the alphabetically > last rule name among the active rules, so that it gets applied last." > > Can someone help me understand what this means. How can I change my INSERT > ...INSTEAD rule so that query returns the number of rows inserted ( instead >

Re: [GENERAL] PG_DUMP not working

2007-09-25 Thread Alvaro Herrera
when I go to view it, it never finishes > loading. Also, I cannot drop this view as this as well never > finishes. Perhaps somebody has a lock on a table or view. Try select relation::regclass, database, transaction, pid, mode, granted from pg_locks; Do you see anything related

Re: [GENERAL] Porblems migrating a server.

2007-09-25 Thread Alvaro Herrera
lity in core? You can > probably check the release notes for 8.2 for details.) Not in core -- the code was pushed to pgfoundry. -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support --

Re: [GENERAL] subquery/alias question

2007-09-25 Thread Alvaro Herrera
om domains > natural join (select usr_dom_id as dom_id, >count(usr_dom_id) as usr_count > from users) u > where usr_count > 0 > order by dom_name; Maybe the usr_count should be tested in a HAVING clause instead of WHERE? And

Re: [GENERAL] subquery/alias question

2007-09-26 Thread Alvaro Herrera
dom_id, dom_name (placed just before the HAVING clause). -- Alvaro Herrera "Some men are heterosexual, and some are bisexual, and some men don't think about sex at all... they become lawyers" (Woody Allen) ---

Re: [GENERAL] PG_DUMP not working

2007-09-26 Thread Alvaro Herrera
2. Do you think I > would have any troubles when upgrading to pgsql 8.2 ~ ie. existing php > queries not working? There could be. However, upgrading to 7.4.18 (?) should work without issues, so short-term it is a very good idea to upgrade to that. Then you can plan an u

Re: [GENERAL] Dumping from older version

2007-09-26 Thread Alvaro Herrera
dump > generated INSERTs although I didn't ask for them. Not a problem, but I was > curious. Perhaps you included -d in the command line options? -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM: S 39º 49' 18.1", W 73º 13' 56.4" "El miedo ate

Re: [GENERAL] CLUSTER = slower vacuum?

2007-09-26 Thread Alvaro Herrera
vacuums? No. Something else must be happening. Maybe examine the output of vacuum verbose to see where the time is going? -- Alvaro Herrera The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. ---(end

Re: [GENERAL] RETURN NEXT on result set

2007-09-26 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Scott Ribe wrote: > Feature request: allow some way to "return next" a set of values. Usage: > recursive stored procedures to walk a tree. Example: given a table, find all > tables that inherit from it. There is a new RETURN QUERY in 8.3 that may be what you want.

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump (8.1.9) does not output copy statements

2007-09-26 Thread Alvaro Herrera
ill only output insert statements with the -d / --inserts flag > set. I can't seem to find an option to explicitly state that copy should be > used instead of insert. I'm using 8.1.9 Let's see your command line. -- Alvaro Herrerahttp://www.CommandP

Re: [GENERAL] question about pg_dump -a

2007-09-28 Thread Alvaro Herrera
> tables do not depend on successive ones? It does -- but it can't with data-only dumps. (I think that it just punts and doesn't care. Maybe we could improve it to do a "best effort"). The current suggested usage is to avoid using data-only dumps. -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] access privileges: grant select on (all current and future tables)?

2007-09-28 Thread Alvaro Herrera
s privileges for a schema. something like "\z > > schemaname" not "\dp schemaname."? > > ok let me ask this one other way: > when i "drop user username" which system tables does it access to then reply: > ERROR: role "usernam

Re: [GENERAL] more problems with count(*) on large table

2007-09-28 Thread Alvaro Herrera
t he does have a WHERE condition. THe problem is, probably, that the condition is not selective enough so the planner chooses to do a seqscan. -- Alvaro Herrera The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. ---(

Re: [GENERAL] Inheritance fixing timeline? (Was "Inherited FK Indexing")

2007-10-01 Thread Alvaro Herrera
table, meaning they do return a position within the table, but cannot > > point to different tables. > > Is this set to be fixed in any particular release? No, sorry. -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQ

Re: [GENERAL] more problems with count(*) on large table

2007-10-01 Thread Alvaro Herrera
minutes! This is just cache effect. -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner

Re: [GENERAL] Find clusters containing a schema?

