Hi all

  I have been using postgreSQL for a while now and it is doing the job
I want it to.  Thank you to all pgsql-hackers for their good job.

  I        am   running    a       vanilla 6.3.2     installed    from
postgresql-{,clients-,devel-,data-}6.3.2-4.rpm.   Some of the problems
of taht distribution  stem  from the   rpm specfile  (for instance,  a
world-writable  and world-readable pg_pwd !!)  and are not interesting
for this list.

  However, there is one thing which I find annoying:

testdata=> CREATE TABLE test ( number int check ( number > 3 ) );

works fine, but the table is dumped with a different syntax:

CREATE TABLE test (number int4) CONSTRAINT test_number CHECK number > 3;

which is not accepted back:

testdata=> CREATE TABLE test (number int4) CONSTRAINT test_number CHECK number > 3;
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "constraint"

  Now, the  second  syntax  is standard  SQL   and the  parser  should
recognize  it, but in  any case at least  pg_dump compliance should be
aimed at.


# Dario Besseghini, system manager,
#                  Department of  Computer Science, University of Pisa
# http://www.di.unipi.it/~besseghi

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