On 11/10/2017 01:01 PM, Adam Brusselback wrote:
>> You might want to increase pg_ctl's wait timeout for this situation,
>> since the default's evidently too little. However ...
> Got it, thanks.
>> ... pg_ctl itself wouldn't decide to forcibly shut down the server
>> if the timeout expired. It
On 11/09/2017 05:52 PM, chiru r wrote:
> If OpenSSL apply any patches at OS level, Is there any
> changes/maintenance we need to perform at PostgreSQL end?
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Joe Conway wrote:
>> Assuming you mean that you need only FIPS 140-2 compliant ciphers,
On 11/09/2017 01:59 PM, chiru r wrote:
> I am using PostgreSQL version *9.5.7* on Red hat enterprise Linux *7.2.*
> *OpenSSL version : * OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013.
> I have a requirement to enable the SSL in my environment with specific
> cipher suites,we want to restrict weak cipher su
On 10/20/2017 02:10 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> "David G. Johnston" writes:
>> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 1:12 PM, rakeshkumar464
>> wrote:
>>> How do I know beforehand where the dir path is ?
>> I think pg_config (
>> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/app-pgconfig.html ) is what
>> you ar
e (see the VIEW roletree):
Then you can do something like:
FROM roletree ro
WHERE 'module_dml' = ANY (rolparents);
rolname | rolcanlogin |rolparents
On 08/07/2017 04:47 PM, anand086 wrote:
> Only Insert/Update/Delete sqls are to be audited.
You could get close to what you want, I think, by setting log_statement
= mod for the users of interest, e.g. by doing:
ALTER USER whomever SET log_statement = mod;
On 06/09/2017 02:16 PM, Ken Tanzer wrote:
> FWIW, it would be clearer at least to me if you took the two statements
> in the description:
> * log_statement setting is set to "all", meaning every SQL statement
> executed while in this state will also get logged.
> * If set_user.block_log_
On 06/09/2017 08:56 AM, Ken Tanzer wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 6:42 AM, Joe Conway wrote:
> See set_user for a possible solution: https://github.com/pgaudit/
> Thanks! Looking at the README, it seems like the intended use case is
> the opposite (escalating privil
On 06/08/2017 10:37 PM, Ken Tanzer wrote:
> My approach was to have the initial connection made by the owner, and
> then after successfully authenticating the user, to switch to the role
> of the site they belong to. After investigation, this still seems
> feasible but imperfect. Specifically, I
On 04/09/2017 12:37 PM, John Iliffe wrote:
>> > Thanks Joe. I Changed the pg_connect line in the script to:
>> > $db_handle = pg_connect('dbname=yrarc host= port=5432
>> > user= password=xx');
> If I may be permitted a rant at this point, the Fedora documentation is
> almost
On 04/09/2017 11:33 AM, John Iliffe wrote:
> On Saturday 08 April 2017 18:10:35 Joe Conway wrote:
>> On 04/08/2017 01:23 PM, John Iliffe wrote:
>> > On Saturday 08 April 2017 09:38:07 Adrian Klaver wrote:
>> >> So what if you change the connection to use -h localh
On 04/08/2017 01:23 PM, John Iliffe wrote:
> On Saturday 08 April 2017 09:38:07 Adrian Klaver wrote:
>> So what if you change the connection to use -h localhost?
> Can you please expand on that request? I'm not sure where you want me to
> put that directive. I'm using the mod_php module in Ap
On 04/08/2017 06:31 AM, John Iliffe wrote:
> On Saturday 08 April 2017 00:10:14 Adrian Klaver wrote:
>> On 04/07/2017 07:45 PM, Joe Conway wrote:
>> > On 04/07/2017 05:35 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
>> >> On 04/07/2017 05:03 PM, John Iliffe wrote:
>> >&g
On 04/07/2017 05:35 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 04/07/2017 05:03 PM, John Iliffe wrote:
Running on Fedora 25 with SELinux in PERMISSIVE mode. The audit log
shows no hits on Postgresql.