2007-10-01 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Josh Trutwin wrote: > Is it possible to somehow query the system catalog to find out which > clusters/databases have a certain schema? No, unless you connect to each database in turn. -- Alvaro Herrera The PostgreSQL Company - C

Re: [GENERAL] Finding number of rows deleted in a stored procedure

2007-10-02 Thread Alvaro Herrera
e_fk = del_role_pk; > DELETE FROM br_role WHERE role_pk = del_role_pk; > IF FOUND THEN > RETURN 1; > ELSE > RETURN 0; > END IF; > END; > $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Right. Use GET DIAGNOSTICS foo = ROW_COUNT -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] pg_cancel_backend() does not work with buzz queries

2007-10-03 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Sergey Konoplev escribió: > > AFAIK, pl/pgsql does listen for SIGINT during execution, but I don't nkow > > abuot plpython. > > How can we find it out? Let's see one of the functions to find out if anyone else can reproduce the problem. -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] Easier string concat in PL funcs?

2007-10-03 Thread Alvaro Herrera
I missed it not too long ago. I'm not sure about the exact syntax, and certainly I expect this to become less of an issue with plan invalidation on 8.3, but IMHO it would be good to have something like Python %(f)s string interpolation (or just plain string interpolation like in other lang

Re: [GENERAL] Unexpected behavior with CASE statement

2007-10-03 Thread Alvaro Herrera
sum (val) > when 2 then > max (val) > when 3 then > min (val) >end as result > from metrics > group by metric_type This doesn't make sense. Use separate output columns for the different aggregates. -- Alvaro Herrera htt

Re: [GENERAL] PITR Recovery and out-of-sync indexes

2007-10-03 Thread Alvaro Herrera
virtual-machine in OS X? I think it would be easier (and more performant) to define a new locale on OS/X (or on Linux) to match the behavior of the other system. (Perhaps define a new locale on both, with matching name and matching behavior). -- Alvaro Herrerahttp://www

Re: [GENERAL] ERROR: variable not found in subplan target lists

2007-10-04 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Miroslav Šulc wrote: > I just verified that the problem is in pg 8.2.5 too. Can you show us the table definitions? -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support ---(

Re: [GENERAL] multiple row insertion

2007-10-04 Thread Alvaro Herrera
test tester escribió: > On 10/4/07, test tester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > i have version 8.1 and i want to know how to insert multiple rows in this > > version. Upgrade. -- Alvaro Herrera The PostgreSQL

Re: [GENERAL] Large Result and Memory Limit

2007-10-04 Thread Alvaro Herrera
aring a cursor and fetching a few rows at a time. -- Alvaro Herrera "No es bueno caminar con un hombre muerto" ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 1: if posting/reading thr

Re: [GENERAL] Large Result and Memory Limit

2007-10-04 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Scott Marlowe escribió: > On 10/4/07, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Mike Ginsburg wrote: > > > Hello, > > > I am working on a personnel registry that has upwards of 50,000 > > > registrants. Currently I am working on an export modul

Re: [GENERAL] Should I install PostgreSQL 8.2.5?

2007-10-06 Thread Alvaro Herrera
uture upgrade you'll need to do. It's definitely stable enough > > to use in production. > > I ended up just using 8.1.9, will upgrade if I find a reason... :) Upgrade to 8.1.10 (we haven't released 8.1.11, right?). You will find plenty of reasons in the r

Re: [GENERAL] ERROR: could not open file "pg_subtrans...

