At 4:12am -0400 on Wed, 24 Sep 2008, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> I was not able to download ANY PDFs
> I am sitting here @home behind my TP570 and I am connected over GSM
> (Bouygues Telecom) to the Internet and
At 1:50am -0400 on Sun, 21 Sep 2008, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Kevin Hunter wrote:
>> Hmm, this page seems to advertise both US Letter and A4. A cursory
>> inspection suggests that the A4 document at least has large
At 2:56pm -0400 on Fri, 19 Sep 2008, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> I was searching the site but there are no PDF's for 8.3 in format A4 or
> do I missing something?
Hmm, this page seems to advertise both US Letter and A4. A cursory
inspection suggests that th
As Richard already pointed out the query issues, I'll point out the
low-hanging fruit.
At 6:17am -0400 on Fri, 19 Sep 2008, Andrea Moretto wrote:
> I am currently running Postgres 8.3.1.
The current minor release is 8.3.3 and 8.3.4 is expected Monday.
At 7:13am -0400 on Thu, 11 Sep 2008, Harald Fuchs wrote:
> Nice trick, but when I try the following variant:
> psql -v TEST=16 -c 'select :TEST as "input"'
> I get [a syntax error]
> This seems to be contrary to the psql manual page:
Nope. Take a look at the -c option. Specifically "Thu
At 2:29pm -0400 on Sun, 31 Aug 2008, Srinivas wrote:
> I want to compare both of them in terms of functionality, performance,
> advantages and disadvantages.
If you publish anything, watch out for the Oracle licensing no-nos.
Specifically, I believe they disallow certain comparisons. I believe
At 2:44p -0400 on Wed, 13 Aug 2008, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> Or how about not doing VACUUM FULL at all. It's not a command that
> should be run regularly in most situations.
Heh, fair enough. My questions were rather academic anyway. :-)
I appreciate it, Martijn!
Sent via pgs
At 12:53p -0400 on Wed, 13 Aug 2008, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:41:41PM -0400, Kevin Hunter wrote:
>> Roughly, VACUUM simply reclaims/frees disk space, while VACUUM FULL
>> additionally reorganizes disk usage. I'm still don't know *why* thi
At 11:06a -0400 on Wed, 13 Aug 2008, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> [psql is] pretty simple, not like oracle or mysql's CLI interface.
Though I'd substitute 'pretty simple' with 'friendly', let me just say:
"Amen, amen, amen!"
Every time I use either of their CLIs, I sorely miss psql. Thank you
psql de
At 12:04p -0400 on Tue, 12 Aug 2008, Joao Ferreira wrote:
> I'm a bit lost here. I'm currently executing VACUUM FULL _and_ REINDEX
> (tbls & idxs) every week.
> Should I keep the REINDEX and drop VACUUM FULL ?
> How do I iterate to a better approach ?
It might behoove you to read the Notes
At 3:45p -0400 on Mon, 28 Jul 2008, Said Ramirez wrote:
> According to the documentation,
> ,
> only the owner can truncate a table. Which means the non-owner must
> either log in/ switch roles as the owner, or they can just run a
At 2:12p -0400 on Tue, 24 Jun 2008, Tom Lane wrote:
> Jorge Godoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Tuesday 24 June 2008 11:30:14 David Siebert wrote:
>>> I was wondering if anybody has made an Postgres centric distro?
>> I'm running OpenSuSE 11.0 and I have PostgreSQL 8.3.1 right from the
>> i
At 2:02p -0400 on Fri, 06 Jun 2008, Jon Roberts wrote:
> Based on this, I have the fillfactor set lower than the default 90 but
> this will fill up and it will run slower over time. I want to automate
> the reindex process but only reindex when needed. I have a pretty large
> database so I can't
At 4:15p -0400 on Tue, 03 Jun 2008, Aravind Chandu wrote:
> Is postgresql similar to sql server or does it supports
> network sharing i,e one one can access postgresql from any system
> irrespective on which system it is installed.
Postgres is an open source project and similarly is not bound by t
At 6:46p -0400 on Tue, 27 May 2008, Andrej Ricnik-Bay wrote:
> How does Zope/Plone fit in there as an alternative in your opinion? :)
Heh, I can't honestly comment on Zope/Plone as I haven't used it from a
developer or admin standpoint. The OP asked for a suggestion of a CRM
or something similar
At 12:58p -0400 on Tue, 27 May 2008, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>> It's not directly a CRM, but the Django web framework may be of interest
>> to you. It's was developed at World Online (Lawrence, Kansas, USA), and
>> is exceedingly stable.
