Hi ,
I am working on hpux itanium platform
I am using postgres 8.4.0 version and have compiled 64bit libpq library.
While conneting I am getting error
" could not get socket error status: Invalid argument"
can someone help here? Why I am getting this error while connecting to database.
On behalf of the core team, I'm pleased to announce that the
PostgreSQL Project has expanded it's team of "committers", those
people who are able to make direct changes to the PostgreSQL source
code respository. As the project is extremely conservative about any
changes made to the source code to m
Tom Lane writes:
> Right, just like every other thing that's pre-installed. If a
> particular installation wishes to let individual DB owners control this,
> the superuser can drop plpgsql from template1. It's not apparent to me
> why we need to allow non-superusers to override the project's dec
On Sat, Dec 05, 2009 at 09:54:58AM -0500, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> GIN is a pretty heavy price to pay for something that should be btree
> indexable. Also note he is using a multi column index with array as
> second column...that would be pretty awkward with GIN.
Yup, sounds as though it's not goi
On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 02:21:09PM -0800, John R Pierce wrote:
> yourusername $ sudo su - postgres
> postgres $ psql
Somebody pointed out to me on this list that you don't need su for that.
The following is equivalent:
sudo -u postgres psql
Also, because it's all one line it plays nicely when
I'm using Postgresql 8.7.3 on Debian. I was trying to launch the postgresql
server to create a simple user and a database, but I've got this output:
jc:/usr/local/pgsql/data1# su - p
On 07/12/2009 13:54, Joana Camacho wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Postgresql 8.7.3 on Debian. I was trying to launch the postgresql
> server to create a simple user and a database, but I've got this output:
> --
Dimitri Fontaine writes:
> So should the decision to remove plpgsql be on the hosting platform
> hands or the hosted database owner?
Why not? If they really want to prohibit use of a feature the upstream
project has decided should be standard, that's their privilege.
The argument against seems t
Joana Camacho wrote:
> postg...@jc:~$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl start -l logfile -D
> /usr/local/pgsql/data1/data/
> server starting
> postg...@jc:~$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createuser radius --no-superuser
> --no-createdb --no-createrole -P
> Enter password for new role:
> Enter it again:
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 7:01 AM, Sam Mason wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 05, 2009 at 09:54:58AM -0500, Merlin Moncure wrote:
>> GIN is a pretty heavy price to pay for something that should be btree
>> indexable. Also note he is using a multi column index with array as
>> second column...that would be prett
"Jayaraman, Rajaram (STSD)" writes:
> I am using postgres 8.4.0 version and have compiled 64bit libpq library.
How did you do that exactly?
> While conneting I am getting error
> " could not get socket error status: Invalid argument"
A bit of grepping shows that it failed here:
A re-post, since I'm really stuck on this and could use some advice on how to
troubleshoot this...
I have an app that was previously using a large unpartitioned table with no
problems. I partitioned this table and am now experiencing intermittent hangs
when inserting data into the partitioned t
Joana Camacho writes:
> I'm using Postgresql 8.7.3 on Debian. I was trying to launch the postgresql
> server to create a simple user and a database, but I've got this output:
Did you look into the postmaster logfile? It's not clear from this if
it failed to start (if so it should have put a mess
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 5:49 AM, Dave Page wrote:
> The new committers are:
> Robert Haas
> Simon Riggs
> Greg Stark
> ITAGAKI Takahiro
> Congratulations!
Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. +59
Hi there.
I'm using PostgreSQL as my main database engine. Everything works.
I have one server for PostgreSQL, and space on it are lowing down.
I want to buy a new server and somehow connect it with first one, that
PostgreSQL will use this new server's HDD. I don't want to buy new HDD
for the fi
Tom Lane writes:
> Why not? If they really want to prohibit use of a feature the upstream
> project has decided should be standard, that's their privilege.
Well, I guess they could also automate their database creation to fix
the privileges and assign the ownership of the language to the owner o
Jaime Casanova wrote:
> Dave Page wrote:
>> The new committers are:
>> Robert Haas
>> Simon Riggs
>> Greg Stark
>> ITAGAKI Takahiro
>> Congratulations!