>> My going in position was/still is, that this is a SELinux security
>> problem
>> but I am findin
On 03/31/2017 01:58 AM, Moreno Andreo wrote:
> Il 30/03/2017 14:38, Vick Khera ha scritto:
>> On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 6:10 AM, Moreno Andreo
>> mailto:moreno.and...@evolu-s.it>> wrote:
>> Since I'm on Google Cloud Platform, I thought it would be a good
>> idea to see what it offers.
On 02/27/2017 03:25 PM, Nathan Stocks wrote:
> What worthwhile conferences should a PostgreSQL DBA consider going to?
> There have been some good sessions at OSCON in the past, but I was
> wondering about more DBA-specific events.
In North America the bigger ones are:
On 12/17/2016 02:04 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> Note that RLS won't be applied for the table owner either (unless the
> relation has 'FORCE RLS' enabled for it), so you don't have to have
> functions which are run as superuser to use the approach Joe
> recommended.
Good point, thanks, I should have
On 12/17/2016 01:01 PM, Simon Charette wrote:
> Thanks a lot Joe, that seems to work!
Good to hear.
> I suppose this works because PostgreSQL cannot introspect the
> get_owner_id procedure to detect it's querying the "accounts" table
> and thus doesn't warn about possible infinite recursion?
On 12/16/2016 01:02 AM, Simon Charette wrote:
> Unfortunately this will only return accounts matching the current_user's name.
> I would expect "SET ROLE foo; SELECT name FROM accounts" to return "foo" and
> "bar" and not only "foo" like your proposed solution would do.
On 11/23/2016 02:50 PM, Israel Brewster wrote:
> On Nov 23, 2016, at 10:31 AM, John R Pierce > there's a tool, barman, I've never used but its supposed to greatly
>> simplify this whole process...
>> http://www.pgbarman.org/
> Definitely looks like something to try. Thanks!
I'd recommend you
On 07/28/2016 03:16 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 12:35:23AM -0700, Jeff Janes wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 9:48 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
>>> On 7/27/2016 9:39 PM, Jeff Janes wrote:
That depends on how how many objects there are consuming that 1 TB.
With mi
On 03/02/2016 04:20 PM, da...@andl.org wrote:
> (please do not post HTML to these lists; see:
> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists)
> [dmb>] I checked the list first: it looks like about 25-50% HTML.
> Happy to oblige, but I think you've got your work cut out.
Understood, but you shou
(please do not post HTML to these lists; see:
On 03/02/2016 03:06 PM, da...@andl.org wrote:
> Writing a language handler: pl_language_handler. Need to do a variety of
> data conversions. One of them is char* C-string to and from Text/Varchar.
> Th
On 03/02/2016 12:14 PM, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
> On 02/03/2016 20:56, Joe Conway wrote:
>> I thought there was once a link somewhere on the mail archives to get a
>> specific email resent, but for the life of me I cannot find it today :-/
> It's only available
On 03/02/2016 11:53 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> On 03/02/2016 11:37 AM, Joe Conway wrote:
>> http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/CA+Tgmoa=4vti1hb1hta0+qbzlojkpjbd5dkvw3zmp-kdwje...@mail.gmail.com#CA+Tgmoa=4vti1hb1hta0+qbzlojkpjbd5dkvw3zmp-kdwje...@mail.gmail.com
On 03/02/2016 11:29 AM, Alan Droege wrote:
> I have removed SELECT rights from the pg_proc.prosrc column so that
> I can hide the source code of stored functions. This is working OK,
> however I would really like to just hide certain functions via RLS.
> I understand that great damage could be don
On 02/26/2016 07:12 AM, David G. Johnston wrote:
> pg_dump emits a "CREATE EXTENSION" statement to the dump file and then
> pg_restore executes the "CREATE EXTENSION". None of the actual schema
> objects are dumped and thus any changes to those objects in the current
> database, including their pe
On 02/25/2016 03:42 PM, Bryan Ellerbrock wrote:
> Hi, I'm first time mailing-list user with a problem. I'm working on a
> UTF8 encoded database using psql (9.5.1, server 9.4.6)
> I've implemented a very large materialized view to speed up certain
> search queries. I need to give users the abilit
On 01/05/2016 04:32 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 1/5/2016 4:12 PM, oleg yusim wrote:
>> I meant a scenario, when user is trying to connect to database
>> (doesn't matter what interface) and database fails at this moment. If
>> all authentication/authorization/validation functions are written to
On 12/30/2015 11:09 AM, Cory Tucker wrote:
> We have a performance problem accessing one of our tables, I think
> because the statistics are out of date. The table is fairly large, on
> the order of 100M rows or so.
