On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Joe Conway wrote:
We currently don't have a x86_64 server that runs RHEL 4. That's why there
are no RPMs for that arch (I've uploaded RPMs for many platforms BTW). If
someone wants to assist us to build RPMs for that platform, please contact
me. We'll give you all th
Title: RE: [GENERAL] fine tuned database dump/reload?
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Vivek Khera
Sent: Mon 10/17/2005 3:35 PM
To: Postgres General
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] fine tuned database dump/reload?
On Oct 17, 2005, at 9:34 AM, Dan Armbrust wrote:
> > J
Thanks for the reply ,
I got it working using another begin and end with in a function.
getting in to detail i have done something like this.
create function functionName() return void as '
-- perform some transactions say creation of a sequence or tables or any
Thanks VERY VERY much for Teodor Sigaev help,and my next problem is which is more suitable
for index chinese words, TSearch2 OR Lucene? My mates said to me that Lucene is more effifent
because of its way of "Inverse Order OF Idexing",and "The GiST Tree is well for larting lan but doesn't for
Johan Wehtje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I was more disappointed in the fact that when the Wizard is used to
> build a Database connection to Postgresql the information box text
> informs the user that the "Postgresql is not as fast as MySql, but does
> have support for transactions and Stored
I gave Rekall a try - and I was disappointed that it crashed with such
I was more disappointed in the fact that when the Wizard is used to
build a Database connection to Postgresql the information box text
informs the user that the "Postgresql is not as fast as MySql, but does
* Tom Lane ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Matthew writes:
> > Is it worth having a GUC variable that enables / disable this?
> That's a given, I think. We're certainly not going to make smash-to-
> lower-case the only available behavior.
A GUC variable for this would be quite nice.. I had som
We use PostGIS extensively on our DataDoors product
- Onyx
Onyx Mueller
Software Engineer
i-cubed : information integration & imaging LLC
201 Linden Street : Third Floor
Fort Collins, CO 80524
970-482-4400 voice
970-482-4499 fax
> -Original
Devrim GUNDUZ wrote:
We currently don't have a x86_64 server that runs RHEL 4. That's why
there are no RPMs for that arch (I've uploaded RPMs for many platforms
BTW). If someone wants to assist us to build RPMs for that platform,
please contact me. We'll give you all the necesarry information
Tom Lane wrote:
They might hope that they could drive the existing support companies out
of business (assuming they didn't get convicted of antitrust violations
first --- which would be an open-and-shut case, but with the Republicans
in office they probably wouldn't get prosecuted :-().
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/17/2005 01:44:24 PM:
> (BTW, has anyone looked lately to see how far away Postgres is from
> being able to run SAP?)
Uh, Tom? Are you in the habit of waiving red capes in front of bulls? :)
I assume the question was rhetorical, due to MySQL's capability gap wi
On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Brian Mathis wrote:
Also, are there any rpms for this setup? I looked in the binary section for
rpms, but all the directories were empty.
We currently don't have a x86_64 server that runs RHEL 4. That's why
there are no RPMs for that arch (I've uploaded RPMs for man
"Dean Gibson (DB Administrator)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I don't have the plan for the original query under 7.4, but you will
> note I've posted a work-around for 8.0.4 that runs in a fraction of a
> second on 8.0.4, and here's the plan for that:
Dean, you're wasting our time with the work
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) writes:
> Chris Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) writes:
>>> I've been trying to figure out what it is that Oracle gets out of
>>> this, assuming that they don't see MySQL as a serious threat to
>>> their core business.
>> [ snip ]
> Is there a way to get the ip address of the connections
> listed in pg_stat_activity?
It is - in 8.1 :)
Until then, I think you'll need to do a netstat -nap or such a command
and match the pids. Manually.
---(end of broadcast)---
On Oct 17, 2005, at 9:34 AM, Dan Armbrust wrote:
Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> pg_dump handles table ordering properly.
Maybe I missed something then, because it didn't last time I tried
to move some data. I had to drop my foreign keys before I could
reload it.
This is my experience as well.
Tom Lane wrote:
Chris Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Of course, if the "ability to support R/3" ...
