As 00150C7300A9 > 00150C740044 I'm confused why
this WAL would be required? It's never been created on either server
(although the same suffix does exist in timeline 14).
James Sewell
(1) /usr/edb/as9.6/bin/pg_rewind --target-pgdata=/ppas/9.6/data/pg_data
or archive management, which works fine the
rest of the time.
Can anyone think of a way this could be happening? Are we missing a step
James Sewell,
The contents of this email are confidential and may be subject to legal or
professional privilege and
_HINT records.
Any ideas?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <(+61)%202%208099%209000> *W* www.jirotech.com *F *
(+61) 2 8099 9099 <(+61)%202%208099%209000
e log not only are they there,
the standby has already retrieved them.
It's then asking for the log again via the stream.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 *W* www.jirotech.com
Although you are right - that would almost make sense if I had done that!
> Regards,
> Gunnar "Nick" Bluth
> Am 27. Juli 2017 05:00:17 MESZ schrieb James Sewell <
> james.sew...@jirotech.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> I&
sing something here, this seems very odd. One thing I have noticed
is it only seems to be caused after a lot of WAL is produced and the pg_xlog
directory is sitting at max_wal_size
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 20
ments gets above this number you lose information.
To increase max you'd need a restart, which isn't ideal but I can't see any
way round that.
It wouldn't help you much - but it would be great for monitoring if there
was a pg_stat_statements_agg table which presented total co
feature in Enterprise (where HA clustering is the general rule), as it
always comes with a high possibility of data loss. This is compounded as it
seems logical replication sends transactions in sequence (ie xid 2 blocks
xid 3 until it commits).
Any thoughts / hints / hacks?
Sadly this is for a customer who has 3000 of these in the field, the raid
controller is on the motherboard.
At least they know where to point the finger now!
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
Breaking up the RAID and re-imaging with JBOD dropped this to 50 ops/sec -
another question but still looking like a real result.
So in this case it looks like the RAID controller wasn't disabling caching
as advertised.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
it. A C one would be the best I
suppose as it could exactly mimic PostgreSQL.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <(+61)%202%208099%209000> *W* www.jirotech.com *F *
9.5 stable with checksums
Can anyone think of anything else we should be considering / testing /
factoring in?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <(+61)%202%2080
ontains a data-modifying
>operation either at the top level or within a CTE, no parallel plans for
>that query will be generated. This is a limitation of the current
>implementation which could be lifted in a future release.
Sad, but looks to hold from this testing!
Yes, same result (non-parallel seq scan)
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <(+61)%202%208099%209000> *W* www.jirotech.com *F *
(+61) 2 8099 9099 <(+61)%2
00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
-> Parallel Seq Scan on meter_read_2016_03_29 mr_1
(cost=0.00..3756417.28 rows=23280094 width=0)
Filter: ((timestamp_rounded >= '2016-03-28
00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (timestamp_roun
No, this was a one off in a network split situation.
I'll check the startup when I get a chance - thanks for the help.
James Sewell,
Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <(+61)%202%208099%209
Hey Sameer,
As per the logs there was a crash of one standby, which seems to have
corrupted that standby and the two cascading standby.
- No backups
- Full page writes enabled
- Fsync enabled
James Sewell,
Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road
James Sewell,
Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <(+61)%202%208099%209000> *W* www.jirotech.com *F *
(+61) 2 8099 9099 <(+61)%202%208099%209000>
On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 12:36 PM, John R Pierc
ion though right? - it's just
not getting WALs.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <(+61)%202%208099%209000> *W* www.jirotech.com *F *
(+61) 2 8099 9099 <(+61)%20
Here is a link to a diagram of the current environment:
I'll look into patching for a core-dump.
James Sewell,
Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <(+61)%2
I double posted this (posted once from an unregistered email and assumed it
would be junked).
I'm continuing all discussion on the other thread now.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 20
anything abnormal
I think the key looks like the (legitimate) loss of network to the Prod
master, then:
(0:XX000)FATAL: invalid memory alloc request size 3445219328
Everything seems to go wrong from there. Are WAL segments checked for
integrity once they are received?
James Sewell,
James Sewell,
Solutions Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <(+61)%202%208099%209000> *W* www.jirotech.com *F *
(+61) 2 8099 9099 <(+61)%202%208099%209000>
The content
choose an earlier recovery target.
Does anyone have any ideas? It looks to me like some sort of bug / error
with the replication protocol or maybe some corruption on the master which
wasn't noticed and fed across?
If that's the case would checksums help here? Are the computed on the
Would anyone be able to shed some light on why expression based indexes
can't be used for an index only scan?
I've found a few comments saying this is the case, and I've proven it is
the case in reality - but I can't seem to find the why.
James Sewell,
Oops forgot to reply back to this one in the Christmas shutdown.
It turned out in this (new) install on Windows Postgres was running as the
Network Service user (??).
This was causing the issue, changed to Postgres and I was all good.
James Sewell,
Solutions Architect
Oops left off the list.
-- Forwarded message --
From: *James Sewell*
Date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
Subject: dblink_connect fails
To: Joe Conway
On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 12:11 PM, Joe Conway > wrote:
> On 12/16/2015 04:53 PM, James Sewell wrote:
> >
No it is not.
Just in case I tried setting it to 'postgres', logged in without -U
(doesn't work without PGUSER set) and tried the operation again.
