Jim Nasby wrote:
> I know that numeric supports +/- infinity; I don't remember off-hand if
> timestamps have that as well.
timestamps do, but dates don't.
Alban Hertroys
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our li
I'll jump right in with an example
create sequence foo start with 1;
create view foobar as select *, nextval('foo') from bar;
The problem is I need a nextval()-like method that returns the iterations
updating the foo sequence. Therefore, maintaining the sequences original value
*Hello all, *
*I have a small problem I hope somebody can help with.*
*I have a table with the following definition:*
CSG=# \d admin_field_list
Table "public.admin_field_list"
Column|Type |
ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "admin_field_list_pkey"
/I don't understand what is going on. It seems that it can't increment
the primary key properly, or for some reason it's trying to assign an
incorrect value to the key column. If i change the command to include a
Greg Peters wrote:
CSG=# \d admin_field_list
Table "public.admin_field_list"
Column|Type |
key | big
Thanks all,
with your help I figured out what happened. You are all correct in that the
sequence is out of sync with the "key" value. I dumped the db and then
selectively restored it from the sql file some time ago by cutting and
pasting directly to the command prompt. I must have left out the co
Matthew Peter wrote:
> I'll jump right in with an example
> create sequence foo start with 1;
> create view foobar as select *, nextval('foo') from bar;
> The problem is I need a nextval()-like method that returns the iterations
> without
> updating the foo sequence. Therefore, maintainin
On þri, 2006-11-28 at 01:12 -0800, Matthew Peter wrote:
> I'll jump right in with an example
> create sequence foo start with 1;
> create view foobar as select *, nextval('foo') from bar;
> The problem is I need a nextval()-like method that returns the iterations
> without
> updating the
- Original Message -
From: "Charles Ambrose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is there a way that I could create a trigger that logs the changes
(updates, deletes) of a table? I mean, I want to put in a table the
changes to any table in a database and also put in the table the column
that was m
> Is it possible to configure PostgreSQL so that a " LIKE 'a' " query
> will match a 'á' value, ie, make it accent-insensitive ?
Maybe something like this can help you:
test=> select to_ascii(convert('tête-à-tête français', 'LATIN9'),'LATIN9');
2006/11/27, Tony Caduto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
One could also use Mono 1.2 and any .net 1.1 IDE such as Borland
Turbo C# or Delphi.net (with npgsql .net data provider) both of which
you can get for free here:
or SharpDevelop which you can get here: http://www.icsharpcod
Looks like I've missed your mail, so a late reply.
2006/11/11, Lars Heidieker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > While I agree in principle that such a thing should be
> > able to be done, it simply isn't possible. (in PostgreSQL, you can't
> > even add an index to a view, which a unique constraint wo
Thanks for the responses!
One thing I've forgotten: it's not reproducible. I can issue vacuum
command manually without any problems few minutes/seconds after seeing
the error message "out of memory" in the server log.
I also can't find any corrupted rows manually.
And for the listen/notify p
> You might try using online backups. By following the steps in this
> document:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/backup-online.html
> you can back up the data at the speed of your filesystem. There's no way
> to make it faster than that.
PITR config is complicated. A lot of manual
> If you've got excess CPU capacity at night, I wonder if -Z1 or -Z2
> would speed the backup since it reduces the amount of data written
> to disk.
Where to find study which pg_dump compares backup speed and backup size by
using various -Z options ?
I'm wondering by -Z9 increases backup speed.
On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 05:24:31PM -0600, Jim Nasby wrote:
> In any case, like Oracle, PostgreSQL does not index NULL values (at
> least not in btree).
Actually, PostgreSQL does store NULL values in an index, otherwise you
could never use them for full index scans (think multicolumn indexes).
Scott Ribe wrote:
where a <> b or (a is null and b is not null) or (a is not null and
b is null)
In the absence of IS DISTINCT FROM, I think this has the same semantics:
where coalesce(a, b) <> coalesce(b, a)
although it's not as concise as one might wish.
- John D. Burger
On 11/28/06, Andrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My goal is to create ERP system which creates backups without any
I don'nt know how to automate this 100% and havent found any such sample.