Ah-hah. *Now* it's all clear: an alternative to Oracle for SAP...
Speaking of SAP...
Jeff Nolan, a Venture Capitalists from SAP Ventures
Tom Lane wrote:
(BTW, has anyone looked lately to see how far away Postgres is from
being able to run SAP?)
It runs OpenMFG just fine ;-)
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
I was needing something similar last week, not to throw an error,
but to catch an error when 99% of my column's data is real, but some
is not (e.g. '1.2-1.4' or '>32.7'). I wanted to do it in pure
SQL, but settled on this. Is there a way to do this in pure
SQL (so it will be faster)?
Declare x
Is there a way to get the ip address of the connections listed in
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
elein wrote:
The scenario that no one has mentioned wrt postgresql and oracle is
that oracle can take the source code, branch it or not and support it.
If they branch, it will have less credibility and it will become "interesting".
But support money from a big name company (Oracle) should be
I don't have the plan for the original query under 7.4, but you will
note I've posted a work-around for 8.0.4 that runs in a fraction of a
second on 8.0.4, and here's the plan for that:
Sort (cost=2393.24..2393.25 rows=2 width=114)
Sort Key: "_Pending".receipt_date,
I stand corrected; I read through the example too quickly.
As I said, explain analyze would show what the difference is between the
two queries. I suspect that the planner doesn't know these are
equivalent, because in the general case of selecting more than just TRUE
they wouldn't be.
No idea why
"Jim C. Nasby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Of course, Oracle could tank the market by offering support at
> un-competitive prices, but I can't think of a reason for them to do that
> off the top of my head.
They might hope that they could drive the existing support companies out
of business (ass
Let me also say that I'm retarded. No excuses from me.
I'm officially retarded.
--- Matthew Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks. That syntax didn't look right to find values
> gte 1. But thanks everyone!
> --- Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Matthew Peter <[EMAIL P
Matthew Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Yes. I did read it wrong. I wanted to find all records
> that contained x where x >= 1
Then flip it around:
contain x where 1 <= x
1 <= ANY (array)
For syntactic reasons, there's no "ANY(array) >= x" construct,
so you have
I have it backwards huh? Since the variables are
switched around in a ANY search
I want a SELECT * FROM table WHERE arrcol >= 1
How do I write it to get those results?
--- Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Shouldn't >= also return Carols r
Chris Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) writes:
>> I've been trying to figure out what it is that Oracle gets out of
>> this, assuming that they don't see MySQL as a serious threat to
>> their core business.
> [ snip ]
> Of course, if the "ability to support R/3" r
The second query is effectively "(SELECT TRUE ...WHERE ... LIMIT 1) OR
The first portion in parentheses can return either a single row of TRUE,
or no row (NULL). Ditto for the second portion. The OR means that you
logically combine TRUEs
Yes. I did read it wrong. I wanted to find all records
that contained x where x >= 1
I am using ANY in my query on my test box I copied the
ALL from example query in the docs, which still isn't
working for me.
--- Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Thanks. That syntax didn't look right to find values
gte 1. But thanks everyone!
--- Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Yes. I did read it wrong. I wanted to find all
> records
> > that contained x where x >= 1
> Then flip it around:
On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Matthew Peter wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. I'm using 8.0.3. I'm using
> something similiar to the example you gave. My
> postgresql install is on offline developement box and
> I would have to type it all out longhand.
> Shouldn't >= also return Carols records since she
On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 11:20:00AM -0700, elein wrote:
> The scenario that no one has mentioned wrt postgresql and oracle is
> that oracle can take the source code, branch it or not and support it.
> If they branch, it will have less credibility and it will become
> "interesting".
> But support
"Dean Gibson (DB Administrator)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The following query ran in a fraction of a second on 7.4.8:
> ...
> On 8.0.4, it runs for hours (stopped after two hours). Here's the plan:
Do you have the plan used by 7.4?
BTW, this is not really on-topic for pgsql-general; pgsql-p
Matthew Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Shouldn't >= also return Carols records since she
> contains records GREATER THAN 1?
