Hi there :)
I don't understand why following '3' statements are SOO different. We
run latest PgSQL, OpenBSD 3.4, AMD XP 2000+ and plenty of RAM... CPU was
fully dedicated to PG. All SQL's do the same and produces same result.
Imagine 2 small tables:
A - ~5000 records (5.000 record is sm
I can't seem to get postgresql to use shared memory and performance is
PostgreSQL 7.4.6 on i686-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-42)
$ uname -a
Linux artsdata 2.4.21-20.0.1.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Nov 24 20:34:01 EST 2004
i686 i686 i386 GNU
I can't be the first to think about this. There is a million online
shops out there, which all more or less have the same database design.
Has anybody thought about creating generic reusable/customizable designs
for such cases?
"... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die
Hello everyone:
If I excute the following:
CREATE table Test_backup as
SELECT * FROM Test_Scores;
it creates my table without the original table's constraints or
Is there a way to preserve them in the copy?
Bob Powell
Database Administrator
Daniel Martini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Well, where do you plan to keep the key for your encrypted backup tapes,
> like you suggested in another post in this thread ;-)
> That's pretty much the same problem.
No it's not. I can keep the key for the encrypted backup tapes in my pocket. I
On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 07:50:44 -0500, P.J. Josh Rovero
> There are many reports of kernel problems with memory allocation
> (too agressive) and swap issues with RHEL 3.0 on both RAID
> and non-RAID systems. I hope folks have worked through all
> those issues before blaming
I would like to use shared disk
for two Postgresql database. I mean that two Postgresql Database point to same
$PGDATA directory. Is this possible in Postgresql Clarification is appreciated.
I am testing postgreSQL 8.0 rc1 compiled with xlc on AIX5.2.
I'm trying to create an index on a 4 500 000 raws table and postmaster
recieves signal 4.
what can I do to resolve it?
Frédéric Germaneau
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: s
On Tuesday December 7 2004 5:58, marcelo Cortez wrote:
> >
> > > /psql someDatabase
> > > vaccum full verbose;
> > > but nothing informs.
> > > in which cases vacuum do not inform anything?
> > > postgresql 7.4 on red hat 9.0
> > > any clue be appreciate.
> > > best regards
> >
> > Is your server
I should schedule the execution of several stored procedures. Now I use an
NT service for this, but as far as I know e.g. the Oracle has such a thing.
It would be great if I could fire procedures on a timer basis.
Is there a better solution for this than mine?
Many thanks,
-- Csaba
On Tuesday December 7 2004 6:27, Ed L. wrote:
> On Tuesday December 7 2004 5:58, marcelo Cortez wrote:
> > > > /psql someDatabase
> > > > vaccum full verbose;
> > > > but nothing informs.
> > > > in which cases vacuum do not inform anything?
> > > > postgresql 7.4 on red hat 9.0
> > > > any clue
"Karl O. Pinc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> I can't seem to get postgresql to use shared memory and performance is
> terrrible.
1) Linux doesn't track shared pages (which is not the same as shared
memory) anymore--the field the in 'free' output is just there to
avoid breaking softw
I am looking for Postgres 7.4.6 x86_64 RPMS for Redhat ES 3.0. I
Think 7.4.6 will be included in Redhat ES 4.0 but I am not sure when
that will be released and we may not upgrade at that time. I have found
RPMS for Fedora Core 3 but they want work.
John Allgood - ESC
Joachim Zobel wrote:
I can't be the first to think about this. There is a million online
shops out there, which all more or less have the same database design.
Has anybody thought about creating generic reusable/customizable designs
for such cases?
Check out your favourite boo
cron works pretty well in unix. Scheduled tasks on windows have, in my
experience, been on the flakey side.
On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, [iso-8859-2] Együd Csaba wrote:
> Hi,
> I should schedule the execution of several stored procedures. Now I use an
> NT service for this, but as far as I know e.g. the
Hi. I'd like to return a result set from a plpgsql function constructed
out of a 'virtual table' joined to an actual table, and struggling to
find a sane approach.
I have a table 'recs' with records like this.
day | nums
2 | 1
5 | 3
2 | 2.5
For a particu
--- "Gregory S. Williamson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Jaime --
> >
> > Sorry that I didn't respond earler -- been quite
> > busy.
don't worry.
> >
> > We have migrated our runtime aspect (which is
> heavy
> > use of the Spatial Blade/postGIS in a mostly
> > read-only environment); we
I'm used to writing C/Java/python type stuff and am a bit new to stored
procedures and looking for a few best practices. I'm using plpgsql (as
opposed to plpython, etc.) because it offers the most flexibility in
terms of data-types, etc.
good editor:
Usually emacs does a good job, but postgres
¿Qué significado tiene el logo de PostgreSQL?
