Hi Ioana and David.
Thank you. Yes, I can see the problem. I will look into your suggestions.
- Original Message -
> On Friday, September 18, 2015, Leif Jensen wrote:
> >Hello Laurenz,
> >
> >Thank you for you suggestion. I really wa
the DELETE statement.
- Original Message -----
> Leif Jensen wrote:
> >If I do "DELETE FROM devicegroup WHERE group=1" I do not want to delete
> >anything. I only want to
> > delete if I do "DELETE FROM devicegroup WHERE groupid=x AND ctrlid=y A
Hi Charles,
If I do "DELETE FROM devicegroup WHERE group=1" I do not want to delete
anything. I only want to delete if I do "DELETE FROM devicegroup WHERE
groupid=x AND ctrlid=y AND userid=z". I don't wanna let anyone delete more than
1 row at a time.
actual doing the delete.
Unfortunately this is not possible to do FOR EACH STATEMENT, and FOR EACH ROW
would not give me the chance to check for NOT NULL.
Any ideas ?
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Is it possible to use a replication_slot for a downstream-server when setting
up cascading replication on 9.4
Leif G.
>Fra: Michael Paquier
>Sendt: 23. juni 2015 13:32
>On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 8:18 PM, Leif Gunnar Erlandsen
> wrote:
>> Is it possible to use a replication_slot for a downstream-server when
>> setting up cascading replication on 9.4
>Yes. Just be careful that r
Is it possible to use a replication_slot for a downstream-server when setting
up cascading replication on 9.4
Leif G.
Vennlig hilsen/ Best regards
Senior Database Consultant
BASEFARM | Nydalen Allé 37a | 0484 Oslo | Norway
Phone: +47 4000 4100 | Mobile: +47
Hello Tom, Adrian
Thank you for your help and the patch. Things works nicely for me now :-).
- Original Message -
> Adrian Klaver writes:
> > On 05/08/2014 07:19 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> >> 9.3 patch is here:
> >> http://git.postgresql.org
Hi Tom,
I already compiled postgreSQL myself and now using 9.3.4, so I would very
much like a patch. Where can I find that ?
- Original Message -
> Leif Jensen writes:
> >Could it be related to the OFFSET part of the statement ? I have
> >another qu
Could it be related to the OFFSET part of the statement ? I have another
query on the same table without OFFSET, which seems to work fine.
- Original Message -
> Leif Jensen writes:
> >Here is a gdb dump of the backtrace at the server process crash.
> >
e use of the
ApplDBConn_22854_f6adeb70_query, which has been used many many times before the
log shown (167 in all to be exact ;-) ).
- Original Message -
> On 05/06/2014 07:08 AM, Leif Jensen wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I was running PostgreSQL 9.1.4 w
L from the postgres log and
run it through psql and get the result I expect, so I don't see how it can be
data related.
Please help,
22864 2014-05-06 15:37:35.350 CEST LOG: statement: close execcurs
22864 2014-05-06 15:37:35.350 CEST LOG: statement: deallocate
27;' ) for which
> coalesce is not working, is there any workaround or other function
> available in postgresql, please do let me know.
CASE WHEN firstname NOT IN (NULL, '') THEN firstname ELSE lastname END;
regards, Leif
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ble-thread-safety option.
What should I believe ?
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om history
where (lookup = 'phone' and lookupid = '672')
select history.id, history.created, creator, contact, history.type, lookup,
lookupid, value
from history
where creator = '790'
Leif Gunnar Erlandsen
rough pg_query in PHP, I get:
> PHP Warning: pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for
> encoding "UTF8": 0xa3
It's possibly a client encoding problem. See the PHP documentation on
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of someone trying to
unsubscribe by posting a reply to the discussion approaches one.
regards, Leif
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You should alter owner of the functions.
Try "alter function function_name owner to new_owner;
Leif Gunnar Erlandsen
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' and insert for 'on insert').
