## Ron Johnson (ronljohnso...@gmail.com): > This "lack of products" puzzles me, because DEC was doing this with VAX > (then Alpha and Itanium) clusters 40 years ago via a Distributed Lock > Manager integrated deep into VMS. Their Rdb and (CODASYL) DBMS products
Tech and trade-offs have changed over the last 40 years :) These days you can so many cores in one package, while "more than one processor" was quite a feat in the 80ies ("A dual processor VAX 11/780", 1982 https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/800048.801738; also the 11/782 and 11/784), and you get so much RAM and storage (even fast storage, if you keep it local) with that package. Response Latency really jumps if you have to communicate with anything outside your box. While latency matters, the number of problems where you absolutely need that distributed lock manager has not really grown that much, I think. Regards, Christoph -- Spare Space