You seem to be reading the construct backwards.
x >= ALL (array)
is true if x >= every member of the array. This is clearly false
for x = 1 and array
"Jim C. Nasby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> You can't do subtransactions in PostgreSQL, but you can use savepoints:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/interactive/sql-savepoint.html.
> Previously, you couldn't do any transactional stuff from inside
> functions. I'm not sure if you can do save
Matthew Peter wrote:
Shouldn't >= also return Carols records since she
contains records GREATER THAN 1? This is the
problem I'm having, there's no errors, just no records
matching the > (gt) part. Only exact matches.
Look again at your query:
SELECT * FROM sal_emp WHERE 1 >= ALL (pay_b
Alright, what about with ANY?
--- Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Peter wrote:
> > Shouldn't >= also return Carols records since she
> > contains records GREATER THAN 1? This is the
> > problem I'm having, there's no errors, just no
> records
> > matching the > (gt) part. Only
Chris Browne wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) writes:
I've been trying to figure out what it is that Oracle gets out of
this, assuming that they don't see MySQL as a serious threat to
their core business. The most they can do is force MySQL AB to
waste a year or so reimplementing somethi
I think I must be missing your point. Even if updatable views existed,
I would still have created Veil. The real point of Veil is to control
each type of operation (insert, update, etc) on each record.
With updatable views, you could avoid a lot of the tedium of creating
the instead-of
Bricklen Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Noticed this in one of my pg logs last Friday:
> LOG: could not fsync segment 0 of relation 1663/16387/22359: Input/output
> error
> ERROR: storage sync failed on magnetic disk: Input/output error
That's a hardware problem. Run some disk diagnost
Those two queries aren't the same. The first one can only return 0 or 1 rows;
the second one can return 0, 1, or 2 rows.
An explain analyze of each should show why one is much faster than the
On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 10:29:43AM -0700, Dean Gibson (DB Administrator) wrote:
> In the query bel
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 02:28:52PM -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> > But what if they came in sideways and bought Command Prompt?
> Well then I would be sitting on a beach in New Zealend with an umbrella
> drink :)
> > (As an
> > example.) You could do a lot more to destroy PostgreSQL'
Thanks for the reply. I'm using 8.0.3. I'm using
something similiar to the example you gave. My
postgresql install is on offline developement box and
I would have to type it all out longhand.
Shouldn't >= also return Carols records since she
contains records GREATER THAN 1? This is the
Scott Marlowe wrote:
I'd bet they read plenty, but don't necessarily understand a lot,
judging by their pitiful fud campaign when Afilias proposed using
postgresql as a database behind .org. They tried to say PostgreSQL
didn't support transactions. So, while we may be on their screens, and
Google for 'postgresql uuid' will reveal some options.
On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 09:03:17AM +0100, Paul Newman wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using GUIDS as primary keys. At the moment we're using a varchar
> 32. We'd like to use varchar 16 but had some problems with the generated
> chars; we were using U
You can't do subtransactions in PostgreSQL, but you can use savepoints:
Previously, you couldn't do any transactional stuff from inside
functions. I'm not sure if you can do savepoint-related stuff from
inside functions in 8.0 or n
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) writes:
> I've been trying to figure out what it is that Oracle gets out of
> this, assuming that they don't see MySQL as a serious threat to
> their core business. The most they can do is force MySQL AB to
> waste a year or so reimplementing something equivalent to In
On Sun, Oct 16, 2005 at 11:03:52AM +0200, Sim Zacks wrote:
> create function uint_in(val cstring) returns uint2 as
> $$
> declare thisval int4;
> begin
> thisval=val::int4
> if thisval between 0 and 65535 then
> return (thisval-32768)::int2;
> else
> return 0;
> end if;
> end
> $$ language
On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 22:46 +0800, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> And they probably read every word we write ;)
...and it will certainly slow them down :-)
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
Tom Lane wrote:
Chris Travers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I make the following assumptions:
1) All backend references to identifiers are treated as quoted by the
backend as mentioned in a previous thread.
2) Same with official clients like psql.
