Alex Vinogradovs wrote:
> WAL segments already have their structure. Filesystem would be an
> overhead,

In this case you can choose a filesystem with lower overhead.  For
example with WAL you don't need a journalling filesystem at all, so
using ext2 is not a bad idea.  For Pg data files, you need journalling
of metadata only, not of data; the latter is provided by WAL.  So you
can mount the data filesystem with the option data=writeback.

Alvaro Herrera       Valdivia, Chile   ICBM: S 39º 49' 18.1", W 73º 13' 56.4"
"All rings of power are equal,
But some rings of power are more equal than others."
                                 (George Orwell's The Lord of the Rings)

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