Mirko Coz Berrospi
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
Bob Powell wrote:
Hello everyone:
If I excute the following:
CREATE table Test_backup as
SELECT * FROM Test_Scores;
it creates my table without the original table's constraints or
Is there a way to preserve them in the copy?
Only if you create a schema dump of just the table and t
Karl O. Pinc wrote:
I can't seem to get postgresql to use shared memory and performance is
PostgreSQL 7.4.6 on i686-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-42)
$ uname -a
Linux artsdata 2.4.21-20.0.1.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Nov 24 20:34:01 EST 2004
On Tuesday 07 December 2004 22:42, Chris Smith wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to connect javascript to a postgresql database
> You can't connect javascript to any sort of database. You need something
> like php, python etc - it can connect to your database and generat
Chris Smith wrote:
Does anyone know how to connect javascript to a postgresql
You can't connect javascript to any sort of database.
Actually you can, with server side javascript, although I don't know if
it supports postgresql. It does support odbc.
Until l
Hi all
I just copied a rather complex application database together with all tables
and triggers to 8.0.0RC1 running under windows (the original 7.4 database still
runs on linux). I migrated everyting using pg_dump and then executing the
resulting scripts via pgsql.
Most things work as expecte
On 12/6/2004 6:10 PM, Greg Stark wrote:
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Actually, hard disk encryption is useful for one thing: so if somebody
kills the power and takes the hard disk/computer, the data is safe.
While it's running it's vulnerable though...
Where do you plan to kee
Seems "explain" gives the run time, but not CPU time, right? I did not
find such statistics in the Statistics Collector either. How to
measure the CPU time per transaction in PostgreSQL? Thanks! Stan
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail
Tom Lane wrote:
> Paul Tillotson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Does postgres actually do multiple concurrent sorts within a single
>> backend?
> Certainly. Consider for example a merge join with each input being
> sorted by an explicit sort step. DISTINCT, ORDER BY, UNION, and
> related opera
Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Paul Tillotson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Does postgres actually do multiple concurrent sorts within a single
> > backend?
> Certainly. Consider for example a merge join with each input being
> sorted by an explicit sort step. DISTINCT, ORDER BY, U
I am trying to see if it is possible to use rules to create complex updateable views covering two or more tables. Initially I created two test tables: one to hold CD names (cathyscds) and one to hold the track names/numbers/times for each cd (cathystracks) using the following SQL:
On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 08:43:03 -0800,
"Joshua D. Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> IMHO 8.0 means, hey all you external developers -- time to test
> with your applications and report bugs.
> 8.1 means, alright we got some wide reports -- fixed a few mistakes
> and now were ready.
The list is either down or very quiet ?
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
I am able to access this news.postgresql.org group two days ago. Now I am
not able to access. Is it the news group is down?
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
Any news when Postgres 8 will be released?
Also, are there any plans to include Slony with it, as part of the same
source download, or as part of a group 'matched' source
files/rpms/dpkgs etc?
Thanks All
Simon Windsor
Tel: 01454 617689
Mob: 07960 321599
I would love to get my hands on any numbers that someone might have.
Also does anyone know how long it will take for a stable release of
8.0 to come (any estimates would be good) ?
The last target date I saw mentioned was 2004-12-15. If a second release
candidate is needed, I don't know if t
I've not seen a post in days on many of the lists to which I subscribe.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
just a test
Yahoo! Mail - Agora com 250MB de espaço gratuito. Abra
uma conta agora! http://br.info.mail.yahoo.com/
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you
Dear All,
I sent a message last weekend asking about temporary tables being
written to disk but didn't get any replies. I'm sure there is someone
out there who knows something about this - please help! Here is the
question again:
Looking at vmstat output on my database server I have been supr
Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 08:43:03 -0800,
"Joshua D. Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
IMHO 8.0 means, hey all you external developers -- time to test
with your applications and report bugs.
8.1 means, alright we got some wide reports -- fixed a few mistakes
and now were read
Command Prompt, Inc., home of PostgreSQL Replication, and plPHP.
Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
+1-503-667-4564 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.commandprompt.com
Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator. Integrated Replication for PostgreSQL
i have a table like this:
create table array (
account text NOT NULL,
id int4 NOT NULL,
value text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (account, id)
values like this:
"id" should be positive
"id" should not have g
Hello all,
I was digging through my logs the other day and I noticed a bunch of
the following log messages:
Dec 8 10:50:18 bahamut postgres[7647]: [273-1] NOTICE:
Dec 8 10:50:18 bahamut postgres[7647]: [274-1] NOTICE:
I got a server from DELL which contained a Red Hat Linux AS 3 in the
It contained no postgresql server which I got from an earlier link, http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-admin/2003-11/msg00368.php
When I did rpm of everything I end up with a non-working postgresql.
This may be becaus
Jaime --
Sorry that I didn't respond earler -- been quite busy.
We have migrated our runtime aspect (which is heavy use of the Spatial
Blade/postGIS in a mostly read-only environment); we were using Informix 9.3
dynamic server.
I have some notes I wrote up that I'll post tonight -- they are on
http://jdbc.postgresql.org/ seems to be down.
Also I can't connect to the mailing list subscription page at:
Can anyone point me to another site where I can download the postgres
jdbc drivers?
On Monday we upgraded one of our PostgreSQL instances from v7.2 to v7.4.
Yesterday the box (sabine) on which this runs became very unhappy:
It runs RHEL ES v3, kernel 2.4.21-20.ELsmp
It's generally a very stable box which runs a number of postgresql
instances. But last night we hit very high low
Is the error below a bug? Or a feature?
% cat foo.sql
SELECT version();
CREATE TABLE foo ( "key" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, msg character(100));
CREATE TABLE bar ( "key" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, msg character(100));
I just confirmed that the same goes for:
Linux 2.6.5-7.111.5-default, i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
(SuSE v9.1)
Makefile.global holds:
PTHREAD_LIBS= -lpthread
Would you like confirmation for
--- "Gregory S. Williamson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Jaime --
> Sorry that I didn't respond earler -- been quite
> busy.
don't worry.
> We have migrated our runtime aspect (which is heavy
> use of the Spatial Blade/postGIS in a mostly
> read-only environment); we were using Informi
I have created a function in postgresql
public.insert_vpn_masteraccount(varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar,
varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar)
RETURNS varchar AS
insert into
How 'ready for prime-time' is the table inheritance feature? I've
seen some postings about particular issues (lack of full FK support,
for example), but would like to get an overall sense of the stability
and robustness of the feature.
Also, is there a performance hit in using inheritance? For e
On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Tomas [iso-8859-1] Skäre wrote:
> I have a table that looks like this:
> Table "public.cjm_object"
> Column | Type| Modifiers
> ---+---+---
> timestamp | bigint| not null
> jobid | bigint
Option 1:
create table a (id serial, hosts text[]);
Option 2:
create table a (id serial);
create table hosts (id int references a, host text);
Table 'a' will have about 500,000 records. There will probably be about
20 reads for every write. Each id has approximately 1.1 hosts. If I use
the arr
There have been some difficulties with servers; it appears as though
most if not all of it has been resolved.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="gmail.com" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"I'm not switching from slrn. I'm quite confident that anything that
I was just reading the PostgreSQL documentation about Information
Schemas. Some of the tables have fields which are described as
"Applies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL"
What does that mean?
Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
The world rejoiced as [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Együd Csaba) wrote:
> Hi, I should schedule the execution of several stored
> procedures. Now I use an NT service for this, but as far as I know
> e.g. the Oracle has such a thing. It would be great if I could fire
> procedures on a timer basis.
> Is ther
I have received no posts from GENERAL since yesterday morning; is the
list broken? Thank you.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMA
Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw when [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Windsor) would
> Any news when Postgres 8 will be released?
If things go well, there's a release candidate hoped to be suitable
for a Dec 15th date. But releases will _actually_ be ready when they
are ready.
> Also, are the
Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Clark Endrizzi"):
> I have a field that I'll be ordering and I noticed that ordering is
> done logically and would confuse my users here (1,12,16,4,8, etc).
> I'm writing an application in PHP that connects to Postgres and while
> I know that PHP has some powerful natur
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 11:26:09PM -0500, rpeterso wrote:
I should have mentioned...
PostgreSQL versions 8.0.0beta5 and 7.4.6
libpq-perl 2.0.2
perl 5.8.4
Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
---(end of broadc
There is this from Mozilla: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/sql/
On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:27:05 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Does anyone know how to connect javascript to a postgresql database
> Please send example if anyone has done it
Mike Rylander
I have a simple table, a view, and an on insert rule. These work fine,
ordinarily. But when I attempt to to insert a value into thesis_ps_v
via libpq_sql, nothing happens. If I capture the sql string I'm sending
(as per code sample below), print it to a file, and paste it into a psql
session, it
On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 11:58:31AM +0900, Michael Glaesemann wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2004, at 12:46 PM, Ron Peterson wrote:
> >I was just reading the PostgreSQL documentation about Information
> >Schemas. Some of the tables have fields which are described as
> >
> >"Applies to a feature not availabl
OK, thank you. Yes we have a more native tool - the "at" service on NT/2K.