Depending on what you plan to do with the backups (like create a fallover
server), I don't kno
On Nov 28, 2006, at 8:40 AM, Jakub Ouhrabka wrote:
There are 4G of RAM and 4G swap.
and what is the per-process resource limit imposed by your OS?
Just because your box has that much RAM doesn't mean your process is
allowed to use it.
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signatu
On þri, 2006-11-28 at 09:42 -0500, John D. Burger wrote:
> Scott Ribe wrote:
> > where a <> b or (a is null and b is not null) or (a is not null and
> > b is null)
> In the absence of IS DISTINCT FROM, I think this has the same semantics:
>where coalesce(a, b) <> coalesce(b, a)
This is probably a silly question, but are the database files binary portable?
eg could I take datafiles from a Sparc and copy them to an Intel machine,
or would the endianness differences kill me?
I expect the answer to be "funny man! Of course not!" for reasons of speed
(native interger handlin
> The weekly backup of the larger of the two databases produces a file that
> is about 20GB and takes about an hour and 15 minutes. I then compress it
> down to about 4 GB, which takes another hour. However, because that's a
> separate task, it doesn't impact the database server as much. (I su
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) writes:
> Bill Kurland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I did a google search on AIX + getaddrinfo and found
>> http://lists.samba.org/archive/rsync/2002-April/002063.html
>> In that context the author says that adding the port number in
>> etc/services solved his proble
Thomas Kellerer wrote:
On 27.11.2006 17:36 Tony Caduto wrote:
The closest to Delphi in a cross platform system is NetBeans and even
with their form designer it's still tedious working with databases
compared to Delphi.
What about Lazarus? It claims to be cross-platform, but I don't know
Olexandr Melnyk wrote:
Mono/.NET is definately worth the consideration. However, I'd advice
you not to go with Turbo C#, as it only supports .NET 1.*, so you
won't be able to use such goodies as: generics and nullable types,
which are quite handy, especially for the database-oriented applica
Hash: SHA1
On 28 Nov 2006, at 13:33, Olexandr Melnyk wrote:
Looks like I've missed your mail, so a late reply.
2006/11/11, Lars Heidieker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > While I agree in principle that such a thing should be
> > > able to be done, it simply isn
I didn't see this mentioned in the INSTALL or doc/ directory, so...
I have versions of SSL libraries in my own directories and so used
a command line such as:
./configure --prefix=/local/apps/postgres/8.2.rc1.0 \
--exec-prefix=/local/apps/postgres/8.2.rc1.0/linux \
> $ ssh "pg_dump -Z0 -Fc -ibv -U myuser mydb" | gzip -9
1. My database size seems to be appox 1 GB and download speed is approx 600
kb/s. Your solution requires 4.5 hours download time
since 1 GB of data must be downloaded.
2. I have only 5432 port open to public interne
Stephen Harris wrote:
This is probably a silly question, but are the database files binary portable?
eg could I take datafiles from a Sparc and copy them to an Intel machine,
or would the endianness differences kill me?
How about cross OS (eg from Linux Intel to Windows XP, or from
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 06:01:43PM +0200, Andrus wrote:
> 5. Server has *only* 5432 port open.
> pg_read_file() can read only text files and is restricted only to
> superusers.
> How to add a function pg_read_backup() to Postgres which creates and
> returns backup file with download speed
Andrus wrote:
So I think that 4.5 hours which requires to create backup is because pg_dump
download the whole database (1 GB) in uncompressed format over slow
internet connection.
Compression level does not affect to this almost at all.
Might well be latency issues too.
I think I can create
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 03:29:44PM +0200, Andrus wrote:
> > If you've got excess CPU capacity at night, I wonder if -Z1 or -Z2
> > would speed the backup since it reduces the amount of data written
> > to disk.
> Where to find study which pg_dump compares backup speed and backup size by
> using
Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is probably a silly question, but are the database files binary portable?
regards, tom lane
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 11:11:26AM -0500, Stephen Harris wrote:
> The solution, obviously, is LDFLAGS=-Wl,-R/opt/mystuff/lib ./configure
> and now everything configures and builds cleanly, but it might be nice
> for that to be automatic.
