> Jackson, DeJuan wrote:
> >
> > I think you should just go with what Vadim suggested and use:
> > select currval('my_sequence');
> > This will be the same within a transaction, even if there is another
> ^^^
> sess
> What does this mean, please?:
> bray=> select * from organisation* where id in (select c.org from
>org_contact as c, organisation* as o where c.contact = '100020'
>and c.org = o.id);
> ERROR: ExecReScan: node type 12 not supported
> and how can I get round it?
I assume th
In pg_hba.conf file u can enter database name hostIP and password entry
that way u can ensure some amount of security
On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Anand Surelia wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to specify connect permissions to a database for
> specific users? Right now, any user can connect to any dat
Hi all
I have been using postgreSQL for a while now and it is doing the job
I want it to. Thank you to all pgsql-hackers for their good job.
Iam runninga vanilla 6.3.2 installedfrom
postgresql-{,clients-,devel-,data-}6.3.2-4.rpm. Some of the problems
of taht d
Is there any way to specify connect permissions to a database for
specific users? Right now, any user can connect to any database even
though he may not be able to see any tables.
Anand Surelia.
What does this mean, please?:
bray=> select * from organisation* where id in (select c.org from
org_contact as c, organisation* as o where c.contact = '100020'
and c.org = o.id);
ERROR: ExecReScan: node type 12 not supported
and how can I get round it?
bray=> \d organisation