I wanted to boundle it into the application because I don't like to place
parts of the application outside the application. I wrote a scheduler
service sepcialy for the applications tasks. It works fine, but I thought
Thank you Ben, I already have known these tools. I was wonder if Postgres
has an integrated tool for scheduling sp's (like Oracle has!). OK it doesn't
have. No problem just tried to make world more simpler... :)
-- Csaba
-Original Message-
From: Ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've not seen a post in days on many of the lists to which I subscribe.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Marc G. Fournier
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
It seems gborg does not accept new projects any more. Does anybody
know what happens with it? Also it's really slow and sometimes does
not respond. I need an open source development web site which can
safely hosts pgpool. Recently I'm getting lot of mails reg
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Sehat Rosny wrote:
I am able to access this news.postgresql.org group two days ago. Now I am
not able to access. Is it the news group is down?
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase yo
when I run
select * from "table"
I get this error.
ERROR: relation "table" does not exist
Itamar Reis Peixoto+55 34 3238 3845+55 38
9107 1250http://www.ispbrasil.com.br
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.5.0 - Re
On Dec 9, 2004, at 12:46 PM, Ron Peterson wrote:
I was just reading the PostgreSQL documentation about Information
Schemas. Some of the tables have fields which are described as
"Applies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL"
The information schema is a part of the SQL standard that allows acce
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 06:31:15PM -0300, Pablo Santiago Blum de Aguiar wrote:
> I'm getting boring notices when creating tables:
> implicit index "pk_cliente" for table "cliente"
> NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit
> ind
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 02:47:53PM -0700, Clark Endrizzi wrote:
> I have a field that I'll be ordering and I noticed that ordering is done
> logically and would confuse my users here (1,12,16,4,8, etc).
I think you mean that the ordering is done lexically and you want
it done numerically. If t
Does postgres actually do multiple concurrent sorts within a single
Certainly. Consider for example a merge join with each input being
sorted by an explicit sort step. DISTINCT, ORDER BY, UNION, and
related operators require their own sort steps in the current
implementation. It'
Don Isgitt wrote:
I have received no posts from GENERAL since yesterday morning; is the
list broken? Thank you.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAd
Numbers as text are ordered like that. Integers are ordered as you would like.
The best hack I have seen if you are stuck with text is
...order by length(numbers_as_test), numbers_as_text
which sorts first by number of "digits" then by text order.
Ian Harding
Programmer/Analyst II
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 04:02:42PM -0500, Mirko Coz wrote:
> ¿Qué significado tiene el logo de PostgreSQL?
Questions in Spanish should probably go to pgsql-es-ayuda.
An elephant is "Big, strong, reliable and never forgets...":
Does anyone know how to connect javascript to a postgresql database
You can't connect javascript to any sort of database. You need something
like php, python etc - it can connect to your database and generate
Chris Smith
Suite 30, 45-51 Huntley St,
But isn't the problem when the planner screws up and not the sortmem setting?
There was my case where the 7.4 planner estimated 1500 distinct rows when
there were actually 1391110. On 7.3.4 it used about 4.4MB. Whereas 7.4
definitely used more than 400MB for the same query ) - I had to kill
I did a search for this issue but don't seem to find
anything reasonably satisfactory.
I'm getting boring notices when creating tables:
test=# CREATE TABLE cliente (
test(# id_indica INTEGER NULL,
test(# email VARCHAR(40) NUL
On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 06:35:39PM -0700, Ed L. wrote:
> On Tuesday December 7 2004 6:27, Ed L. wrote:
> > On Tuesday December 7 2004 5:58, marcelo Cortez wrote:
> La traducción de Babelfish de mi mensaje anterior era hilarante, e indica
> que mi español es lejos peor que pensamiento de I.
Hi all,
I have a field that I'll be ordering and I noticed that ordering is done
logically and would confuse my users here (1,12,16,4,8, etc).