>> For the list: it's commu
At 10:18a -0400 on Tue, 27 May 2008, Mark Neely wrote:
> The brief requires a site that has sophisticated profiling capability,
> particularly with respect to the ability to 'personalise' the site;
> that is, recognise certain user preferences, and (where possible)
> target content to individual us
On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 8:58 AM, paragasu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Kevin Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At 4:36a -0400 on Tue, 20 May 2008, paragasu wrote:
>> > I am looking fo
At 4:36a -0400 on Tue, 20 May 2008, paragasu wrote:
> I am looking for postgresql dedicated hosting.
Have you looked at the Postgres site?
If you're to be your own sysadmin/dba, you might also consider something
like slicehost. I've heard a
At 10:39a -0400 on Tue, 13 May 2008, Dave Gauthier wrote:
> I’d like to introduce PG,
> but want to be able to address the "Why not use MySQL" questions when
> they arise. I know in the past there have been many comparisons between
> the 2 DBs but would like to know if there are any good, recent o
At 11:27p -0400 on Fri, 18 Apr 2008, BLazeD wrote:
[quote]PHP Warning: pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: operator does not
exist: timestamp without time zone > time without time zone at character
14\nHINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You
might need to add explicit t
At 11:12p -0400 on Tue, 08 Apr 2008), Otakarek wrote:
> there is a problem with foreign key (PG 8.3RC2). Please, look at
Before you go any further, I'd highly suggest updating. 8.3 was
released over 2 months ago, and has already progressed to 8.3.1
At 3:50p -0400 on Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: private key file
>> "/var/www/.postgresql/postgresql.key" has wrong permissions
> The code appears to want 700 and ownership equal to that of the
> process executing libpq, ie, the apache server.
I ju
At 11:04a -0400 on Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
> - maybe a pg[something] action may be better integrated with
> bash auto-completion without rewriting a sql parser
$ cat ~/.hypothetical_bashrc
complete -o default -F postgres_completion_function pg_cmd
$ pg_cmd
At 10:25a -0400 on Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Zdeněk Kotala wrote:
> And after long discussion on patches and hackers list we have made a
> decision than we need input from wide audience. This is a reason why
> I prepare following surveys.
1. b
2. b
3. b (but whichever, just be consistent)
4. b & c
I don'
At 4:11p -0500 on 17 Jan 2008, Bill Moran wrote:
The guy sets my "jerk" alarms ringing like a 5 alarm fire. He doesn't
play well with others, he constantly starts fights, and he threatens
to take his ball and go home every time he loses. I don't care how
much code he writes, I don't think he's
At 2:09p -0500 on 07 Jan 2008, brian wrote:
Kevin Hunter wrote:
Is there a clever/clean way of having the comments foreign key into
the multiple tables?
If, by object, you mean that you have several tables, each row of which
should be associated with one or more comments, the best way would
Hi List,
I have multiple objects to which I'd like to associate comments. I'd
like this to be a many to one relationship, so that each object can have
many different comments. The issue is how to have one comment table.
One method that has been proposed is to have a third table which stores
At 10:46a -0500 on 20 Dec 2007, Bill Moran wrote:
> In response to Erik Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> In php is there a postgresql version of mysql_real_escape_string() ?
>> You have both pg_escape_string and pg_escape_bytea available.
> Is there a mysql_fake_escape_string()? Should PostgreSQL
Hullo List,
This is aimed at everyone in this community who contributes to the
Postgres project, but especially at the core folks who continually make
this community great through energy, time, money, responses, and
I see lots of "Thank you"s go by for this problem or that conundru
At 5:51p -0500 on 14 Nov 2007, A.M. wrote:
> On Nov 14, 2007, at 4:23 PM, Scott Marlowe wrote:
>> On Nov 14, 2007 2:40 PM, madhtr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Quick question, are there any native functions in PostGreSQL 8.1.4
>>> that will strip HTML tags, escape chars, etc?
>> I can't thin
Hullo List,
Following up on a recent thread
( ...
Next question and one that I'm not sure how to phrase: how does one
become a Postgres-savvy* DBA? Just by working with it as a developer
and then moving "up the ranks"? (i.e worki
Thank you to all for your thoughts and responses.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
At 12:35a -0400 on 02 Nov 2007, Tom Lane wrote:
> Kevin Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> However, I'm not a DBA and only minimally know what's involved in doing
>> the job, so I don't have "ammo" to defend (or agree?) with my friend
Hiya list,
A friend recently told me that, among other things, the institutions for
which he works tend to choose MySQL or MSSQL over Postgres because the
latter requires a dedicated DBA while the former do not. When they do
spring for a DBA, they go with Oracle. As a developer/end-user in/of
At 4:53p -0400 on 23 Oct 2007, Steve Atkins wrote:
> There's probably some interesting stuff if you look at PL/R too (
> ).
PL/R . . . that looks promising. Thanks.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you
Hullo List,
What does Postgres offer in terms of statistics support (not the
statistics about the database, but functions to operate on the data).
I know there are simple things like AVG, COUNT, MAX, and MIN, but what else?