> +1
Outstanding! Congratulations, all!
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To mak
I just logged into a system and found this in the log when trying to
start postgres.
LOG: database system shutdown was interrupted; last known up at
2009-12-07 06:27:33 CET
LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
LOG: redo starts at 15/B320AF68
I just got this error, and I don't know why I got it:
7/12/09 2:57:24 PMorg.postgresql.postgres[89]ERROR: could not
access status of transaction 825832753
7/12/09 2:57:24 PMorg.postgresql.postgres[89]DETAIL: Could not open
file "pg_clog/0313": No such file or directory.
7/12/09 2
I've observed an SQL logging problem with FreeRADIUS (2.x) and PostgreSQL
(8.1), on several different installations I occasionally get these errors:
Mon Dec 7 13:19:01 2009 : Error: [ourlittle_sql] Couldn't update SQL
accounting STOP record - ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
Rob W writes:
> A re-post, since I'm really stuck on this and could use some advice on how to
> troubleshoot this...
Have you looked into pg_locks to see if it's blocked waiting for a lock?
The TRUNCATE in particular would require exclusive lock on the table,
so it could be waiting for some othe
I want ot store chunks of data (only about five Kb each) on a database
and have users download (across a network) these chunks to their local
disk drive. Is a blob a good way to store these chunks?
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to y
On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 09:07 -0800, Daniel wrote:
> I want ot store chunks of data (only about five Kb each) on a database
> and have users download (across a network) these chunks to their local
> disk drive. Is a blob a good way to store these chunks?
Well we don't have "blob". We have bytea and
If the data will only be 5 Kb, I suggest you use bytea (binary string).
Peter Geoghegan
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 10:35 AM, AlannY wrote:
> Hi there.
> I'm using PostgreSQL as my main database engine. Everything works.
> I have one server for PostgreSQL, and space on it are lowing down.
> I want to buy a new server and somehow connect it with first one, that
> PostgreSQL will use
AlannY wrote:
Hi there.
I'm using PostgreSQL as my main database engine. Everything works.
I have one server for PostgreSQL, and space on it are lowing down.
I want to buy a new server and somehow connect it with first one, that
PostgreSQL will use this new server's HDD. I don't want to buy ne
On Mon, Dec 07, 2009 at 01:12:03PM -0500, Scott Mead wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 10:35 AM, AlannY wrote:
> You have a couple of options:
> Works well, just make sure you're running with 'sync' enabled, or
> you could lose some data
What should I do exactly? Cre
On Monday 07 December 2009, AlannY wrote:
> What should I do exactly? Create NFS folder in new server? And then?
> Mount NFS folder to /var/lib/pgsql/data? If so, I will confront with
> space problem again, when space will ends at the new server...
> Or maybe there are more advanced modes with N
Hi, this is a bit of a noob question.
I am using PGSql to perform some large analyses, with the clients being
a sequentially run set of perl scripts (one to set up and populate
tables and then down stream scripts to query the database for the
During manual testing everything works, but
Dan Kortschak writes:
> How can I ensure the query scripts wait until the population transaction
> processes have finished? I've looked at 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL
> SERIALIZABLE' (to us in the query scripts I thought), but I'm not sure
> that is what I want.
It's not. What you want is t
Dan Kortschak wrote:
Hi, this is a bit of a noob question.
I am using PGSql to perform some large analyses, with the clients being
a sequentially run set of perl scripts (one to set up and populate
tables and then down stream scripts to query the database for the
when you say 'a
Yes, they are separate perl files (I'm thinking that perhaps this wasn't
the best way to do it now, but for the moment I'm going to have to stick
with it).
In the case of the manual testing it's jus a matter of command line
calls. The automated runs call each script as part of a PBS torque
Thanks for that, that should help me sort it out. I haven't used the
autocommit option in pgdbi. I'll have a look to see if DBI::do has an
option to wait for command completion.
On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 16:12 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> It's not. What you want is to COMMIT and make sure you've
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Dan Kortschak
> During manual testing everything works, but automating it results in the
> query scripts starting before the population transactions having
> completed, so they give erroneous result.
