> Kinda hard to believe.
I know it, but that's what I am seeing. (to recap, my trigger only
fires on the first insert per connection.)
This will be kind of long, it's a spliced-together version of my psql
client session and the server log. I drop and re-create the procedure
and trigger, the
Anyone have any clues as to my question yesterday re: why my trigger
only fires on the first insert per connection? After posting yesterday,
I tried a few different things, but the only thing that works (and
obviously not the most efficient thing to do) is to disconnect and
reconnect after every
What would cause this trigger:
create trigger log_trigger
before insert on log
for each row
execute procedure update_host_table();
to only fire on the first insert per connection, but none of the subsequent inserts?
The trigger runs fine, the procedure it calls runs fine, but it only executes