> Kinda hard to believe.
I know it, but that's what I am seeing..... (to recap, my trigger only
fires on the first insert per connection.)
This will be kind of long, it's a spliced-together version of my psql
client session and the server log. I drop and re-create the procedure
and trigger, then I'll connect and test, and disconnect and reconnect and
show you what's happening. Comments with ***** stars around them
**** are my running commentary to make following this session easier.
***** First, I use the text file to drop and recreate the procedure and
trigger. *****
postgres@rusty ~$ psql monitoring < log_trigger
postgres@rusty ~$
***** Server log shows dropping and creating (long procedure, sorry)
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: query: /* trigger to update the host table
for incoming records
The trigger will update the update the date and timestamps
for the host, insert a newhost if one is not found */
drop function update_host_table();
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: ProcessUtility: /* trigger to update the host
table for incoming records
The trigger will update the update the date and timestamps
for the host, insert a newhost if one is not found */
drop function update_host_table();
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: query: drop trigger log_trigger on log ;
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: ProcessUtility: drop trigger log_trigger on
log ;
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: query: create function update_host_table()
returns opaque
as 'declare
site_rec record;
host_rec record;
status_rec record;
new.tstamp := now() ;
/* check to see if we have see this site before */
select * into site_rec
from sites s
where s.fqdn = new.fqdn ;
/* -- if we have not found the machine name we are going to
insert a new record into the sites table and set the init_contact to now
if not found
insert into sites
/* we also have to insert a new host if this is a new site */
insert into hosts
/* now update the incoming record with the new host_id and
site_id */
/* we have seen the site before, update the incoming records
site_id */
new.site_id = site_rec.site_id ;
/* if we have seen this site before we need to check and see if
we have ever seen this machine before */
select * into host_rec
from hosts h
where h.hostname = new.hostname and
h.site_id = site_rec.site_id ;
/* new host */
if not found
insert into hosts
new.host_id = currval(''hosts_host_id_seq'');
new.host_id = host_rec.host_id ;
update hosts
set last_contact = new.tstamp
where hosts.host_id = new.host_id ;
end if ;
/* update sites
set last_contact = new.tstamp
where sites.fqdn = new.fqdn ; */
end if ;
/* now we are going to update the status table with the new record */
select * into status_rec
from status s where
s.site_id = new.site_id and
s.host_id = new.host_id and
s.product = new.product and
s.class = new.class and
s.subclass = new.subclass ;
/* new monitored process */
if not found
insert into status
values (new.site_id,
update status
set status = new.status,
tstamp = new.tstamp
where site_id = new.site_id and
host_id = new.host_id and
product = new.product and
class = new.class and
subclass = new.subclass ;
end if ;
return new;
end ;'
language 'plpgsql';
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: ProcessUtility: create function
returns opaque
as 'declare
site_rec record;
host_rec record;
status_rec record;
new.tstamp := now() ;
/* check to see if we have see this site before */
select * into site_rec
from sites s
where s.fqdn = new.fqdn ;
/* -- if we have not found the machine name we are going to
insert a new record into the sites table and set the init_contact to now
if not found
insert into sites
/* we also have to insert a new host if this is a new site */
insert into hosts
/* now update the incoming record with the new host_id and
site_id */
/* we have seen the site before, update the incoming records
site_id */
new.site_id = site_rec.site_id ;
/* if we have seen this site before we need to check and see if
we have ever seen this machine before */
select * into host_rec
from hosts h
where h.hostname = new.hostname and
h.site_id = site_rec.site_id ;
/* new host */
if not found
insert into hosts
new.host_id = currval(''hosts_host_id_seq'');
new.host_id = host_rec.host_id ;
update hosts
set last_contact = new.tstamp
where hosts.host_id = new.host_id ;
end if ;
/* update sites
set last_contact = new.tstamp
where sites.fqdn = new.fqdn ; */
end if ;
/* now we are going to update the status table with the new record */
select * into status_rec
from status s where
s.site_id = new.site_id and
s.host_id = new.host_id and
s.product = new.product and
s.class = new.class and
s.subclass = new.subclass ;
/* new monitored process */
if not found
insert into status
values (new.site_id,
update status
set status = new.status,
tstamp = new.tstamp
where site_id = new.site_id and
host_id = new.host_id and
product = new.product and
class = new.class and
subclass = new.subclass ;
end if ;
return new;
end ;'
language 'plpgsql';
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
**** This is where the trigger is created ******
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: query: create trigger log_trigger
before insert on log
for each row
execute procedure update_host_table();
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: ProcessUtility: create trigger log_trigger
before insert on log
for each row
execute procedure update_host_table();
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 11:51:12 DEBUG: proc_exit(0)
****** Now I connect to the database ******
2001-05-14 11:55:01 DEBUG: connection: host=[local] user=postgres
2001-05-14 11:55:01 DEBUG: InitPostgres
2001-05-14 11:55:01 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 11:55:01 DEBUG: query: SELECT usesuper FROM pg_user WHERE
usename = 'postgres'