Update your process to have the query scripts wait until
Dan Kortschak wrote:
Yes, they are separate perl files (I'm thinking that perhaps this wasn't
the best way to do it now, but for the moment I'm going to have to stick
with it).
In the case of the manual testing it's jus a matter of command line
calls. The automated runs call each script as part
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Dan Kortschak
> The automated runs call each script as part of a PBS torque
> script (essentially a sh script calls each in turn).
Sounds more like it calls them in parallel, else your populate script
would have finished before your query script ran assumi
- "Josip Rodin" wrote:
> Hi,
> I've observed an SQL logging problem with FreeRADIUS (2.x) and
> PostgreSQL
> (8.1), on several different installations I occasionally get these
> errors:
> Mon Dec 7 13:19:01 2009 : Error: [ourlittle_sql] Couldn't update SQL
> accounting STOP record - ER
Thanks to everyone who has answered this. The short answer is that
torque is not behaving the way I expected and not the way I have ever
seen it behave in the past. The I/O binding of these jobs may have
something to do with this, but I will look into it further.
On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 13:2
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Dan Kortschak
> Thanks to everyone who has answered this. The short answer is that
> torque is not behaving the way I expected and not the way I have ever
> seen it behave in the past. The I/O binding of these jobs may have
> something to do with this, but I
If you can't make it to the SFPUG meeting in person on Tuesday,
December 8, 2009 at EZRez
You can see the live stream at:
We'll also be using an irc channel for questions, comments, etc:
On Mon, Dec 07, 2009 at 10:02:39PM +, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> > Mon Dec 7 13:19:01 2009 : Error: [ourlittle_sql] Couldn't update SQL
> > accounting STOP record - ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
> >
> > accounting_stop_query = "UPDATE ${acct_table2} \
> > SET
> > AcctSessionTim
2009/12/8 Kevin Grittner :
> Jaime Casanova wrote:
>> Dave Page wrote:
>>> The new committers are:
>>> Robert Haas
>>> Simon Riggs
>>> Greg Stark
>>> ITAGAKI Takahiro
>>> Congratulations!
>> +1
> Outstanding! Congratulations, all!
Appreciate for their contributions. Co
On December 7, 2009 12:07:49 pm Daniel wrote:
> I want ot store chunks of data (only about five Kb each) on a database
> and have users download (across a network) these chunks to their local
> disk drive. Is a blob a good way to store these chunks?
> Thanks.
Put me on the list of recommendin
Dear All,
I have a server :SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)
postgresql-8.31.i586 is installed on this server.
When I install slony1-2.0.2, I have a error "Your version of libpq doesn't
have PQunescapeBytea which means that your version of PostgreSQL is
lower than 7.3 and thus n
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 7:56 PM, maiphan2008 wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have a server :SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)
> postgresql-8.31.i586 is installed on this server.
> When I install slony1-2.0.2, I have a error "Your version of libpq doesn't
> have PQunescapeBytea which means
On 7/12/2009 3:00 PM, A B wrote:
I just logged into a system and found this in the log when trying to
start postgres.
Possibly silly question: is there plenty of free disk space on the file
system where PostgreSQL's data is stored?
Craig Ringer
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list
Craig Ringer writes:
> On 7/12/2009 3:00 PM, A B wrote:
>> I just logged into a system and found this in the log when trying to
>> start postgres.
> Possibly silly question: is there plenty of free disk space on the file
> system where PostgreSQL's data is stored?
That's not what that message i
Scott Marlowe-2 wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 7:56 PM, maiphan2008 wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I have a server :SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)
>> postgresql-8.31.i586 is installed on this server.
>> When I install slony1-2.0.2, I have a error "Your version of libpq
>> doesn't
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 9:42 PM, maiphan2008 wrote:
> Scott Marlowe-2 wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 7:56 PM, maiphan2008 wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I have a server :SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)
>>> postgresql-8.31.i586 is installed on this server.
>>> When I insta
P.s. I build slony I v 1.2.x all the time on 64 bit Centos with no
problems at all.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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