3) We don't guarantee complete
Jan Wieck wrote:
On 10/17/2005 10:16 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Jan Wieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
What is bad about leaving pg_catalog all lower case and expect
everyone to query the catalog quoted?
The fact that it will break every nontrivial client currently in
existence. Those quotes are
Noticed this in one of my pg logs last Friday:
LOG: could not fsync segment 0 of relation 1663/16387/22359: Input/output error
ERROR: storage sync failed on magnetic disk: Input/output error
This relation corresponds to a table, which receives thousands of inserts via
COPY every couple of minut
In the query below, if I replace:
(SELECT TRUE FROM archivejb WHERE ( (callsign = gen.callsign AND
license_status = 'A' AND prev_callsign = gen.vanity_callsign)
OR (callsign =
gen.vanity_callsign AND licensee_id =
On Sun, Oct 16, 2005 at 10:08:41AM -0700, Jeff Davis wrote:
> jeff sacksteder wrote:
> >
> >The sign doesn't concern me. I am storing a value that is unsigned and 16
> >bits wide natively. I'll have to just use an int4 and waste twice the space
> >I actually need.
> >
> Are you sure you'd really
On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 09:46, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> > Please don't make this assumption. PostgreSQL is *very* much on their radar,
> > and probably represents the biggest long-term threat to their core database
> > business at the moment. We got a hint of that during the .org bidding, but
IMHO, Veil is very strange project. Instead of concentrating on good
support of updatable views, developers are trying to reinvent the
wheel. Actually, if restriction-and-projection views would be
updatable w/o overhead (such as creating rules), there'll no need in
such project. It's one of the maj
Douglas McNaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Dan Armbrust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Maybe I missed something then, because it didn't last time I tried to
>> move some data. I had to drop my foreign keys before I could reload
>> it.
> What version was this? Older versions definitely had so
Last night I upgraded my three DB servers from 7.4.8 to 8.0.4 (RPM from
the PostgreSQL site). This morning I found my servers very busy from
three queries that were two hours old:
The following query ran in a fraction of a second on 7.4.8:
SELECT receipt_date, process_date, callsign AS applic
An autovacuum deamon has been installed as a Windows service during
the setup of my PG 8.0.3 server on WinXP. I am surprised because I
believed that autovacuum was only available in 8.1 server. There is
no autovacuum_XXX parameters in postgresql.conf... How can I be sure
that autovacuum is
If you need user-accessible shared variables, you could take a look at
how Veil http://pgfoundry.org/projects/veil/ achieves this.
Veil provides a limited number of shared variables with an API for SQL
access. The variables may only be set during initialisation or reset to
avoid system state chan
Dan Armbrust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> > pg_dump handles table ordering properly.
> >
> Maybe I missed something then, because it didn't last time I tried to
> move some data. I had to drop my foreign keys before I could reload
> it.
What version was this? Older ve
OK, I should have included the postgres log this in the first place
beside only the JDBC log:
ERROR: could not access status of transaction 0
DETAIL: could not create file "/postgresdata/pg_subtrans/04E7": Die
Datei existiert bereits
The german text means "the file exists already".
Any advice
Hi all,
I wonder what caused the error we just got on a postgres 8.0.3 data base
(using JDBC to connect, but I guess that's not really relevant for this
[snip stack trace]
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not access
status of transaction 0
Could it be som
Please don't make this assumption. PostgreSQL is *very* much on their radar,
and probably represents the biggest long-term threat to their core database
business at the moment. We got a hint of that during the .org bidding, but
for now it is in Oracle's interest not to call attention to PostgreSQL
On 10/17/2005 10:16 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Jan Wieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
What is bad about leaving pg_catalog all lower case and expect everyone
to query the catalog quoted?
The fact that it will break every nontrivial client currently in
existence. Those quotes aren't there in the clie
Francisco Reyes wrote:
How about when one needs to reload to read new postgresql.conf files.
Will iddle connections prevent the server from reloading?
Also, in the future if other programs do the same, is it safe to kill
these and if
Jan Wieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What is bad about leaving pg_catalog all lower case and expect everyone
> to query the catalog quoted?
