Hey all,

I understand that I have already been given an answer here, but I am still
curious as to why this is the case (perhaps I should ask this on the
hackers list though, if so let me know).

More importantly I'd like to understand why I would need to use the
start/stop backup commands to ensure a valid backup when using filesystem
snapshots (assuming I get the order correct)- worst case scenario wouldn't
it be the same as a crash and cause an automatic roll-forward?


James Sewell
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect


Level 2, 50 Queen St,
Melbourne, VIC, 3000

P: 03 8370 8000   F: 03 8370 8099  W: www.lisasoft.com

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 10:17 AM, James Sewell <james.sew...@lisasoft.com>wrote:

> Thanks Magnus,
> Could you elaborate a bit more on this?
> I've been having a look at do_pg_start_backup() and I can't really see
> anything apart from enabling full page writes and running a checkpoint to
> avoid getting a torn page. I could be missing something easily though, as
> I'm not familiar with the codebase.
> do_pg_stop_backup() isn't really of consequence, as the backup is taken
> before this - so any restore is to a point in time before this as well.
> I was under the impression a restore was (more or less) the same as a
> crash recovery, and logically it seems like PGDATA snapshot is equivalent
> to a crash/restart (disk at a discrete point in time).
> I can understand if log replay might take longer, but I am struggling to
> see how it could result in an inconsistent state?
> As I said I know this isn't best practice, but just want to understand how
> it works.
> Cheers,
> James Sewell
> Solutions Architect
> _____________________________________
> [image:
> http://www.lisasoft.com/sites/lisasoft/files/u1/2013hieghtslogan_0.png]
> Level 2, 50 Queen St,
> Melbourne, VIC, 3000
> P: 03 8370 8000   F: 03 8370 8099  W: www.lisasoft.com
> On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Magnus Hagander <mag...@hagander.net>wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 8:45 AM, James Sewell 
>> <james.sew...@lisasoft.com>wrote:
>>> Hey All,
>>> This is a message to confirm my thoughts / validate a possible approach.
>>> In a situation where PGDATA and {XLOG, ARCHIVELOG} are on different
>>> SAN/NAS volumes and a backup is to be initiated do pg_start_backup and
>>> pg_stop_backup need to be used?
>>> I am using snapshots of each volume for backup.
>>> My thinking is that they are not needed (although I realise it is good
>>> practice).
>>> As far as I can tell all they are doing is something like:
>>> pg_start_backup:
>>>   - create backup label
>>>   - trigger checkpoint
>>> pg_stop_backup
>>>   - remove backup label file
>>>   - creates backup history file
>>>   - trigger log switch
>>> There is nothing in here that is *required* from a backup point of view.
>>> Am I missing anything?
>> The backup functions also set internal state in the database, so you
>> can't just replace it with doing those operations manually.  You do need to
>> call those functions.
>> --
>>  Magnus Hagander
>>  Me: http://www.hagander.net/
>>  Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/


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