Have something basic things changed on the rule system and if so, where do I
find information about it ?
Please help,
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Hi Marc,
Thanks a lot. That works fine. The names 'NEW' and 'OLD' works fine.
- "Marc Schablewski" wrote:
> Hi Leif,
> Am 22.01.2013 14:34, schrieb Leif Jensen:
> CREATE update_rule_func( old record, new record ) AS ..
ecord for the
parameter type. Could you please expand a little on your example ?
- "Jasen Betts" wrote:
> On 2013-01-18, Leif Jensen wrote:
> >I have been fighting a problem with an update rule on a view. I
> > have a view that combines two tables wh
statement is executed, I get a 'duplicate key violation' on a record
that has never been there.
I am using PostgreSQL version 9.1.7 (running on Linux/Ubuntu 12.04). What am
I doing wrong ?
Please help,
DROP VIEW hcont;
solumslekt.org/blog/?p=91 for an example
of composite types and functions.
regards, Leif
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ed to issue this command (at a
> Linux command prompt) I get 'createdb command not found'. Are the authors
> out of date? What is the current command?
leif@balapapa ~ $ which createdb
regards, Leif
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st the wall.
MySQL, the BASIC of db engines?
regards, Leif
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some kind of
redundancy in a RAID configuration.
regards, Leif
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port for using RETURNING in insert, update, delete queries
> to fill a variable in plpgsql?
insert into table1(field2) values ('x') returning field1 into t_var
regards, Leif
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sh script, which I have
been using since version 7.4, and which is working perfectly:
dropdb $DB
createdb --encoding=UNICODE $DB
psql -U postgres -d $DB -f $INFILE > restore.log 2>&1
Note that I'm running this as a regular postgres user, whose only privilege is
to cre
R: relation "dual" does not exist
LINE 1: select sysdate from dual;
Maybe this is what you want?
postgres=> select current_date;
(1 row)
regards, Leif
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te Order Mark"
somewhere in the configuration, and it may be on by default.
regards, Leif
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-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
See http://docs.python.org/release/2.5.1/ref/encodings.html which also
mentions the BOM method as an alternative.
regards, Leif
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temp tables is correct. But anyway, it's always a good idea to
encapsulate multiple interdependent queries in a single pl/pgsql function. I
tend to keep my PHP code as simple as possible, and do most of the work inside
the database.
regards, Leif
arly awkward. That may of course be an example of the "If
all you've got is a hammer, all problems look like nails" syndrome. But I've
never felt a need for installing another pl language.
regards, Leif
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To ma
Lørdag 3. mars 2012 12.34.27 skrev Raymond O'Donnell :
> You can get Postgres 9.1 from backports.debian.org:
> deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main
Ah, sweet, thank you!
regards, Leif
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@
.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
Then I did an apt-get update and
apt-get install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-client-9.1
Finally I commented out the added line of /etc/apt/sources.list.
This seems a rather roundabout way, is there a better one?
regards, Leif
Sent via pgsql-
has great database
> support (including Postgres-specific features, some of which are quite
> handy).
I'd like to look at this Pike. I don't think that my Web host supports it, but
it might still be a fun experience.
regards, Leif
The Yggdrasil project:
On Thursday 6. October 2011 07.07.11 Craig Ringer wrote:
> On 10/06/2011 03:06 AM, Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
> > I seemingly fixed the problem by stopping postgres and doing:
> >
> > balapapa 612249 # mv 11658 11658.old
> > balapapa 612249 # mv 11658.old 11
d that injecting `date +%u` into the backup file name
at an appropriate place will number it by weekday, which is great for keeping
daily backups for a week.
regards, Leif.
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On Wednesday 5. October 2011 22.41.49 Tom Lane wrote:
> Leif Biberg Kristensen writes:
> > I'm gonna move the data to another disk right now.
> Good plan.