2007-10-06 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Warren wrote: > I have Postgres 8.1.3 running on Windows XP. I keep seeing this error in > the log files: Update to 8.1.3. Better yet, update to 8.2.5, as 8.1 is unsupported on Windows. -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM: S 39º 49

Re: [GENERAL] Install fails on Debian sid

2007-10-07 Thread Alvaro Herrera
(configuration: /etc/postgresql/8.2/main, \ > data: /var/lib/postgresql/8.2/main)... > sh: /dev/null: Permission denied Huh!? Make sure /dev/null has appropriate privileges. -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consultin

Re: [GENERAL] Request: Anyone using bogus / "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers, could we please turn them off

2007-10-08 Thread Alvaro Herrera
A. Kretschmer wrote: > As far i can see your mails are correct. But one exclusion: please no > CC: to the sender, i'm reading the list. The additional CC: to sender is customary on these lists. -- Alvaro Herrera &quo


2007-10-09 Thread Alvaro Herrera
t that, I'm sure there are optimizations possible. -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 3: Ha

Re: [GENERAL] How to set config param temporarily?

2007-10-16 Thread Alvaro Herrera
her than per statement though. -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 3: Have you checked our extens

Re: [GENERAL] 8.2.3: Server crashes on Windows using Eclipse/Junit

2007-10-16 Thread Alvaro Herrera
the > same error every time. Maybe Eclipse is trying to run more of them at a time than ant, and the extra concurrency is killing the server for some reason. Was this compiled with Cygwin, or is it the native (mingw) version? -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] What encoding to use for English, French, Spanish

2007-10-17 Thread Alvaro Herrera
ou don't really want to store. I'd stay away from it. -- Alvaro Herrera "Los románticos son seres que mueren de deseos de vida" ---(end of broadcast)--

Re: [GENERAL] problemas zona horaria

2007-10-17 Thread Alvaro Herrera
1 0:23:24 -7:00 - MST 1927 Jun 10 23:00 -6:00 - CST 1930 Nov 15 -7:00 - MST 1931 May 1 23:00 -6:00 - CST 1931 Oct -7:00 - MST 1932 Apr 1 -6:00 Mexico C%sT2001 Sep 30 02:00 -6:00 - CST 2002 Feb

Re: [GENERAL] Poor Plan selected w/ not provided a date/time but selecting date/time from a table

2007-10-17 Thread Alvaro Herrera
orst possibility in the second case, whereas the other one knows the interval is just one minute. I didn't read the entire thread but I've seen similar things go much better when you grab the constants beforehand and interpolate them into the query by yourself. Yes, it's really ugly

Re: [GENERAL] Poor Plan selected w/ not provided a date/time but selecting date/time from a table

2007-10-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Ow Mun Heng wrote: > > On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 22:47 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote: > > Ow Mun Heng wrote: > > > > > Index Cond: ((audit_key_dtime >= $0) AND (audit_key_dtime < $1)) > > > > > > > > > Index Cond: ((audit_key_dtime

Re: Re : [GENERAL] pg_dump SERIAL and SEQUENCE

2007-10-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Laurent ROCHE wrote: > Yep, of course but what's the situation for people using 8.1 and > pg_dump that does not generate code with SERIAL ? They grab 8.2's pg_dump and connect with it to their 8.1 server, to generate a dump that does. -- Alvaro Herrera

Re: [GENERAL] Abbreviation list

2007-10-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
7;t think we have one, but IMHO it would be an excellent idea. We do have some abbreviations, e.g. HOT, TOAST, WAL are the ones that jump immediately to mind (besides the ones you mentioned). -- Alvaro Herrera "Granting software

Re: Re : Re : [GENERAL] Resetting SEQUENCEs

2007-10-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
_class where relkind = 's', pg_depend, and possibly pg_attribute. -- Alvaro Herrera "La naturaleza, tan frágil, tan expuesta a la muerte... y tan viva" ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Question regarding Hibernate ORDER BY issue

2007-10-19 Thread Alvaro Herrera
("\"displayPosition\""). > Our tables/columns have all been created with quotes and must be > accessed with quotes (I don't know if that is the norm, I am somewhat > of a Postgres newb). This is correct, unless your table/column names (a.k.a. "identifiers&q

Re: [GENERAL] Abbreviation list

2007-10-19 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Joshua D. Drake wrote: > On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:59:20 -0300 > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Thomas Pundt wrote: > > > Alban Hertroys schrieb: > > > > >> Isn't this just what the ABBR tag in html is for? > > > &g

