Tom Lane <> writes:
> Why not?  If they really want to prohibit use of a feature the upstream
> project has decided should be standard, that's their privilege.

Well, I guess they could also automate their database creation to fix
the privileges and assign the ownership of the language to the owner of
the database. Then whether or not to have plpgsql there is up to the

For non-hosted environments, you always want to tweak some things, like
installing plpgsql in the first place. So...

> The argument against seems to be basically "this should work exactly
> like it did before", but if that's the standard then we can never
> have plpgsql installed by default at all.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for having plpgsql installed by default. 

I though we were talking about how to provide that and trying to decide
if having to be superuser to drop plpgsql after having created the
database is blocking the way forward, knowing than installing the
language only requires being database owner.


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