## Matt Zagrabelny (mzagr...@d.umn.edu):
> I'd like to upgrade the database to Pg 15, but when I connect and perform
> some tasks in the app, I get:
> ERROR: column d.adsrc does not exist at character 331
That pg_attrdef.adsrc was already marked as "historical, and is best
not used" in 9.4: h
## George Weaver (gwea...@shaw.ca):
> I am testing upgrading from Version 13 to Version 17. I am getting
> the following error when trying to restore a database in Version 17
> (the database was backed up from Version 13 using the Version 17
> pg_dump):
>pg_Restore: error: could not execut
## Thomas Ziegler (thomas.zieg...@holmsecurity.com):
> Except for pgAudit, I don't have any extensions, so it is probably the
> JIT. I had no idea there was a JIT, even it should have been obvious.
> Thanks for pointing this out!
There is - it even has it's own chapter in the documentation:
## Thomas Ziegler (thomas.zieg...@holmsecurity.com):
There's a lot of information missing here. Let's start from the top.
> I have had my database killed by the kernel oom-killer. After that I
> set turned off memory over-committing and that is where things got weird.
What exactly did you s
## Ron Johnson (ronljohnso...@gmail.com):
> I need to process table records in a bash script. Currently, I read them
> using a while loop and redirection. The table isn't that big (30ish
> thousand rows), and performance is adequate, but am always looking for
> "better".
Use python, or any othe
## Atul Kumar (akumar14...@gmail.com):
> Then I granted default "select" privileges to reader *user *to read data of
> all tables created by writer *user* using below command:
> alter default privileges in schema grant select on tables
> to .
"ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES allows you to set the pr
## Ron Johnson (ronljohnso...@gmail.com):
> This "lack of products" puzzles me, because DEC was doing this with VAX
> (then Alpha and Itanium) clusters 40 years ago via a Distributed Lock
> Manager integrated deep into VMS. Their Rdb and (CODASYL) DBMS products
Tech and trade-offs have changed o
## Shenavai, Manuel (manuel.shena...@sap.com):
> Looking at autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay:
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/runtime-config-autovacuum.html#GUC-AUTOVACUUM-VACUUM-COST-DELAY
> Can someone help to understand what a high or low value of this setting
> really means? Would it
## Martin Goodson (kaema...@googlemail.com):
> Crikey, that would be quite a lot of lot of SSL/TLS to set up. We
> have quite a few (massive understatement :( ... ) PostgreSQL database
> clusters spread over quite a lot (another understatement) of VMs.
No matter what: you'll have to touch all y
## Martin Goodson (kaema...@googlemail.com):
> I believe that our security team is getting most of this from our
> auditors, who seem convinced that minimal complexity, password history
> etc are the way to go despite the fact that, as you say, server-side
> password checks can't really be impleme
## Andreas Joseph Krogh (andr...@visena.com):
> Hi, are there any plans for using some kind of AI for query-planning?
Actually, we do have our GEQO - Genetic Query Optimization - already
in the planner: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/geqo.html
As per the common taxomonies, genetic algori
## David Barbour (dbarb...@istation.com):
> Now I need to 'attach' the original table. The problem I'm running into is
> there are no good examples of how to define the values.
The syntax is the same as with CREATE TABLE ... PARTITION OF, e.g.
## Ron Johnson (ronljohnso...@gmail.com):
> Like the Subject says, is there any point of diminishing returns at which
> the Postmaster gets "too busy" to manage all the threads?
It is possible to use 3-digit cores (i.e. 128, maybe more) quite
efficiently. The rest of the system has to fit the amo
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> 2023-11-16 20:34:13.538 CET [6250] LOG: terminating walsender process due to
> replication timeout
Besides "what Lauenz said" (especially about the horribly ooutdated
PostgreSQL version): check IO speed and saturation during backup
and make sure you're no
please don't top-post.
