I would suggest doing testing out btree_gin with a non-insignificant amount
of data before going ahead with it.
I did a test case last month, and the size of the generated index was
_much_ bigger than the base table.
The case involved a compound key if 1 int column and 1 timestamp range
> On Dec 4, 2018, at 4:59 PM, Laurenz Albe wrote:
> You have two options:
> A combined index:
> CREATE INDEX ON fulltext USING gin (to_tsvector('english', doc), color);
> That is the perfect match for a query with
> WHERE color = 'red' AND to_tsve
Rob Nikander wrote:
> I’ve got an application where I’d like to search a collection of objects
> based on various properties, some text and others non-text (bools, enums,
> ints, etc). I’ve used full text search before, following the PG docs to
> set up a index on a ts_vector. And of course I’ve us
I’ve got an application where I’d like to search a collection of objects based
on various properties, some text and others non-text (bools, enums, ints, etc).
I’ve used full text search before, following the PG docs to set up a index on a
ts_vector. And of course I’ve used normal indexes b