Re: [GENERAL] Abbreviation list

2007-10-19 Thread Alvaro Herrera
t; > > I prefer the manual. I would think the list would be pretty long and > > deal with lots of internals terms. > > My vote too. Just noticed I missed (probably one of many): > BLOB - Binary Large Object Do we use that term? Normally for us it's "large objects&q

Re: [GENERAL] Abbreviation list

2007-10-19 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Thomas Pundt wrote: > Alban Hertroys schrieb: >> Isn't this just what the ABBR tag in html is for? > > Well, yes; according its purpose is to describe the > abbreviation/acronym inline in a document using a title attribute: Can you do that from a SGML DocBook sour

Re: Re : [GENERAL] Abbreviation list

2007-10-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
It's Global User Configuration. But the confusion does point out the > need for a reference. I think it is Grand Unified Configuration actually ... what does Verne use? I don't know the reference. -- Alvaro Herrera &

Re: [GENERAL] Select Command

2007-10-21 Thread Alvaro Herrera
success. LIKE '%LT%' perhaps? Or ~ 'LT' (unanchored regex) -- Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM: S 39º 49' 18.1", W 73º 13' 56.4" "El número de instalaciones de UNIX se ha elevado a 10, y se espera que este número aumente" (UPM, 1972)

Re: [GENERAL] Bitmap Heap scan 8.1/8.2

2007-10-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
trary number, based on which all the other numbers are measured. What people generally do around here is mess with random_page_cost, and leave seq_page_cost alone. Often, it's the ratio seq_page_cost/random_page_cost what's most important to the cost equations results. (seq_page_c

Re: [GENERAL] Determine query run-time from pg_* tables

2007-10-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
; pg_stat_activity) (and I'm also not sure how to interpret this. This is the time that the session was started. Nothing to do with the query itself. -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consul

Re: [GENERAL] autovacuum and locks

2007-10-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
clusiveLock > | f ? > > > Why cant postgres get the RowExclusiveLock in transaction 3369000? Probably because the ExclusiveLock'ers are waiting in front of RowExclusiveLock. Locks are granted in order. It would help if you didn't mangle the pg_locks output so badly. -- Alvaro Herr

Re: [GENERAL] How to speedup intarray aggregate function?

2007-10-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
intersection of 10 and 15000 arrays it become > 30ms instead of 1600 ms (50 times faster). > > Few days later, after complex testing, I'll publish complete patches in > pgsql-hackers maillist. Did you already? -- Alvaro Herrerahttp://www.

Re: [GENERAL] autovacuum and locks

2007-10-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
/ -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support ---(end of broadcast)---

Re: [GENERAL] autovacuum and locks

2007-10-23 Thread Alvaro Herrera
> What update/insert race condition? Maybe you are talking > > about the subject of example 37-1 here: > > Yes, i talk about Example 37-1 So are you having problems with it? -- Alvaro Herrera Po

Re: [GENERAL] initdb: file "/usr/local/share/postgresql/snowball_create.sql" does not exist

2007-10-24 Thread Alvaro Herrera
> exist > This means you have a corrupted installation or identified > the wrong directory with the invocation option -L. > > Is this expected at this time, or maybe a faulty port? Faulty port, most likely. They are forgetting to install the snowball_create.sql file per

Re: [GENERAL] select count() out of memory

2007-10-25 Thread Alvaro Herrera
> idx_attributes_g1_seq_1_ff_4_value7: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 > chunks); 632 used You have 26000 partitions??? -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support -

Re: [GENERAL] select count() out of memory

2007-10-25 Thread Alvaro Herrera
ld be ok. Clearly it's not. The difference could be the memory usage and wastage for all those relcache entries and other stuff. I would reduce the number of partitions to a more reasonable value (within the tens, most likely) Maybe your particular problem can be solved by raising max_lo

Re: [GENERAL] select count() out of memory

2007-10-25 Thread Alvaro Herrera
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > The partitioning facility is designed for partition counts in the tens, > > or maybe hundreds at the most. > > Maybe, but it works even on 55000 partitions as long as the operations are >

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