Couple of things I forgot to mention, in case it matters:
The disk is a 1 TB Seagate Barracuda S-ATA, and it has bee
I seemingly fixed the problem by stopping postgres and doing:
balapapa 612249 # mv 11658 11658.old
balapapa 612249 # mv 11658.old 11658
And the backup magically works.
I'm gonna move the data to another disk right now.
regards, Leif
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at's the only
> file your drive has lost.
this is what I get:
postgres@balapapa ~ $ psql pgslekt
psql (9.0.5)
Type "help" for help.
pgslekt=# select relname from pg_class where relfilenode = 11658;
(1 row)
regards, Leif
The database is still working perfectly.
The backup script overwrote my previous backup with a 40 byte file (yes silly
me I know that's bloody stupid - I'm gonna fix that) and now I haven't got a
recent backup anymore.
Is this fixable?
regards, Leif
bar LIKE E'%\xe2\x80\x8e%';
The trick is obviously to escape each byte in the sequence.
Maybe I'll write a blog post about it. It appears to be weakly documented, or
at least very hard to find. Or maybe it's just me being dense.
regards, Leif.
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legal three-byte UTF-8 character that
doesn't have a counterpart in LATIN1, given that all I know about it is its
hexadecimal value.
I know how to do it now, and I consider the problem solved. Hopefully, this
thread may help others who stumbles upon the same issue.
regards, Leif
ried a lot of different search terms in Google, and none of them turned up
anything near what I needed.
regards, Leif
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he problematic text
and re-entered it by hand. Problem solved.
But thank you for the idea, I think that I will strip out at least any
entities from text entered into the database.
By the way, is there a setting in psql that will output unprintable characters
as question marks or something?
On Saturday 1. October 2011 07.55.01 Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
> I've somehow introduced a spurious UTF-8 character in my database. When I
> try to export to an application that requires LATIN1 encoding, my export
> script bombs out with this message:
> psycopg2.
I figure that it should be easy to find the offending character in the database
by doing a SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar like '%\0xe2808e%' or something like
that, but I can't find the correct syntax, I can't find a relevant section in
the manual, and I can't fig
> Could any one please suggest me what the maximum safe value I may set in my
> environment?
> My Server RAM is 32 GB.
That error message is usually caused by an infinite recursion.
regards, Leif
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To make c
ions in
sql or pl/pgsql that will output text directly in HTML format, mostly because
I've found text transformation (particularly regexp_replace) in Postgres to be
far superior to the equivalent methods of doing it in PHP.
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icular, Windows users seems to think that everybody
else is using their platform, much as right-handers seem to unconsciously deny
the existence of left-handers.
The corollary being that if the announcement doesn't explicitly say otherwise,
you can assume with about 99% confidence that the tout
my_bool = NULL;
It's of course much easier to use integer values, but it sucks not to use a
bool when you want a variable that can't be anything but TRUE, FALSE or NULL.
It obfuscates the code to use a var that evaluates to an integer, but in
reality is a Boolean in disguise.
On Friday 24. June 2011 06.01.31 Greg Smith wrote:
> The idea that PostgreSQL is reverse engineered from Oracle is
> ridiculous.
Maybe he believes that SQL was invented by Oracle?
regards, Leif
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a killer argument from the PHB point of view. They're big
because they're big.
regards, Leif
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predefined size and
display it in the browser. Click on File -> Print.
Sounds like less than a day's work to me.
regards, Leif
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On Thursday 2. June 2011 18.58.23 Gauthier, Dave wrote:
> Hi:
> I'd like to pass a parameter into an inline psql call that itself calls an
> sql script, something like...
> psql mydb -c "\i thesqlscript foo"
> Where"foo" is the value I want to pass in.
> Just as good would be the abilit
PS.: That goes for the AT clause on the GET DESCRIPTOR statement too. The
connection name is not included in the ECPGget_desc() call.
- "Leif Jensen" wrote:
> Hello Bosco,
>Thank you for your comment. Yes, it would be nice to get some more
> comments on the al
d connection for the
ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement even though it allows it ?