## Atul Kumar (akumar14...@gmail.com):
> I have already enabled log_hostname, still *client_hostname is not showing
> up.*
It's always helpful to mention relevant non-default settings along
with the question. Was log_hostname really active at backup start
time? (Chec
## Atul Kumar (akumar14...@gmail.com):
> It was successfully configured but when I query pg_stat_replication I don't
> get the hostname in output:
I Recommend The Fine Manual:
"... and only when log_
## Nick Renders (postg...@arcict.com):
> I was wondering if anyone had any good tips for "debugging" the
> archive_command in the postgresql.conf.
For starters, you get rather noisy logging when that command fails
(plus all the output from the command itself), so check your postgres
logfile first
## marco@tiscali.it (marco@tiscali.it):
> we have recently started to manage a production server
> running a 9.6 postgres.
Which is EOL for nearly two years now:
> We
> have to upgrade to postgres 12.x
Which is going EOL in little over one
## Avin Kavish (a...@baseboard.ai):
> I know the information is in `information_schema.referential_constraints`,
> but apparently reading that information requires having write permissions
> to the tables that have references. I don't know why it's designed like
> that.
I guess because "the stand
## Ron (ronljohnso...@gmail.com):
> We'd never hardlink. Eliminates the ability to return to the old
> system if something goes wrong.
That's why you get yourself a recent XFS and use clone mode (still
sticks you to the same filesystem, but gets you up running much
## Tom Lane (t...@sss.pgh.pa.us):
> Jason McLaurin writes:
> > I'm troubleshooting an issue where about once a week, a database appears to
> > lock up and then the PostgreSQL process crashes and recovers. When this
> > happens, a few queries will be logged, but there is no pattern to which
> > qu
## Dominique Devienne (ddevie...@gmail.com):
> On the one hand, I want a INVOKER security function,
> to be able to capture the login and current ROLEs.
There's session_user ("the session user's name") which remains unchanged
on a SECURITY DEFINER function, and current_user ("the user name of the
## Raivo Rebane (raivor...@gmail.com):
> Can anybody help me find where is my mistake an what is working solution ?
The documentation clearly states "All large object manipulation using
these functions must take place within an SQL transaction block"
## Dominique Devienne (ddevie...@gmail.com):
> Hi. I've recently realized via a post (or article?) from Laurenz that the
> PUBLIC role has CREATE privilege on the 'public' schema by default (see
> query below). I guess it can't be avoided?
You could just use PostgreSQL 15:
## Raivo Rebane (raivor...@gmail.com):
> Raivo@DESKTOP-69FUU49 /cygdrive/f/3D-data/Kataster
> $ cat kataster.sql | less
> S^@E^@T^@ ^@C^@L^@I^@E^@N^@T^@_^@E^@N^@C^@O^@D^@I^@N^@G^@ ^@T^@O^@
That's a BOM and the rest looks like UTF-16 (or UCS-2). You can use
recode (also available in Cy
## klaus.mailingli...@pernau.at (klaus.mailingli...@pernau.at):
> AFAIU the problem is not related to the memory settings in
> postgresql.conf. It is the kernel that
> for whatever reasons report ENOMEM. Correct?
Correct, there's a ENOMEM from the kernel when writing out data.
> Filesystem is e
## klaus.mailingli...@pernau.at (klaus.mailingli...@pernau.at):
> On several servers we see the error message: PANIC: could not flush
> dirty data: Cannot allocate memory
As far as I can see, that "could not flush dirty data" happens total
three times in the code - there are other places where
## milist ujang (ujang.mil...@gmail.com):
> read about removing standby.signal file behavior in pg14 from
> https://dbaclass.com/article/how-to-open-postgres-standby-database-for-read-writesnapshot-standby/
That article is fractally wrong, and that starts right in the first
sentence. See
## Ron (ronljohnso...@gmail.com):
> The question then is "why am I just now seeing the problem?" We've been
> using v12 for two years, and it just happened.
> The only recent change is that I upgraded it from RDS 12.10 to 12.11 a
> couple of weeks ago.