> The fix I have employed to restore the speed of the query after I notice
> it
On 12/16/2015 06:10 PM, James Sewell wrote:
> Oops left off the list.
Me too -- response repeated below...
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: *James Sewell* <mailto:james.sew...@lisasoft.com>>
> Date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
> Subject: dblink_connec
On 12/16/2015 04:53 PM, James Sewell wrote:
> No it is not.
> Just in case I tried setting it to 'postgres', logged in without -U
> (doesn't work without PGUSER set) and tried the operation again.
> > DETAIL: FATAL: role "PRDSWIDEGRID01$" does not exist
That "PRDSWIDEGRID01$" is comi
On 12/15/2015 06:24 PM, James Sewell wrote:
> I have a Windows PostgreSQL server where dblink_connect fails to pick up
> the current user as follows:
> ffm=# SELECT dblink_connect('master', 'dbname=ffm');
> ERROR: could not establish connection
On 10/30/2015 10:27 AM, rajan wrote:
> The function is created as postgres user.
> And I get a permission denied error.
If you want help solving this, I suggest you post a minimal, self
contained test case (i.e. SQL statements) which anyone can run to
reproduce your issue.
On 10/21/2015 07:31 AM, Michael Hartung wrote:
> being on OS X 10.11 (El Capitain) and trying a VPATH build with plain
> "configure" and "make" works fine.
> /Users/me/Documents/workspace/postgres/configure --with-openssl
> --with-includes=/usr/local/ssl/include/openssl
> --with-libraries=/usr/l
On 10/15/2015 07:05 AM, Ramesh T wrote:
> '123-987-123' it is not fixed some times it may be '1233-9873-123-098'
> as you said it's fixed,
> changes the values in middle of the -
> sometimes times i need 1233 and 098 or 9873,first position i'll find
> direct for second variable we don't know
On 09/10/2015 03:03 PM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 02:54:31PM -0700, Ken Tanzer wrote:
>> Thanks, but I guess I should have been clearer. Thanks to y'all wonderful
>> mailing list folks, I get it now as to why the two sorts are not the same.
>> I'm hoping for practical sugges
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
e = int[]
select grp, pairwise_sum(a) from regres group by grp;
grp | pairwise_sum
- -+--
1 | {14,16,19}
2 | {11,13,15}
(2 rows)
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consu
RE? )
select * from dblink('dbname=test',$$select array_agg(r) from (values
(1::int, 'today'::timestamp, 'a'::text), (2, 'yesterday', 'b'))
r(a,b,c)$$) as d(f text[]);
- --
e,produkid, onhand
from test order by 1,2',
'values (279140414),(279140421)'
as ct (warehousename text, p_279140414 int, p_279140421 int);
warehousename | p_279140414 | p_279140421
- ---+-----+-
e the issue.
In other words, help us help you.
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thu
s is, do you see any
> optimizations?
Not exactly what you asked, but you might try PL/R with the R
"classInt" package:
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Sou
the examples about 2/3rds down the page.
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuP
can't say I have tried it extensively). But your method works too ;-)
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (GNU/Linux)
fuzzystrmatch | 1.0 | public | determine similarities and
distance between strings
plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(2 rows)
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
> routing_nw2=# \df levenshtein_less_equal List of functions Schema
> | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type
> +--+--+-+-- (0
> rows)
> routing_nw2=#
Hmm, can we see:
(1 row)
We need more specific info about how you obtained and installed the
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7
Hash: SHA1
On 01/24/2014 12:50 PM, alexandros_e wrote:
> For some reason levenshtein_less_equal does not work,
Define "does not work", i.e. cut and paste exact SQL and output so we
can see and reproduce your issue.
- --
Joe Conway
On 12/18/2013 05:14 PM, John Abraham wrote:
On Dec 18, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Joe Conway wrote:
3) Not possible -- reason was given down thread. Column definition
must be known/determinable by the parser prior to query execution.