RPATH is evil. If you're going to install libraries in n
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 03:33:54PM +0200, Olexandr Melnyk wrote:
> >This would mean something like an index spreading over more then one
> >table in the end, or did I miss something ?
> Yes. But that is hardly implementable.
Actually, an index over multiple tables is not really the hard part.
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 11:00:35AM -0500, Stephen Harris wrote:
> This is probably a silly question, but are the database files binary portable?
> eg could I take datafiles from a Sparc and copy them to an Intel machine,
> or would the endianness differences kill me?
It may not even be compat
Can someone tell me whether Wombats live only in Australia,
or also on other continents?
Apart from zoos, of course.
We all know that Wombats are to be found in Zoos.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
---(end of broadcast)--
I'm not really sure whether Wombats are any good.
The picture on Wikipedia looks like a horrid little Pig.
Quite Obscene.
Just not English.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: H
Terry Yapt wrote:
> I am trying to restore from a pg_dump. Pg_restore is doing some
> strange behaviour.
> If I open a CMD shell console and execute pg_restore, nothing is
> showed. If I try to do a "with sense" pg_restore, nothing is showed
> in spite of I have put --verbose option.
> Thi
I am trying to restore from a pg_dump. Pg_restore is doing some
strange behaviour.
If I open a CMD shell console and execute pg_restore, nothing is
showed. If I try to do a "with sense" pg_restore, nothing is showed in
spite of I have put --verbose option.
This is my complete command:
"Joshua D. Drake" wrote:
> That's it, in a nut shell. There is no argument there. That is why you
> don't use artificial keys. That said... pretty much every table I create
> will have an artificial key... because it makes managing data easy. An
> example (to reuse the simple example):
> us
Chris Browne wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) writes:
Bill Kurland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I did a google search on AIX + getaddrinfo and found
In that context the author says that adding the port number in
>So my advice goes towards Mono/Gtk#. There is a bunch of programming
>languages for Mono/.NET to choose from, so choosing one of them mostly
>depends on your taste.
Here is some information missing from this thread:
1. Gtk# does not support data binding required for database application. It
2006/11/28, Andrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Only MONO/WinForms is a way to go in any serious application.
Mono needs to show a lot more than beagle and f-spot to be even
considered interesting, let alone a platform to base industrial
strength applications on.
As long as that doesn't radically cha
2006/11/28, Tony Caduto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Mono 1.2 only fully supports .net 1.1 (for winforms)
Yes. But it already supports most of the .NET 2.0 features (not talking of
WinForms here) including the ones metioned above and has a C# 2.0 compiler.
What kind of problems have you seen with the
On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 17:31 +, Tomi N/A wrote:
> 2006/11/28, Andrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Only MONO/WinForms is a way to go in any serious application.
> Mono needs to show a lot more than beagle and f-spot to be even
> considered interesting, let alone a platform to base industrial
> Conclusion:
> Only MONO/WinForms is a way to go in any serious application.
Py/QT? Py/GTK?
Joshua D. Drake
> Andrus.
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
> You could use an *un*trusted procedural language to create a
> function to binary-read the backup from disk and return it
> as a bytea field. Not sure how efficient that is, though.
> You could then simply do
> select get_backup();
> If you allow for parameters you could make it return cert
> Use scp. Open port 22 and allow only connections from the backup machine
> with a specified user (e.g. "pgbackup").
> Alternatively, you might try dumping in a text-format and using rsync to
> transfer changes.
I really do'nt want to open separate port for backup only.
Pelase, can
I imagine that there is a step in the windows install that allows one to
select contrib modules. I don't recall. I didn't add these contrib modules,
so they must be included by default, which frankly seems pretty dumb.
I've tried to follow the instructions on the pgsql site for replacing
I don't see where doing the backup directly to another computer increases
your safety margin, it may even lower it due to the increased potential for
network issues messing up the backup cycle. Do it locally then SCP the
completed (and compressed) file to another computer, which is what I do.