That's correlation, but no proof for c
## Ron (ronljohnso...@gmail.com):
> Note how quickly it runs the first five times, but takes 780x longer the
> sixth time I run it. Exiting psql and entering again causes the same
> slowness the sixth time it's run.
Tanks at the sixth time? That rings a bell: "The current rule for this
is that
## Hilbert, Karin (i...@psu.edu):
> 2022-09-16 02:00:16 EDT [1918984]: [7-1] db=,user= LOG: listening on Unix
> socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"
> 2022-09-16 02:00:17 EDT [1918984]: [8-1] db=,user= LOG: test message did not
> get through on socket for statistics collector
> 2022-09-16 02:00:17 EDT
## Sebastien Flaesch (sebastien.flae...@4js.com):
> Where can I find the list of possible values for this DATESTYLE parameter,
> for V14?
Spare Space
## Rajesh S (rajes...@fincuro.com):
> We are migrating our database from Oracle to Postgresql. In oracle we
> have used this syntax "SELECT ('1999-12-30'::DATE) -
> ('1999-12-11'::DATE)" to get difference between two dates as a integer
> output (ex: 19). But in Postgres the same query returns
## m...@ft-c.de (m...@ft-c.de):
> /usr/local/bin/postgres -V
> ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libicui18n.so.70" not found, required by
> "postgres"
You screwd up your upgrades: that postgres binary was built against
ICU 70, but as hou have shown you have ICU 71 installed:
> find / -name "*libicui*"
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> We will solve the problem now with setting the session after connect to
> (with an appropriate ESQL/C call). Any comments?
Maybe the real question is whether it is wise t
## Dominique Devienne (ddevie...@gmail.com):
> Once connected, can I find out all aspects of the connection string?
\conninfo in psql (pro tip: \? actually helps), "Connection Status
Functions" https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-status.html
in libpq; and in a pinch you could find your
## Michael Paquier (mich...@paquier.xyz):
> On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 03:22:31PM +0100, Christoph Moench-Tegeder wrote:
> > Active FIPS mode (/proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled => 1) on the server does
> > produce this behaviour.
> Most likely, this is a build linked with Open
## Michael Mühlbeyer (michael.muehlbe...@trivadis.com):
> postgres=# select md5('just a test');
> ERROR: out of memory
Active FIPS mode (/proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled => 1) on the server does
produce this behaviour.
Spare Space
## Cedric Rey (ce...@groupemutuel.ch):
> the certificate on download.postgresql.org has expired :
> openssl s_client -connect download.postgresql.org:443
> depth=3 O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3
> verify error:num=10:certificate has expired
> notAfter
## Dirk Mika (dirk.m...@mikatiming.de):
> SELECT * FROM TABLE(series_pkg.get_results(1));
> The purpose of this function is to provide a DATASET, which has
> different columns in the result depending on the passed parameter.
> Is there any way to achieve something similar in PostreSQL?
## Magnus Hagander (mag...@hagander.net):
> Actually, it doesn't have to be in 8k pages, that depends on the build
> options. So if you want to be perfectly correct, you should probably
> multiply with current_setting('block_size') instead of a hardcoded 8192 :)
More self-contained:
select pg_s
## Mike Martin (redt...@gmail.com):
> So basically I would like to be able to know what namespace a temp table is
> created in, so that I can constrain lookup.
pg_my_temp_schema() returns the OID of the session's temporary schema
("or 0 if none", according to the docs).
## Chris Borckholder (chris.borckhol...@bitpanda.com):
> We are experiencing a strange situation with an AWS Aurora postgres
> instance.
The main problem here is that "Amazon Aurora" is not PostgreSQL.
