> Hi all
> I have been using postgreSQL for a while now and it is doing the job
> I want it to. Thank you to all pgsql-hackers for their good job.
> Iam runninga vanilla 6.3.2 installedfrom
> postgresql-{,clients-,devel-,data-}6.3.2-4.rpm. Some of the pr
> Ciao Dario,
> Seems that your syntax (CREATE TABLE test (number int4) CONSTRAINT
> test_number CHECK number > 3;)
> isn't SQL standard.
> ---
> There are two kinds of Integrity CONSTRAINTs;
> - the Column constraint:
> CREATE TABLE test ( number int check
Hello Dario,
lunedì, 17 agosto 98, you wrote:
DB> Hi all
DB> I have been using postgreSQL for a while now and it is doing the job
DB> I want it to. Thank you to all pgsql-hackers for their good job.
DB> Iam runninga vanilla 6.3.2 installedfrom
DB> postgresql-{
Hi all
I have been using postgreSQL for a while now and it is doing the job
I want it to. Thank you to all pgsql-hackers for their good job.
Iam runninga vanilla 6.3.2 installedfrom
postgresql-{,clients-,devel-,data-}6.3.2-4.rpm. Some of the problems
of taht d