2001-05-14 11:55:01 DEBUG: ProcessQuery
2001-05-14 11:55:01 DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
***** and I do an insert into the 'log' table *****
monitoring=# insert into log values
upper('Apps'), upper('Medssld'), upper('INFO'), '1 medssld(s) running.',
'20010513 23:45:00');
INSERT 2291562 1
****** and you see from the server log that the trigger fired
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: insert into log values
upper('Apps'), upper('Medssld'), upper('INFO'), '1 medssld(s) running.',
'20010513 23:45:00');
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: ProcessQuery
***** the following is the trigger behavior *****
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT now()
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT * from sites s where s.fqdn =
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT not $1
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT $1
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT * from hosts h where
h.hostname = $1 and h.site_id = $2
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT not $1
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT $1
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: update hosts set last_contact = $1
where hosts.host_id = $2
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT not $1
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT $1
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: update hosts set last_contact = $1
where hosts.host_id = $2
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT * from status s where
s.site_id = $1 and s.host_id = $2 and s.product = $3 and s.class =
$4 and s.subclass = $5
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: SELECT not $1
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: query: update status set status = $1 ,
tstamp = $2 where site_id = $3 and host_id = $4 and product = $5
and class = $6 and subclass = $7
2001-05-14 12:00:17 DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
***** I then immediately insert again, changing the timestamp by 15
minutes for clarity of tracking the behavior *****
monitoring=# insert into log values
upper('Apps'), upper('Medssld'), upper('INFO'), '1 medssld(s) running.',
'20010513 00:00:00');
INSERT 2292069 1
******* Here is the server log this time around *******
2001-05-14 12:02:54 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 12:02:54 DEBUG: query: insert into log values
upper('Apps'), upper('Medssld'), upper('INFO'), '1 medssld(s) running.',
'20010513 00:00:00');
2001-05-14 12:02:54 DEBUG: ProcessQuery
2001-05-14 12:02:54 DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
****** Note, NO TRIGGER firing! So I disconnect and reconnect.... *****
2001-05-14 12:04:24 DEBUG: proc_exit(0)
2001-05-14 12:04:24 DEBUG: shmem_exit(0)
2001-05-14 12:04:24 DEBUG: exit(0)
postmaster: reaping dead processes...
postmaster: CleanupProc: pid 1986 exited with status 0
postmaster: ServerLoop: handling reading 5
postmaster: ServerLoop: handling reading 5
postmaster: ServerLoop: handling writing 5
postmaster: BackendStartup: pid 1989 user postgres db monitoring socket 5
postmaster child[1989]: starting with (postgres -d2 -v131072 -p
monitoring )
FindExec: searching PATH ...
ValidateBinary: can't stat "/sbin/postgres"
ValidateBinary: can't stat "/usr/sbin/postgres"
ValidateBinary: can't stat "/bin/postgres"
ValidateBinary: can't stat "/usr/bin/postgres"
ValidateBinary: can't stat "/usr/local/bin/postgres"
ValidateBinary: can't stat "/usr/bin/X11/postgres"
ValidateBinary: can't stat "/usr/local/bin/postgres"
FindExec: found "/usr/local/pgsql/bin//postgres" using PATH
2001-05-14 12:04:24 DEBUG: connection: host=[local] user=postgres
2001-05-14 12:04:24 DEBUG: InitPostgres
2001-05-14 12:04:24 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 12:04:24 DEBUG: query: SELECT usesuper FROM pg_user WHERE
usename = 'postgres'
2001-05-14 12:04:24 DEBUG: ProcessQuery
2001-05-14 12:04:24 DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
***** And I try insert #2 again.... ******
monitoring=# insert into log values
monitoring(# upper('Medssld'), upper('INFO'), '1 medssld(s) running.',
'20010513 00:00:00');
INSERT 2292070 1
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: insert into log values
upper('Medssld'), upper('INFO'), '1 medssld(s) running.', '20010513
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: ProcessQuery
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: SELECT now()
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: SELECT * from sites s where s.fqdn =
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: SELECT not $1
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: SELECT $1
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: SELECT * from hosts h where
h.hostname = $1 and h.site_id = $2
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: SELECT not $1
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: SELECT $1
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: update hosts set last_contact = $1
where hosts.host_id = $2
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: SELECT * from status s where
s.site_id = $1 and s.host_id = $2 and s.product = $3 and s.class =
$4 and s.subclass = $5
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: SELECT not $1
2001-05-14 12:05:47 DEBUG: query: update status set status = $1 ,
tstamp = $2 where site_id = $3 and host_id = $4 and product = $5
and class = $6 and subclass = $7
2001-05-14 12:05:48 DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
***** And sure enough, the trigger fires. *****
So, I'm not imagining things, at least. What I can't figure out is why
this was working under 7.0 and not 7.1. I'm using the same text file to
create the procedure and trigger. Weird, eh?
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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