Same result.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
t for being on 9.4.0) which this works on.
James Sewell,
Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 *W* www.lisasoft.com *F *(+61) 3 8370 8099
The contents of this ema
. This would result in a
doubling of my network traffic.
Ideally I'd prefer to conserve this bandwidth and write the files to a
local archive on any active standby.
James Sewell,
Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 300
by stopping them ever knowing about history files.
Can anyone see any problems with this approach?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 *W* www.lisasoft.com
server forked off from that timeline at B/BE60.
2015-05-08 16:23:11 AEST @ ( 0 0)LOG: startup process (PID 21893)
exited with exit code 1
2015-05-08 16:23:11 AEST @ ( 0 0)LOG: aborting startup due to startup
process failure
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Ar
switches, not
archive timeline switches.
Obviously if I am not a streaming replica I need to follow archive timeline
switches so I don't break PIT recovery.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St,
all index values?
On Monday, 19 January 2015, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 1/18/2015 11:13 PM, James Sewell wrote:
>> Each index is about 2.5GB, I suspect I am trying to read a these into
>> memory in entirety.
> an 11GB table wit
horiguchi.kyot...@lab.ntt.co.jp> wrote:
> Hello,
> an 2015 14:13:37 +1100, James Sewell > wrote in <
> cankgpbs8gypq3tqgkdjtd+n-w1rkq5uo97h3tuhg5ewakr6...@mail.gmail.com
> >
> > Sadly not ... I still hit all the tables.
> | 5.9.4. Partitioning and Constrai
Sadly not ... I still hit all the tables.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 *W* www.lisasoft.com *F *(+61) 3 8370 8099
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 1:54 PM
planner doesn't know the outcome of my subquery at plan time?
Any tricks I am overlooking?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 *W* www.lisasoft.com *F *(+
the incorrect
Although potentially merging the archive logs favoring the new master's
logs might fix this?
Either way, it seems the answer to my question is no.
Thanks for the help!
-James Sewell
On Monday, 10 February 2014, Albe Laurenz wrote:
> James Sewell wrote:
> >
tory? Is there a limitation I'm not thinking about here?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 *W* www.lisasoft.com *F *(+61) 3 8370 8099
On Mon, Feb 10, 20
cause this?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 *W* www.lisasoft.com *F *(+61) 3 8370 8099
On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:30 PM, Albe Laurenz wrote:
> James Sew
archive in this case and A had writes after the
promotion then we would get timeline errors.
As far as I can tell, using the WAL archive from B would resolve this issue.
Or have I missed something here?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions
Oh I missed that, I skimmed and thought it was the same as \set
Turns out it's not and it's exactly what I want!
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370
to the \! command, and
PL/PGSQL is a trusted language.
I might investigate PL/PythonU, would the untrusted mean I might be able to
do this sort of thing (run arbitrary commands?)
If not, I'll just make a wrapper and do the backup there.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solu
ion in the database (applying a
Hope that's a bit clearer!
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 * **W* www.lisasoft.com *F *(+61) 3 8370 8099
On Tue,
Doesn't seem to work.
Any ideas?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 * **W* www.lisasoft.com *F *(+61) 3 8370 8099
The conte
or (return value of 0, no ERROR in output)
I am currently using an EXCEPTION, which satisfies a, but not b.
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P *(+61) 3 8370 8000 * **W* www.lisasoft.com
(either by default from the table permissions or as a new
GRANT option). Thoughts on this?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P* (03) 8370 8000 * **W* www.lisasoft.com *F*(03) 8370
ERROR: permission denied for large object 51414
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
*P* (03) 8370 8000 * **W* www.lisasoft.com *F*(03) 8370 8000
://forums.enterprisedb.com/forums/list.page or contact EDB directly for
pre-sales advice.
James Sewell
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St
determines where to start WAL replay from the
backup_label NOT from pg_control (as usual)
James Sewell
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen
ter a crash, and will result in log replay to get to the latest possible
consistent state?
I thought PostgreSQL guaranteed a consistent state after a crash, am I
mistaken about this?
James Sewell
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
ds to ensure a valid backup when using filesystem
snapshots (assuming I get the order correct)- worst case scenario wouldn't
it be the same as a crash and cause an automatic roll-forward?
James Sewell
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
at the real root cause if my broken LDAP server, but is there a
way to disable chasing referrals?
James Sewell
James Sewell
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
e PGDATA snapshot is equivalent to a
crash/restart (disk at a discrete point in time).
I can understand if log replay might take longer, but I am struggling to
see how it could result in an inconsistent state?
As I said I know this isn't best practice, but just want to understand how
it works.
Thanks for the reply Magnus.
I'm getting some packet captures now - I just thought I'd throw this out
there in case anyone else had faced similar problems.
This is EDB PPAS, I'm following up with them in parallel.
James Sewell
James Sewell
- trigger log switch
There is nothing in here that is *required* from a backup point of view. Am
I missing anything?
James Sewell
Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St,
application and the same bind
DN with no problems.
James Sewell
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Level 2, 50 Queen St,
Melbourne, VIC, 3000
P: 0
connected to psql as).
Reading the documentation again, this is actually what is stated.
Is there a way to achieve this? I want role_a to maintain this level of
access as new tables are created (all creators will be in role_b).
James Sewell
Solutions Architect
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