On Tuesday 19. July 2011 18.44.46 Scott Ribe wrote:
> I'm not sure to whom this specifically should be addressed, but something
> that's been bugging me for a while: announcements like this morning's
> "AnySQL Maestro 11.7 released", where the announcement mentions nothing
> about platform support. And it's not just the lack of that info in
> announcements; on many web sites you have to dig for a while to find info
> about platform support, and I do not enjoy finding what looks like a nice
> tool, only to have to spend 5-10 minutes to figure out that it is Windows
> only.
> My suggestion: all such announcements should include information about
> supported platforms. Any announcement submitted without that info should
> be rejected, and the vendor instructed to add it before re-submission.

I totally agree. In particular, Windows users seems to think that everybody 
else is using their platform, much as right-handers seem to unconsciously deny 
the existence of left-handers.

The corollary being that if the announcement doesn't explicitly say otherwise, 
you can assume with about 99% confidence that the touted product is Windoze 

regards, Leif

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