On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 09:38 -0800, novnov wrote:
> I imagine that there is a step in the windows install that allows one to
> select contrib modules. I don't recall. I didn't add these contrib modules,
> so they must be included by default, which frankly seems pretty dumb.
> I've tried to follow
Tom Lane wrote:
> Can anyone else confirm the behavior of getaddrinfo wanting port 5432
> to be listed in /etc/services? If this is real, we ought to have
> something about it in FAQ_AIX.
I can compile (64 bit) and run the following code without problem:
int main(i
I'm sure I didn't do something properly but the point is, as a newbie, none
of it is obvious.
However I'm going to have to try again, as the setup for pgsql 8.1 does not
seem to have a way to turn off the cube contrib modules. They are not listed
anywhere in the setup console.
Or I will try to
So i've been given the task of designing a data warehouse in
either Postgresql or Mysql for our clickstream data for our sites. I
started with Mysql but the joins in Mysql are just way too slow
compared to Postgresql when playing with star schemas. I can't say
which sites i'm working on, but we g
On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 19:34 +0200, Andrus wrote:
> > You could use an *un*trusted procedural language to create a
> > function to binary-read the backup from disk and return it
> > as a bytea field. Not sure how efficient that is, though.
> >
> > You could then simply do
> >
> > select get_backup()
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 07:23:44PM +0200, Andrus wrote:
> Pelase, can you recomment a solution which uses port 5432 owned by Postgres
If you think you know your usage pattern:
Have cron stop PostgreSQL at, say, 2am.
Have cron start ssh on port 5432 at 2:05am if PG is down.
Have cron shutdown s
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 07:34:56PM +0200, Andrus wrote:
> This id good idea but it forces to use Postgres protocol for downloading.
Why, of course.
> This protocol has some timeouts which are too small for large file download.
For "sane" values of "large" I doubt this is true. A field
in PG can s
On Nov 28, 2006, at 12:17 PM, Andrus wrote:
Only MONO/WinForms is a way to go in any serious application.
Funny. Did you read the original post? The poster wanted a *cross-
platform* GUI and his primary development environment was OS X. Mono
might run on a Mac after you install thousands
On 28 Nov 2006 at 10:01, novnov wrote:
> I'm sure I didn't do something properly but the point is, as a newbie,
> none of it is obvious.
The documentation that comes with PostgreSQL head-and-shoulders above
anything that comes with many commercial products. If you're going to
work woth Postgre
novnov wrote:
I'm sure I didn't do something properly but the point is, as a newbie, none
of it is obvious.
However I'm going to have to try again, as the setup for pgsql 8.1 does not
seem to have a way to turn off the cube contrib modules. They are not listed
anywhere in the setup console.
On 11/28/06, Olexandr Melnyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
2006/11/28, Tony Caduto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Mono 1.2 only fully supports .net 1.1 (for winforms)
Yes. But it already supports most of the .NET 2.0 features (not talking of
WinForms here) including the ones metioned above and has a C# 2.0
where a <> b or (a is null and b is not null) or (a is not null
and b is null)
In the absence of IS DISTINCT FROM, I think this has the same
where coalesce(a, b) <> coalesce(b, a)
sorry, but no.
Argh, my expression is just nonsense - I was thinking of something like:
Andrus wrote:
Use scp. Open port 22 and allow only connections from the backup machine
with a specified user (e.g. "pgbackup").
Alternatively, you might try dumping in a text-format and using rsync to
transfer changes.
I really do'nt want to open separate port for backup only.
On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 13:52 -0500, John DeSoi wrote:
> On Nov 28, 2006, at 12:17 PM, Andrus wrote:
> > Only MONO/WinForms is a way to go in any serious application.
> Funny. Did you read the original post? The poster wanted a *cross-
> platform* GUI and his primary development environmen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Kurland) writes:
> Chris Browne wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) writes:
>>> Bill Kurland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I did a google search on AIX + getaddrinfo and found
In that context
Karsten Hilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Not sure but using a binary cursor might improve things.
Why not use COPY protocol?
regards, tom lane
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map
John DeSoi wrote:
As I mentioned previously, XUL is worth a look for cross platform
applications. I would call FireFox, Mozilla, and Thunderbird serious
applications. And check out Komodo, an excellent cross platform
development environment built on this framework.