If I understand Amazon's documentation, what you are using is
officially named "Amazon Aurora w
## Susan Hurst (susan.hu...@brookhurstdata.com):
> OS: FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p7 GENERIC amd64
There's your answer: the FreeBSD port of PostGIS 3.0
(databases/postgis30) installs shp2pgsql only if option LOADERGUI
has been enabled on the port's build (the port defaults to
## Scott Ribe (scott_r...@elevated-dev.com):
> So JIT is enabled in your conf, how can you tell from within a client
> session whether it's actually available (PG compiled with it and
> compiler available)?
pg_jit_available() boolean is JIT compilation available in this session
## Dmitry O Litvintsev (litvi...@fnal.gov):
> Upgraded to 11 and now we see that file
> /var/run/postgresql changes ownership to postgres:postgres on reboot ,
> even though postgresql-11.service is disabled.
That's /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/postgresql.conf (or similar). Don't
edit that file, see "
## Durumdara (durumd...@gmail.com):
> Do we have chance to log somewhere the connected client's certificate, or
> some info about it?
There's pg_stat_ssl, and if you had an recent version of PostgreSQL
(9.6 is too old for that), you'd even have the serial number of
the certificate in there:
## Samuel Smith (pg...@net153.net):
> Sorry, I should have clarified that I was aware of the pg_stat_activity
> table. That is how we found the problem in the first place. And yes I
> could just write a bash script and run it in cron. I just didn't know if
> there was a more "official" way to g
## Peter J. Holzer (hjp-pg...@hjp.at):
> * Update frequently. That reduces the risk of needing a package which
> has since been deleted from a repo, but more importantly it makes it
> easier to pinpoint the cause of a conflict.
This. Plus: make sure you can re-create any machine in a fully de
## Ted To (t...@theo.to):
> Thank you -- I added two lines to the hba file to allow for ident
> authentication, restarted postgres and still the same errors.
You probably don't want "ident" authentication - that's the thing
with "identd" (see RfC 1413), which even 20 years ago was only used
in co
## Andrew Kerber (andrew.ker...@gmail.com):
> The nice point of oracle
> dataguard is that it is a block by block copy, while all of the Postgres
> Multi-Master and master-slave replication solutions work by SQL capture.
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> My question here is: How I could get a copy of the document
> ftp://sqlstandards.org/SC32/SQL_Registry/
Methinks that the most interesting constants of that are already in
DBI (export tag sql_types) - man DBI, /sql_types. Is that the data
you're looking fo
## Nick Renders (postg...@arcict.com):
> 2020-02-08 20:21:19.942 CET [83892] LOG: server process (PID 85456)
> was terminated by signal 9: Killed: 9
Signal 9 sounds like OOM (or manual intervention). What's in dmesg?
Spare Space
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> > The documentation on pg_authid has the details:
> > "The MD5 hash will be of the user's password concatenated to their user
> > name."
> > https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/catalog-pg-authid.html
> This is still not exactly what I was looking for. But
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> sisis71=# select rolname, rolpassword from pg_authid where rolname = 'sisis';
> rolname | rolpassword
> -+-
> sisis | md52f128a1fbbecc4b16462e8fc8dda5cd5
> I know the clear text password of the r
## Daulat Ram (daulat@exponential.com):
> Can you please describe the
> " =Tc/postgres + postgres=CTc/postgres +confluence=CTc/postgres".
It's all here:
Spare Space
## Dave Hughes (dhughe...@gmail.com):
> However when I try to log in now, via command line, I receive the error:
> "psql: authentication method 10 not supported".
Your client (more precisely: it's libpq) is not ready for SCRAM.
I guess you're using an older (<10) client version? Mixed up
## PegoraroF10 (mar...@f10.com.br):
> How can I hide that info from users which are connected to my replica server
Access to the column subconninfo is revoked from normal users, because
it could contain plain-text passwords.
## Ariadne Conill (aria...@dereferenced.org):
> NULL propagation makes sense in the context of traditional SQL. What
> users expect from the JSONB support is for it to behave as JSON
> manipulation behaves everywhere else.
Well, some users expect that. Others are using this interface as it is
## Ariadne Conill (aria...@dereferenced.org):
> Why don't we fix the database engine to not eat data when the
> jsonb_set() operation fails?
