Rob Nikander wrote: > I’ve got an application where I’d like to search a collection of objects > based on various properties, some text and others non-text (bools, enums, > ints, etc). I’ve used full text search before, following the PG docs to > set up a index on a ts_vector. And of course I’ve used normal indexes > before for accelerating basic queries that use non-text columns. > > Any recommendations on combining the two? For example, if I search for > objects where the description text matches [some ts_query] and the > color = red, I can imagine putting the color property into the text > index somehow - maybe with tokens like: ’color_red’, ‘color_blue’, > but for something like an integer … ?
You have two options: A combined index: CREATE EXTENSION btree_gin; CREATE INDEX ON fulltext USING gin (to_tsvector('english', doc), color); That is the perfect match for a query with WHERE color = 'red' AND to_tsvector('german', doc) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'word'); But you can also create two indexes: CREATE INDEX ON fulltext USING gin (to_tsvector('english', doc)); CREATE INDEX ON fulltext (color); Then you don't need the extension, and PostgreSQL can still use them for the search, either only one of them if the condition is selective enough, or a "BitmapAnd" of both. Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Cybertec |