Under postgres 8.1, the "<<=" comparison yields very slow queries with large tables. I can rewrite the query without the "<<=" operator by generating all 33 possible netmasks (0 through 32) for a given IP. This ugly rewrite runs about 12 times faster (6 seconds versus 0.5 seconds). Be aware that EXPLAIN ANALYZE seems to be run a different query plan since the first query runs even slower with EXPLAIN ANALYZE. Setting enable_seqscan did not improve the query speed.
-Edwin Here is the original query: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT ip_address, ip_block FROM ip_inventory JOIN route ON ip_address <<= ip_block WHERE ip_address < '' ORDER BY ip_address; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the rewritten query: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT ip_address, ip_block from ip_inventory JOIN route ON ip_block IN ( network(ip_address), network((host(ip_address) || '/31')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/30')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/29')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/28')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/27')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/26')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/25')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/24')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/23')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/22')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/21')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/20')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/19')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/18')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/17')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/16')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/15')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/14')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/13')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/12')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/11')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/10')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/9')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/8')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/7')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/6')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/5')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/4')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/3')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/2')::inet), network((host(ip_address) || '/1')::inet), ''::cidr ) WHERE ip_address < '' ORDER BY ip_address; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the SQL for creating and populating the test tables: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN; CREATE TABLE range (value integer); COPY range FROM STDIN; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 \. CREATE TABLE ip_inventory (ip_address inet unique); -- add 279841 ips INSERT INTO ip_inventory SELECT (a || '.' || b || '.' || c || '.' || d)::inet FROM range AS w(a) JOIN range AS x(b) ON TRUE JOIN range AS y(c) ON TRUE JOIN range AS z(d) ON TRUE; CREATE TABLE route (ip_block cidr unique); -- add 12167 routes INSERT INTO route SELECT (a || '.' || b || '.' || c || '.0/24')::cidr FROM range AS w(a) JOIN range AS x(b) ON TRUE JOIN range AS y(c) ON TRUE; COMMIT; ------------------------------------------------------------------------