I'm writing an application in PHP that connects to Postgres and while I know
that PHP has some powerful natural ordering functions it would be much
I'd like to ask you about the clustering strategy that postgres
Exactly: I have created a hierachy of tables using 'inherits'
relationship. I have populated tables with a huge amount of data and then
I cluster each table according to an attribute that exists on Root table
(hence, th
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 09:02:51AM +0530, Nageshwar Rao wrote:
> I would like to use shared disk for two Postgresql database. I mean that two
> Postgresql Database point to same $PGDATA directory. Is this possible in
> Postgresql
Not at all. You can of course create two databases within one
Seeking further clarity regarding GET DIAGNOSTICS behavior in 7.4.
As described previously GET DIAGNOSTICS in the following example does not work
in 7.4.5:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."rowcount_test" () RETURNS bigint AS'
base_hits bigint;
base_hits := 0;
Hello everyone,
I have had a long term problem loading tab separated data from a text
file that has prevented me from migrating my enterprise application from
MySQL to PostgreSQL. With version 2 of this application I am making the
move to PostgreSQL but am still running into the problem even wi
# Does anyone know how to connect javascript to a postgresql database
# Please send example if anyone has done it
Maybe you mean Java? Javascript runs within the browser and AFAIK has
no facilities for dealing with a database connection.
FWIW, you can accomplish what you're probably attempting
What i want to be able to do is create a tempory table and when i need a
value stored in the table i want to check that the table has been
created if it has not do a create temp table or just do an update.
Michael Fuhr wrote:
On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 09:22:51AM +1100, Jamie Deppeler wrote:
Hi guys,
I have a table with two integer fields (field1 and
I would like to construct a function that perform an
operation with this two fiels (field1 + fields2), and
return the string value "A" if the sum is <20, "B" if
the sum is >=20 or <=50, and finally return "C" if the
sum is >50
Im wondering sooner or later my disk will be filled-up by postgres's
Can anyone give some suggestion on how to deal with this. In oracle you can
just assign tables on a diff partition.
---(end of broadcast)---
It seems gborg does not accept new projects any more. Does anybody
know what happens with it? Also it's really slow and sometimes does
not respond. I need an open source development web site which can
safely hosts pgpool. Recently I'm getting lot of mails regarding
pgpool and need mails lists, arch
Werdin Jens wrote:
> Hello,
> Ich have a big performance problem.
> I'm running postgres 7.4.2 on Suse Linux 9.0 on a dual Xeon 3.0 GHz with 3
> Gbyte Ram.
> In postgres.conf I'm using the defaults.
That's the place to start. See the guide at:
i don't see any practical use of _javascript_ with
Postgresql, since a _javascript_ is on the client side.
Unless you want each client machine to have its own
database !
- Original Message -
The world rejoiced as [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Najib Abi Fadel") wrote:
> i don't see any practical use of javascript with Postgresql, since a
> java script is on the client side.
> Unless you want each client machine to have its own database
> !
Actually, there _is_ a practical use fo
If things go well, there's a release candidate hoped to be suitable
for a Dec 15th date. But releases will _actually_ be ready when they
are ready.
> Also, are there any plans to include Slony with it, as part of the
> same source download, or as part of a group 'matched' source
> files/rpms/dpkg
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Sehat Rosny")
> I am able to access this news.postgresql.org group two days ago. Now
> I am not able to access. Is it the news group is down?
There have been some difficulties with servers; it appears as though
most if not a
Geoffrey wrote:
Chris Smith wrote:
Does anyone know how to connect javascript to a postgresql
You can't connect javascript to any sort of database.
Actually you can, with server side javascript, although I don't know
if it supports postgresql. It does support
You might want to look at this :
This project is a native Postgresql connection in XUL (an XML based
language that describes the Widgets in Firefox).
I have not had time to play with this but it looks like the Firefox
client could connect native
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 01:07:43PM +0800, JM wrote:
> Im wondering sooner or later my disk will be filled-up by postgres's
> data..
> Can anyone give some suggestion on how to deal with this. In oracle you can
> just assign tables on a diff partition.
In PostgreSQL 8.0 you'll be able
On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 09:17:12PM -0700, Jason Sheets wrote:
> Sample Data is available at http://www.idahoimageworks.com/sampledata.txt
> I'm using the command: COPY residential FROM 'file' WITH DELIMITER AS '\t';
> I'm receiving the error: ERROR: missing data for column "builder"
> Whe
"Clark Endrizzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi all,
> I have a field that I'll be ordering and I noticed that ordering is
> done logically and would confuse my users here (1,12,16,4,8, etc).
Sounds like you're storing a number in a text field. Numeric fields
sort in numerical order.
I just wanted to get a quick note out now that I can ... I'll send a
longer note out explain what happened later this evening when I get a
spare breath to write one ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: ys
1 - 100 of 101 matches
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