They are serious applica
> --- Original Message ---
> From: Richard Huxton
> To: novnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: 28/11/06, 18:56:37
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Editing contrib modules which are loaded by default?
> Because I just don't believe that
> the installer doesn't let you turn the cube contrib off.
On Tue, 28 Nov 2006, Tony Caduto wrote:
The reason there is no highly productive IDE for Linux/Mac with a nice
forms designer and robust data binding is because in the grand scheme of
things there are not a lot of desktop users for anything other than win32.
Sure there are lots of geeks that us
On Nov 28, 2006, at 11:11 AM, Andrus wrote:
1. My database size seems to be appox 1 GB and download speed is
approx 600
kb/s. Your solution requires 4.5 hours download time
since 1 GB of data must be downloaded.
If you're running pg_dump on a remote host, you're transferring the
data ove
On Tue, 28 Nov 2006, Merlin Moncure wrote:
For a general purpose language, lately I've been taking a really good look
at 'D', which looks to be an amazing language. Has anybody tried to hook
up postgresql to D?
No, I haven't. But, if you want a cross-platform language and GUI toolkit,
>>> where a <> b or (a is null and b is not null) or (a is not null and
>>> b is null)
>> In the absence of IS DISTINCT FROM, I think this has the same semantics:
>>where coalesce(a, b) <> coalesce(b, a)
> sorry, but no.
So it would have to be where coalesce(a, b, 0) <> coalesce(b,
On 11/28/06, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Merlin Moncure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> We are getting a backend crash after issueing a load command.
No crash from your example here (on Fedora Core 5). What platform and
gcc are you using exactly? Can you provide a stack trace from the
Andrus wrote on 28.11.2006 18:17:
5. Java is not LGPL and does not support Generic at bytecode level
I have heard this "Java is not open source" over and over again.
What's the issue with wanting the language to be open source? Where is the
problem with using Java from a license perspective? Yo
Rich Shepard wrote:
On Tue, 28 Nov 2006, Tony Caduto wrote:
The reason there is no highly productive IDE for Linux/Mac with a nice
forms designer and robust data binding is because in the grand scheme of
things there are not a lot of desktop users for anything other than
win32. Sure there are
On þri, 2006-11-28 at 19:23 +0200, Andrus wrote:
> Richard,
> I really do'nt want to open separate port for backup only.
> Pelase, can you recomment a solution which uses port 5432 owned by Postgres
I do not want to advice you to do things that might be
counter your company's security policies
Under postgres 8.1, the "<<=" comparison yields very slow queries with large
tables. I can rewrite the query without the "<<=" operator by generating all
33 possible netmasks (0 through 32) for a given IP. This ugly rewrite runs
about 12 times faster (6 seconds versus 0.5 seconds). Be aware that E
Thomas Kellerer wrote:
And who cares if my bytecode knows something about Generics as long as
the application runs at a good speed?
I totally agree about generics, nice to have but not really needed.
In case not everyone is up to speed about generics, this article is
really good:
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 02:38:18PM -0500, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> On 11/28/06, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >"Merlin Moncure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> We are getting a backend crash after issueing a load command.
> >
> >No crash from your example here (on Fedora Core 5). What plat
I'm trying to use a temporary sequence to duplicate the functionality of
the Oracle rownum pseudo-column
as suggested by Scott Marlow in the archives:
The Oracle based application I'm porting to PostgreSQL used rownum to
select th
"Merlin Moncure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ok, an update on this. we actually covered up the bug in reducing the
> problem to our test case. our make system used cp -f to overwite the
> .so file in use by postgresql.
With that I can reproduce it --- I think it is a glibc bug. The crash
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 03:23:36PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> I'd suggest putting together a simple stand-alone test case and filing
> a bug report against glibc. You probably just need
> dlopen(...);
> system("cp -f over the .so file");
> dlsym(...);
How can glibc do anything
Martijn van Oosterhout writes:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 03:23:36PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I'd suggest putting together a simple stand-alone test case and filing
>> a bug report against glibc.