It didn't fail, it worked like SQL (you've been doing SQL for too
long when you get used to the NULL propagation, but that's still
what SQL does - check "+"
## Ariadne Conill (aria...@dereferenced.org):
>update users set info=jsonb_set(info, '{bar}', info->'foo');
> Typically, this works nicely, except for cases where evaluating
> info->'foo' results in an SQL null being returned. When that happens,
> jsonb_set() returns an SQL null, which the
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> Hmm. But *I* do need the content in hex to see if the varchar column
> contains correct encoded UTF-8 data.
select 'Hello'::bytea::text;
Spare Space
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> but when I now fetch the first row with:
>@row = $sth->fetchrow_array;
>$HexStr = unpack("H*", $row[0]);
>print "HexStr: " . $HexStr . "\n";
>print "$row[0]\n";
> The resulting column contains ISO data:
As expected: https://perldoc.per
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> my $text = "ä \xc3\xa4";
That will only work if you remove "use utf8". And then other stuff may
Spare Space
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> my $text = "\xc3\xa4";
> print "text: ".$text."\n";
Your output is lying to you:
you need a binmode(STDOUT, ':encoding(utf8)'), which will make this print
"ä", and a utf8::decode($text), after which you get "ä". And when you
pass that $text through DBD::Pg
## Ayub M (hia...@gmail.com):
> It has hba and via hba file one can specify ldap connections
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/auth-pg-hba-conf.html
"Auth-method field: Only methods supported by PgBouncer’s auth_type
are supported", a
## Ayub M (hia...@gmail.com):
> Hello, I am trying to setup pgbouncer with ldap to connect with rds
> postgres. Downloaded latest version of pbbouncer (1.11) and using hba
> auth_type. Getting below error when starting pgbouncer daemon. Am I
> missing something?
There's no "ldap" mentioned anywhe
## Igal Sapir (i...@lucee.org):
> My main "issue" is that the official pgjdbc driver does not support the
> notifications with listen and I was trying to figure out why.
Spare Space
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> Re/ the migration of the data itself, are there any use case studies
> which could we keep in mind?
Spare Space
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> The server in question is SLES12-SP3 and I can't update to SP4 at the
> moment. I have installed the following pkg:
> # rpm -qa | egrep 'postgre|libpq' | sort
> libpq5-10.6-1.6.1.x86_64
Ah, right, there's also a postgresql10 in SP3.
> How can I activated/
## Matthias Apitz (g...@unixarea.de):
> To get Perl's DBD::Pg compiled now I really do need the pg_config tool,
> but I can't figure out how to get it. I see the following RPM (the ones
> with an 'i' or 'i+' are installed):
Um. Which postgresql10-* packages are that?
SLES12SP4 has "postgresql10"
## Mike Martin (redt...@gmail.com):
> Subject: Problem with commit in function
You can't commit inside a FUNCTION - and there's an obvious ERROR if
you try to do that: "invalid transaction termination".
Only since version 11 you can use a PROCEDURE and COMMIT/ROLLBACK
inside that - and the proced
## GPT (gptmailingli...@gmail.com):
> - In PG10.5 I run, out of function, a simple statement for 5 times
> successfully and the 6th time I get an error "KEY is NULL". In the
> meantime of these times I added, removed code, packages got updated,
> etc. Suddenly, an error. Key is NULL!!!??? Check th
## GPT (gptmailingli...@gmail.com):
> Why this incident has been observed when the statement is only within
> a function with variable as input parameter and not when they run
> directly with explicitly defined parameter/ In the first case, plan
> remains stable and does not change; but in the sec
## GPT (gptmailingli...@gmail.com):
> > And the important thing is: there is no guarantee that the same SQL
> > statement will always execute with the same plan:
> + Yes but there should be guarantee that when the statement is free of
> any syntactic error to be executed successfully and return th
## GPT (gptmailingli...@gmail.com):
> I have searched in
> https://github.com/nahanni/rw_redis_fdw/blob/master/redis_fdw.c for
> PREPARE and EXECUTE keywords. There are not any of them, except in
> comments.