Please help,
- "Bosco Rama" wrote:
> Leif Jensen wrote:
> >
> > Is it really not possible to use 2 separate connection within 1
> thread
> > at the same time ? or
which of course doesn't find any because of the mismatch of name and
connection, hence the error message.
Is it really not possible to use 2 separate connection within 1 thread at
the same time ? or is it an error in the ecpg library ?
Please help,
- "
ary function, hence this question.
Please help,
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t to write more than the space allowed
(why else have the array size and type size included as parameters in the ECPG
generated output call to ECPGdo(...) ?). Is this a new "feature" ?
With that note in mind, how do I select from a table field of type 'text' ?
On Monday 02 May 2011 16:28:48 Sim Zacks wrote:
> sed for windows - http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/sed.htm
Whatever happened to edlin?
regards, Leif
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reSQL by the Oracle DBA is
the icing on the cake. The cake itself (in terms of data integrity,
performance, scalability) is obviously regarded as totally edible.
regards, Leif
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fine a view or an SQL function and stash the hairy logic there.
regards, Leif
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Documentation here:
regards, Leif
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On Monday 04 April 2011 21:07:38 Martin Gainty wrote:
> ..horribly documented, inefficient, user-hostile, impossible to maintain
> interpreted language.. to whom might you be alluding to
> ???
Probably something starting with P.
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help thinking of the «Birthday Paradox»:
regards, Leif
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avorite editor was EditPlus
(http://www.editplus.com/). It isn't free, but well worth the 35 bucks.
As a rather casual coder, I'm very satisfied with the simple editor
Kwrite in KDE. It's a sheer delight compared to Notepad.
regards, Leif
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list
l user isn't allowed to do, like modifying system files.
The 'database_service.pl' is a Perl script. Perl is a fairly default
installation on *nix systems, there also exist builds for Windows. I
used the Komodo flavor way back when.
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pled «Professional» or «Enterprise» version
costing an arm and a leg? ;)
Leif B. Kristensen
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-> Seq Scan on task_info ti
(cost=0.00..11.29 rows=429 width=12) (actual time=0.020..0.302 rows=429
and tried various indexes on the two table 'task' and 'task_info' to help
avoid the sequential scans, but
ight want to take a stab at the solution.
If you can tell what the data looks like coming from MySQL, and the
corresponding table structure in PostgreSQL, you may well get a much
more detailed reply.
Leif B. Kristensen
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On Sunday 14. November 2010 14.33.39 franrtorres77 wrote:
> well, I know how to query to mysql but what i dont know is how to then
> that data on the fly to the postgresql
The DBD::Pg package has an excellent documentation:
new records to the
> postresql?
It should be trivial to write a Perl script that pulls the data from MySQL,
inserts them into PostgreSQL, and then goes to sleep for 60 seconds.
Leif B. Kristensen
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comes bloated for some reason, I just do a
dump/drop/reload cycle. It's done in a few seconds.
Leif B. Kristensen
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ify the database and is guaranteed to return
the same results given the same arguments forever.»
Leif B. Kristensen
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amed /8.3, /8.4, /9.0, and so on,
and then a new /data directory under each one. That way, you can safely remove
the old data when you've confirmed that the new version actually works.
Leif B. Kristensen
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27;abc' and so on.
If I understand you correctly, you can assign the SQL string to a variable x,
and then do a RAISE NOTICE 'Query is: %', x
Leif B. Kristensen
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red cool was Freenix based, I
left the world of proprietary software and never looked back.
This is my world.
Thanks to every one of you who makes this possible.
Leif Biberg Kristensen
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subs
That being said, the PostgreSQL mail lists is an excellent and totally free
support channel. Speaking for myself, I've never needed any support outside
the mail lists. And Tom is of course a great big part of that.