No, wait, I think you misunderstood my idea. Can’t we have a
hat it didn't need the column definition list until query
execution time, which I also doubt is possible.
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Sent via pgsql-general mailing li
latest code from github, which works fine with 9.3:
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU
ontrib_regression set search_path to foobar;
select * from pg_db_role_setting ;
setdatabase | setrole | setconfig
- -+-+--
0 | 16401 | {search_path=bar}
16384 | 0 | {search_path=foobar}
(2 rows)
Is that what you are looking for?
i.e. work on one
group at a time) or use the SPI cursor functionality within the PL/R
function and page your data using a cursor. Not all forms of analysis
lend themselves to these approaches, but perhaps yours does.
Ultimately I would like to implement a form of R data.frame that does
the pa
nting the paging transparently beneath the
dataframe object, but have not gotten around to it. Apparently the
Oracle connector to R is able to do that, so I'm sure it is a SMOP.
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Servi
hibit hall, all Saturday/Sunday speaker tracks, and evening events
(excludes the Linux Training Class).
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general
e slide 19 here:
> beware sql injection.
good point!
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Sent via pgsq
ed into your R interpreter
when R is first initialized.
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Sent via pgsql-general mai
form as bytea from a PL/R function and store it in a table along with
the basic experimental info. Then later if you pass the serialized
object back into another PL/R function as a bytea argument, it gets
reconstituted as the original R object.
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credat
faster, but it may well be more convenient if your goal is to get a
CSV file in the end anyway.
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-g
es will be applied. Postgres must be able to resolve data
types for the columns in the result, and therefore it needs you to
provide a column definition either at function creation time (via OUT
params or by explicit composite return type) or at execution time via
AS(...) clause.
Joe Con
PL/R, or some hand-coded SQL statement to
build your crosstab.
But certainly if you can do all your work on the reshaped table within
the R environment, PL/R will be easier to use.
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Serv
select array_to_string
(1 row)
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.creda
On 05/02/2012 10:59 AM, Joe Conway wrote:
> First, go find lib.R.so. Assuming it is in the above location, place
^-- oops, I meant libR.so
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, &am
of R place the shared object here:
First, go find lib.R.so. Assuming it is in the above location, place
that location in your /etc/ld.so.conf and run ldconfig.
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Ser
ich distribution
(maybe I missed it though...), but given this I would guess that the R
development package is missing as well (needed for R headers and libR.so
I believe...)
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consu
details see:
Hope to see you there!
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (p
This message has been digitally signed by the sender.
Description: Binary data
Hi-Tech Gears Ltd, Gurgaon, India
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
Joe Conway
Los Angeles PostgreSQL Users Group (LAPUG)
San Diego PostgreSQL Users Group (SDPUG)
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consu
*Speaker Full Name
*Speaker Bio
*Cell Phone
*Title of Talk
*Description of Talk
*Notes for Committee
For more information visit:
Joe Conway
Los Angeles PostgreSQL Users Group (LAPUG)
(1 row)
postgres=# select 4096 * 8 / 1024 as MB;
(1 row)
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Sent via pgsq
| text| not null
"like_twserid_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Then something like:
insert into like_twserid select * from twserid;
SELECT setval('twserid_id_seq', (select max(id) from like_twserid));
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ
27; quote '"';
select * from testcsv;
id | f1| f2 | f3
1 | testing 123,456 | hello world | 42
(1 row)
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mperature FROM
mytable WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY
AS (rowid
contrib_regression(# text,"2003-03-01" int,"2003-03-02" int,"2003-03-03"
rowid | 2003-03-01 | 2003-03-02 | 2003-03-03
owdt::date, temperature FROM mytable ORDER BY 1$$,
rowid text,
"2003-03-01" int,
"2003-03-02" int,
"2003-03-03" int
rowid | 2003-03-01 | 2003-03-02 | 2003-03-03
.org/index.php -- is
bidirectionally linked with sipx-us...@list.sipfoundry.org
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
bit overcomplex for a back-patch. Joe, any thoughts?
Sorry for the slow response.
I think this issue was fixed by that patch only as a side effect of
significant restructuring. The attached one liner against 8.4 seems to
fix it. Objections?
