Hi. I'd like to return a result set from a plpgsql function constructed out of a 'virtual table' joined to an actual table, and struggling to find a sane approach.
I have a table 'recs' with records like this. day | nums ----------- 2 | 1 5 | 3 2 | 2.5 For a particular month in the year I would like to generate all the days in the month into a virtual table. 'virt' vday --- 1 ... omitted ... 30 I would like a result set something like this: day | nums ----------- 1 | 0 2 | 3.5 3 | 0 4 | 0 5 | 3 6 | 0 ... etc. Below is a first attempt. It fails because it looks like one can't have two set returning loops defined in the same function, quite apart from any join oddities joining against 'dayom'. Thanks! Rory DROP TYPE dom CASCADE; CREATE TYPE dom AS ( d INTEGER ); DROP TYPE comb CASCADE; CREATE TYPE comb AS ( day INTEGER, val INTEGER ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_test1 ( ) RETURNS setof comb AS ' DECLARE dayom dom%rowtype; resulter comb%rowtype; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..30 LOOP dayom.d = i; RETURN NEXT dayom; END LOOP; FOR resulter IN SELECT dayom.d as day, recs.nums FROM dayom LEFT OUTER JOIN recs r ON dayom.d = recs.day ORDER BY dayom.d LOOP RETURN NEXT resulter; END LOOP; RETURN; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Rory Campbell-Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <www.campbell-lange.net> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org