Leif Biberg Kristensen
Sent via pgsql-general mailing
d of question
> but I figured with everyone on the list using this in so many
> different varieties, I would find something.
> Thanks for your support!
With PHP, it's very easy to build a Web interface to a PostgreSQL database.
Even I have managed that :D
Leif Biberg Kri
connection specific and whether this will change or not.
DB access module:
Db_Open( char *conn )
const char *dbname = _dbname;
const char *dbuser = _dbuser;
const char *_thisDbConn = conn;
allations some manual
tuning obviously is needed, and I guess that applies whatever the name of
system is. That is of course one of the major reasons why such installations
need qualified DBAs. But for the long-tail segment where most of us belong,
this isn't a problem.
question is the largest one approximately 90GB.
Leif Gunnar Erlandsen
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g(64) NOT NULL
> );
> ERROR: syntax error at or near "window"
> LINE 2: window character varying(64) NOT NULL
"window" is a reserved word in PostgreSQL since version 8.3, I believe.
Leif Biberg Kristensen
ed that kind of problems ?
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quot; ECPG?) or some other way to
interrogate the ECPG system ?
My program is multi-threaded.
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nclude plain-text docs.
Wouldn't it suffice to make it downloadable, like the pdf doc?
Leif Biberg Kristensen
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At least there's a plain text fallback. Messages in HTML only are totally
unreadable in a plaintext MUA, and should IMO be bounced from the list.
Leif Biberg Kristensen
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To make ch
nstallation packages and source code are available online. 8.4.4, 8.3.11,
8.2.17, ...
> Erk... yeah, that does appear to be premature. The site doesn't
> reflect that announcement.
I'm on Gentoo Linux, and am compiling PostgreSQL 8.4.4 from portage (~x86) as
I'm wr
nes of script, so I
> don't do the work, but is there an easier way?
Leif Biberg Kristensen
Sent v
On Tuesday 4. May 2010 18.05.02 Tom Lane wrote:
> Leif Biberg Kristensen writes:
> > Another point: I'm uncertain how to define a «user» in this context.
> > who wants to highlight plpgsql code snippets is most likely to be some
kind of
> > developer.
On Tuesday 4. May 2010 16.31.20 Tom Lane wrote:
> Leif Biberg Kristensen writes:
> > Now I only need a list of the built-in functions.
> There's an awful lot of them, many of which aren't really intended to be
> called by users anyway. Can't you just do &q
On Tuesday 4. May 2010 16.31.20 Tom Lane wrote:
> Leif Biberg Kristensen writes:
> > Now I only need a list of the built-in functions.
> There's an awful lot of them, many of which aren't really intended to be
> called by users anyway. Can't you just do &q
On Tuesday 4. May 2010 08.20.56 Yeb Havinga wrote:
> Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
> > Now I only need a list of the built-in functions. There doesn't seem to be
> > pg_get functions()?
> >
> Try psql -E postgres
> (-E shows all queries psql does on the cat
word' column. I'll separate the data
types from the rest of the keywords, though.
Now I only need a list of the built-in functions. There doesn't seem to be a
pg_get functions()?
Leif Biberg Kristensen
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pg
for a
spin. You can see the first test at my blog under the title «Regular expression
fun in PostgreSQL». I don't want to post the direct link here.
As soon as I've got some real progress, I'll send you an updated file.
Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Monday 3. May 2010 23.05.54 Richard Broersma wrote:
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Leif Biberg Kristensen
> wrote:
> > I
> > wonder if there' s a compiled list somewhere of just the PostgreSQL
> > and function names. That would be of great help.
On Monday 3. May 2010 22.49.21 Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
> GeSHi <http://qbnz.com/highlighter/images/geshi.png> is a system for
Sorry about that link. It's of course <http://qbnz.com/highlighter/index.php>.
Leif Biberg Kristensen
h, I
wonder if there' s a compiled list somewhere of just the PostgreSQL keywords
and function names. That would be of great help.
Leif Biberg Kristensen
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