> How can glibc do anything about this? dlopen() mmaps the .so into
> memory and the cp overwrites wh
On 11/28/06, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Martijn van Oosterhout writes:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 03:23:36PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I'd suggest putting together a simple stand-alone test case and filing
>> a bug report against glibc.
> How can glibc do anything about this? dlopen() m
Martijn van Oosterhout writes:
> Err, that means copy is just rewriting the executable code in the
> backend of the server, while it's running, which understandably
> crashes.
No, I don't think so. "cp -f" means "unlink the old file and create a
new one", as opposed to plain cp which would overw
"Wm.A.Stafford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ... is there a standard PostgreSQL way to select a
> 'block' of rows from a result set based on row number?
LIMIT/OFFSET might be what you are looking for --- it's certainly far
less klugy than a temporary sequence.
regards, t
On 11/28/06, Tony Caduto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thomas Kellerer wrote:
> And who cares if my bytecode knows something about Generics as long as
> the application runs at a good speed?
I totally agree about generics, nice to have but not really needed.
I dont like generics as much as c
Wm.A.Stafford wrote:
I'm trying to use a temporary sequence to duplicate the functionality
of the Oracle rownum pseudo-column
as suggested by Scott Marlow in the archives:
The Oracle based application I'm porting to PostgreSQL used
"Edwin Grubbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Under postgres 8.1, the "<<=" comparison yields very slow queries with large
> tables.
<<= isn't optimizable within joins, and really isn't very suited to
btree indexes at all. Sometime somebody should try to build a GiST
opclass that supports network
On þri, 2006-11-28 at 12:28 -0700, Scott Ribe wrote:
> >>> where a <> b or (a is null and b is not null) or (a is not null and
> >>> b is null)
> >>
> >> In the absence of IS DISTINCT FROM, I think this has the same semantics:
> >>
> >>where coalesce(a, b) <> coalesce(b, a)
> >
> > sorry, bu
I was wrong from the get-go, I apparently selected the cube contrib, because
on reinstall it's not automatically selected, at least in 8.1.5.
Richard Huxton wrote:
> novnov wrote:
>> I'm sure I didn't do something properly but the point is, as a newbie,
>> none
>> of it is obvious.
>> How
On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 04:09:11PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> The mmap man page is pretty vague on the subject, but I wonder whether
> the shlib isn't effectively treated as copy-on-write --- that is, any
> attempted overwrite of the file happens only after the mmap region has
> been fully copied. W
On Nov 28, 2006, at 12:07 PM, Edwin Grubbs wrote:
Under postgres 8.1, the "<<=" comparison yields very slow queries
with large tables. I can rewrite the query without the "<<="
operator by generating all 33 possible netmasks (0 through 32) for
a given IP. This ugly rewrite runs about 12 ti
> no cigar.
Well, duh. Showing why IS DISTINCT FROM is useful.
Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
Martijn van Oosterhout writes:
> Hmm? To upgrade libc.so you merely need to delete the old one and
> install the new one, there's no need to preserve the inode. The mmap()
> is private, but no, Linux does not keep a backup copy of the shared
> library if you overwrite it. The behaviour of overwrit
Does anyone know how to change the default editor from NOTEPAD to something
link gVim? It would be
nice to use an editor with a little more smarts.
Richard Broersma jr.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner
Richard Broersma Jr wrote:
> Does anyone know how to change the default editor from NOTEPAD to something
> link gVim? It would be
> nice to use an editor with a little more smarts.
Sure, see the psql manual page, but setting EDITOR is the easiest way.
This works on Win32 too.
Bruce Momjia
On Nov 28, 2006, at 2:05 PM, Tony Caduto wrote:
They are serious applications, but they don't exactly have a lot of
forms and look how long Mozilla was in development.
I think the various interfaces in something like Thunderbird shows it
can do all the standard GUI stuff pretty well.
Hello All
Sorry for the late reply. Been a little busy with my assignments.
I will try to answer all the queries in this mail.
The reason I don't want to develop the project in wxWindows or a C/C++
based toolkit is that in the end I would be able to compile a binary
which will have least depend
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