The fact that it will break every nontrivial client currently in
existence. Those quotes aren't there in the clients and we can't
suddenly mandate them t
On 10/16/2005 12:40 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Martijn van Oosterhout writes:
Actually, perhaps an even more restricted version would be better.
Lowercase quoted identifiers only if they are all uppercase. So then:
No, I think the original proposal was better. This one doesn't fix
things for the lu
You are talking about a shmem block using by the backend, right? Or about my
"own" shmem block?. I'm very interested in the implementation of a
"constants" like functionality to pgsql, but I don't know where to start
with... Any help or ideas?
-Original Message-
From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMA
Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> pg_dump handles table ordering properly.
Maybe I missed something then, because it didn't last time I tried to
move some data. I had to drop my foreign keys before I could reload it.
Daniel Armbrust
Biomedical Informatics
Mayo Clin
Hash: SHA1
> I don't think that PostgreSQL is really on Oracle's radar at the moment.
Please don't make this assumption. PostgreSQL is *very* much on their radar,
and probably represents the biggest long-term threat to their core database
business at the momen
"Stefano B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have several java jdbc client applications that connect to my Postgres
> 8.0.4 server.
> "After some days" the server rejects the connections. There are no message
> in the log file. Only the local connections are permitted.
> I have tryed to make a
On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Richard Huxton wrote:
At a guess, PHPWiki is using persistent connections to PG, so you'll get one
connection per Apache backend.
Thanks for the info. That may well be the problem.
Alternatively, a small change in PHPWiki's code should clear it too (start
with a search f
On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, CSN wrote:
I've been meaning to try out PostGIS and see what it
is capable of. Is anybody using it? Do you have
accompanying URLs?
There are mailing lists for PostGIS-related questions.
See http://www.PostGIS.org for the details.
Kivi Bili
Yes, we are using PostGIS with JUMP GIS.
CSN schrieb:
I've been meaning to try out PostGIS and see what it
is capable of. Is anybody using it? Do you have
accompanying URLs?
Francisco Reyes wrote:
Ever since I installed a particular program, PHPWiki, I am seeing idle
postgres sessions.. even days old. Is it safe to delete them?
I wouln't do that. These seems to be php persistent connections, and
they are idle for the moment but reused for new wiki requests.
Hi All,
I have a small problem in using nested
transactions while working on Postgres 8.0.
Ex: I have a function A() which in turn
calls functions b() and c() , if i want commit something in b or c. i have to
start transaction read write;
-- set of sql statements and then say
We are using GUIDS as primary keys. At the moment we’re
using a varchar 32. We’d like to use varchar 16 but had some problems
with the generated chars; we were using UNICODE locale (we’re now using
WIN1251). Should we use bytea, retry varchar 16 (with the new local), or some
other colu
Francisco Reyes wrote:
Ever since I installed a particular program, PHPWiki, I am seeing idle
postgres sessions.. even days old. Is it safe to delete them?
For example:
postmaster: wiki simplicato_wiki [local] idle (postgres)
Ultimately I will either switch wiki or take the time and find the p
I have several java jdbc client applications that
connect to my Postgres 8.0.4 server.
"After some days" the server rejects the
connections. There are no message in the log file. Only the local
connections are permitted.
I have tryed to make a connection with EMS
postgresql and I
To the Advocacy Group:
I'll add my thoughts to the discussion by sharing with you a note I just
sent to the EnterpriseDB network, including customers, partners, and
friends. Best,
clip here
As many of you have heard, Oracle recently purchased Innobase, the
company t
Douglas McNaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> are there any way to make them global for all the instances?
> Put them in shared memory. This probably isn't trival, as all the
> shared memory is allocated up front and used for existing purposes (at
> least, as I und
CSN wrote:
I've been meaning to try out PostGIS and see what it
is capable of. Is anybody using it? Do you have
accompanying URLs?
Yes: www.anisite.com (see http://www.anisite.com/state.php?state=FL). I
am using it to serve dynamic layers for UMN Mapserver. Setup was fairly
easy, and it chugs
84 matches
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