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.u
in the app code.
> Any advice or clues? I need the app to work on both platforms.
Just a guess, but maybe DNS lookup time? Try using IP address instead of
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Con
a || 1.23
b| 2.34 |
(2 rows)
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
"object graph" not
> "image representation of data".
Analysis of graphs is available via PL/R as well. See:
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
list of the
> categories corresponding to the output columns.
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
eturns TABLE(a int, b int) as $pgsql$
a := 1;
b := 2;
return next;
$pgsql$ language plpgsql;
contrib_regression=# select * from te();
a | b
1 | 2
(1 row)
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
(1 row)
select nextval('other_schema.foo_id_seq');
(1 row)
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
> Is postGIS a viable solution, or should I be looking at a different
> approach? Thanks for any suggestions or RTFM pointers.
If you want something simple, and not requiring PostGIS, but plpgsql
instead, see:
the table (IF EXISTS), and then create it
> "anew" - what if there is already data in the table?
Read on -- we are way past that already...
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
character varying(10) | not null
district | character varying(10) | not null
sector | character varying(10) | not null
"post_codes_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (area, district, sector)
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
> CREATE TABLE post_codes
Probably better to do:
CREATE TABLE post_codes(...);
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and gene
t lead to this symptom, but it sure looks like your libldap and
> liblber are out of sync somehow.
FWIW, I just tested on fedora 13 and sure enough, I started with the
same error, and fixed it with a postgres restart.
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL,
lot of PostgreSQL users in the San Diego metropolitan
area, and getting a PUG going here is long overdue. Please join up,
spread the word, and attend if you can!
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting
ary of the performance hit
and rapidly growing log though. Another idea would be to modify a copy
of 8.3.x source code (I think that's what you said you were on in an
earlier post) to emit a NOTICE with a name whenever a function is called
if it meets some criteria.
Joe Conway
ian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.2 "
> Is there an effective way to identify these objects using the stats
> tables? Something like a last accessed/used or some such column?
Maybe pg_statio* views?
Joe Conway
On 07/02/2010 08:36 AM, saitenhe...@web.de wrote:
> Thanks, I've already tried that. I doesn't make any difference. Still the
> same error.
> in Visual C++ I can't even compile it, although I set all links and
> compiler directories like it was told in this post:
> http://www.postgresql.org/
On 07/02/2010 08:13 AM, saitenhe...@web.de wrote:
> Thanks for reply Tom!
> I've tried several version:
> #define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
> #include "postgres.h"
> #include "fmgr.h"
> #include "executor\spi.h"
> /*
> #endif
> */
> but still the sam
On 03/19/2010 12:26 PM, Enzo Cappa wrote:
> Hello!
> I have to make a c function for determining if some point its inside a
> set of elliptical geometries (I'm talking about a shared library, used
> like a function in the queries ). The geometries are defined in a table,
> so the function should
On 03/18/2010 03:50 PM, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
> I can do it easily enough for one user; my problem is doing it for all
> users in one fell swoop.
> I'm sure this is a very common problem, but I just can't see the
> solution, so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Is this what you w
On 02/24/2010 07:16 AM, Igor Neyman wrote:
> Joe,
> What PG version are running?
> 8.2 here complains when running your example:
> ERROR: column foo.name does not exist
> LINE 6: select foo.name from foo;
> ** Error **
> ERROR: column foo.name does
On 02/23/2010 05:07 PM, raf wrote:
> i've just noticed the following behaviour and was wondering
> if there's any documentation to explain what it's for.
> create table tbl(id serial primary key, a text, b text, c text);
> insert into tbl(a, b, c) values ('abc', 'def', 'ghi');
> insert int
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On 02/04/2010 10:32 AM, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Wang, Mary Y wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I restored my database. However, I noticed performance is poor as compared
>> to before.
>> Are there some easy things that I can do to improve the performance (besides
>> rewriting t
On 02/03/2010 06:59 PM, Yan Cheng Cheok wrote:
> PQexec(Database::instance().getConnection(), "copy unit_1 from
> stdin"); // | serial | int | int /* But I just do not want to put
> as serial. I want it to be auto-increment. However, I have no
> idea how to make serial auto-increment, without
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