I'm not sure where to begin looking, other than a cursory inspection of
At 11:33p -0400 on 21 Oct 2007, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Not to bash MySQL (much...) but ISTM that this is another example of
> MySQL playing fast and loose with SQL.
I don't have handy a spec guide. Does this mean that MySQL is indeed
showing incorrect behavior? I like what's been said upthread:
At 6:52p -0400 on 21 Oct 2007, Tom Lane wrote:
> andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I think your comparing apples and oranges. I'll bet that mysql is
>> taking a shortcut and testing the value before updating it.
>> The update is probably more close to:
>> update test set name = 'kevin' where
At 6:00p -0400 on 21 Oct 2007, andy wrote:
> I think your comparing apples and oranges.
That's why I ask the list! To learn when I'm doing that. ;-)
> I'll bet that mysql is
> taking a shortcut and testing the value before updating it.
Heh. And as Tom points out downthread, that "shortcut" p
Hullo list,
A perhaps esoteric question:
Short version:
What do the specs say (if anything) about returning information from
UPDATE commands? Or about handling update request that don't
effectively do anything?
Longer version:
At 2:17a -0400 on 14 Oct 2007, Jason L. Buberel wrote:
> create file '00A4' and fill it with 256k zeros. Is there a quick and
> easy linux-way of creating such a beast?
The tool is 'dd' and /dev. /dev/zero in this case. The summary of what
you asked:
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=./zblah count=1 bs=256k
At 3:26p -0400 on 13 Jun 2007, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
The way that I currently know how to do this in Postgres is with
PLpgSQL functions. Then I add something like
CONSTRAINT away_team_is_playing CHECK ( NOT teamIsPlaying
( awayteamid, timeid ) )
to the table schema.
well doing it t
Hello List,
Short version: I want pointers to feature comparisons of Postgres vs
Oracle. Can the list help?
Long version:
I'm working with a student on a project for school. I'm trying to
teach "right" methods of thinking and doing things, such as making
the database/data model the au
At 2:05a -0400 on 12 Jun 2007, Johannes Konert wrote:
> that was a good hint. Suids are not working on bash-scripts, but with a
> restricted entry in /etc/sudoers now the backup-user can execute a
> copy-and-access-script to get the files from within PGDATA-dir.
If you're curious as to /why/ setui
At 5:57p -0400 on 07 Jun 2007, Michael Glaesemann wrote:
> It is a bit tricky. Datetime math is inherently so.
So one wonders why the whole world doesn't migrate to a single timezone.
There would be no more confusion between EST, CEST, GMT, +1100, etc.
The trade off, of course, would be that now
of the conversation.
breaks the flow
because it
Please don't
At 1:17p -0400 on 01 Jun 2007, Tyler Durden wrote:
Yes, either case happens the same.
I'm come recently from MySQL and it works in a different way.
I find strange that a simple SELECT COUNT(...) is so slow with only
700 000 re
At 8:49p on 12 May 2007, Dhaval Shah wrote:
> That leads to the question, can the data be compressed? Since the data
> is very similar, any compression would result in some 6x-10x
> compression. Is there a way to identify which partitions are in which
> data files and compress them until they are a
On 27 Mar 2007 05:10p -0400, Justin Dearing wrote:
> Hello, I currently store html color codes in that database with the
> following DOMAIN:
> CREATE DOMAIN html_color AS char(7) CHECK (VALUE ~ '^#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$');
> Has anyone created a custom type that has additional functionality (eg
> fo
What about an SQL injection bug that allows for increased privileges?
Um, web programming 101 is that you escape quotes on user-supplied
inputs. That ends SQL injection.
Pardon my naivete (I'm fairly new to web/DB programming) . . . is this
the current standard method of protection from SQL
First, security is defined directly in terms of tables, it is not
arbitrated by code. The "public" group has SELECT access to the
articles table and the schedules tables, that's it. If a person
figures out how our links work and tries to access the "claims" table
it will simply come up blank
On 06 Mar 2007 at 9:01a -0800, g.c[ altudela ] wrote:
I'm a newbie in Oracle and postgreSQL,
i'm need to translate the following script (in Oracle) to postgreSQL :
rem Autorisation des lignes vides :
set sqlbl on
rem Initialisation du timer :
set timing on
rem Creation de la table :
[Note: This is a repost of a message to the performance list yesterday.
I'm not sure if it didn't go through, or if no one had any
suggestions. In any event, I'll try here. :) ]
Hello List,
Not sure to which list I should post (gray lines, and all that), so
point me in the right direction i
Hello All,
Attempting to select two different column types with COALESCE returns
this error:
ERROR: COALESCE types smallint and character varying cannot be matched
Attempting the same thing with a CASE statement returns a similar error:
ERROR: CASE types smallint and character varying cannot
54 matches
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