Of course not - the FDW does not execute SQL on the PostgreSQL side,
but sends commands t
## GPT (gptmailingli...@gmail.com):
> So, this kind of switch after a few goes is a normal behavior or
> something unexpected which will change in future?
It's expected, and even documented (when you look at the user-level
## Thiemo Kellner (thi...@gelassene-pferde.biz):
> I installed pglogger (https://sourceforge.net/projects/pglogger/) and
> try to insert into the "level" table as user "act" but it fails
> claiming insufficient privileges even though insert is granted to
> public (see below). What am I missing?
## Laurenz Albe (laurenz.a...@cybertec.at):
> vm.overcommit_memory = 2
> vm_overcommit_ratio = 100
> Linux commits (swap * overcommit_ratio * RAM / 100),
That should be a "+".
See Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt and Documentation/vm/overcommit-accounti
## Doron Behar (doron.be...@gmail.com):
> My server fails to start PostgreSQL only on boot, if I restart it
> manually afterwards it doesn't have any problem starting. Here is the
> log extracted from the journal:
> ```
> 2018-09-21 20:46:40.028 CEST [306] LOG: listening on IPv4 address
> "12
## Rob Sargent (robjsarg...@gmail.com):
> > Ugh. (So this is coming from "configure --with-extra-version" stuff)
> Does that also diddle the value of "server_version_num"?
No, that's still integer-format (it's unchanged and you can cast it
straight into INTEGER).
Spare Sp
## Andreas Joseph Krogh (andr...@visena.com):
> This results in this verver_version:
> 10.5 (Ubuntu 10.5-1.pgdg18.04+1)
> Is it possible to adjust this somehow so it outputs only "10.5"?
On Debian/Ubuntu, all version strings are somewhat extended.
Luckily, with the power of SQL we're not com
## Márcio Antônio Sepp (mar...@zyontecnologia.com.br):
> Im trying to compile PostgreSQL 11beta2 but this errors occur:
> root@srvbacula:/postgresql/postgresql-11beta2 # ./configure
Stop right here and try using the same configure command line
as the port (postgresql10-server, as there's no v
## Anto Aravinth (anto.aravinth@gmail.com):
> Sure, let me try that.. I have a question here, COPY usually works when you
> move data from files to your postgres instance, right? Now in node.js,
> processing the whole file, can I use COPY
> programmatically like COPY Stackoverflow ?
> Because
## Adrien Nayrat (adrien.nay...@anayrat.info):
> I used this tool :
> https://github.com/Networks-Learning/stackexchange-dump-to-postgres
That will be awfully slow: this tool commits each INSERT on it's own,
see loop in
## Tiffany Thang (tiffanyth...@gmail.com):
> Does PostgreSQL keep a log of client connections to the database like
> Oracle's listener.log? I would like to extract information such as how many
> connections are made to the database daily, the IP addresses they
> originated from and the schemas the
## Thomas Kellerer (spam_ea...@gmx.net):
> But what about Linux binaries with JITting enabled?
The Debian packages do have JIT enabled.
Spare Space
## Yashwanth Govinda Setty (ygovindase...@commvault.com):
> 2. Restore the server with transaction logs
This is missing a lot of details. If you do it right - see your email
thread from one week ago - you will be able to recover the database
server to a state as of the _end_ of the backup proc
## Yashwanth Govinda Setty (ygovindase...@commvault.com):
> We are facing this problem while performing file system level backup of
> database files:
> As each database will form a directory inside Base directory which consists
> of files representing the tables, when some tables are dropped dur
## Ron (ronljohnso...@gmail.com):
> > pg_dump -h host1 dbname | psql -h host2 dbname
> But that assumes --format=plain which will send a whole lot of
> uncompressed text across the wire.
You can also use pg_restore with standard input, i.e. pg_dump | pg_restore.
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