Re: 'value' has special behaviour in alter system

2022-12-15 Thread Tom Lane
cit acknowledgement of the fact that some GUCs act differently than others (cf GUC_LIST_INPUT and GUC_LIST_QUOTE flags). +1 for examples, for sure. regards, tom lane

Re: There is no command pg_ctl reload in Postgresql 13 clusters

2023-01-05 Thread Tom Lane
ith them. regards, tom lane

Re: 8.5.2 "integral" - "integer"

2023-01-07 Thread Tom Lane
s, else as > hh:mm:ss. (The third case is not possible with any modern" "Integral" seems like perfectly good English to me here. regards, tom lane

Re: The documentation for storage type 'plain' actually allows single byte header

2023-01-15 Thread Tom Lane
7;ll have whatever is the default attstorage for the data type. It's blind luck that this attstorage value isn't used for anything more consequential, like TOAST decisions.) regards, tom lane

Re: The documentation for storage type 'plain' actually allows single byte header

2023-01-15 Thread Tom Lane
Andres Freund writes: > On 2023-01-15 16:40:27 -0500, Tom Lane wrote: >> The documentation is correct, what is broken is the code. I'm not >> sure when we broke it > I've not thought through this fully. But after a first look, this might be > hard to fix wit

Re: The documentation for storage type 'plain' actually allows single byte header

2023-01-15 Thread Tom Lane
Andres Freund writes: > On 2023-01-15 18:08:21 -0500, Tom Lane wrote: >> ri_newTupleSlot has the tupdesc we want, planSlot is a virtual slot >> that has the bogus tupdesc, and for some reason heap_form_tuple is >> getting called with planSlot's tupdesc not ri_newTupleSl

Re: The documentation for storage type 'plain' actually allows single byte header

2023-01-16 Thread Tom Lane
Laurenz Albe writes: > On Sun, 2023-01-15 at 16:40 -0500, Tom Lane wrote: >> The documentation is correct, what is broken is the code. > I see. But what is the reason for that anyway? Why not allow short varlena > headers if TOAST storage is set to PLAIN? The original moti

Re: Typo in 2.7 Aggregate Functions

2023-01-16 Thread Tom Lane
n February. Thanks for the report, anyway! regards, tom lane [1]

Re: gen_random_uuid is only available with pgcrypto enabled

2023-01-24 Thread Tom Lane
ue since we added gen_random_uuid() to the core code in v13. pgcrypto's version is now just a deprecated wrapper for that. regards, tom lane

Re: Naming of network_ops vs. inet_ops for SP-GIST

2023-01-24 Thread Tom Lane
to showing opclass names, and avert our eyes from the theoretical inconsistency. Michael, looks like it was your 7a1cd5260 that changed it; what do you think? regards, tom lane

Re: Naming of network_ops vs. inet_ops for SP-GIST

2023-01-24 Thread Tom Lane
le haven't complained. I think changing it now would add more confusion than it subtracts. > Anyway, attached is a patch for the docs. Thoughts? Works for me. regards, tom lane

Re: Not an error but a difficult wording

2023-01-25 Thread Tom Lane
one word in your version: These tools are not needed to build from a distribution tarball, because the files generated using these tools are included in the tarball. Or possibly "with" instead of "using"? regards, tom lane

Re: Not an error but a difficult wording

2023-01-26 Thread Tom Lane
Laurenz Albe writes: > On Wed, 2023-01-25 at 20:39 -0500, Tom Lane wrote: >> I'd modify one word in your version: >> >>   These tools are not needed to build from a distribution tarball, because >>   the files generated using these tools are included in the t

Re: Suggestion for deprecated spellings

2023-01-30 Thread Tom Lane
someone understand what an old SQL script is doing. regards, tom lane

Re: Modifying Arrays

2023-02-27 Thread Tom Lane
=> table sal_emp; name | pay_by_quarter |schedule +---+- Pam| {2,25001,25002,25003} | Bill | {1,1,1,1} | {{w,x},{y,z}} Carol | {2,25000,25000,25000} | {{w,x},{y,z}} Carolx | {2,25001,25002,25003} | {{w,x},{y,z},{meetingy,lunchy}} (4 rows) regards, tom lane

Re: Mistake in statement example

2023-03-01 Thread Tom Lane
nce - 100.00 WHERE acctnum = 7534; > COMMIT; > The acctnum is expected to be 12345 in both cases. No, I think that's intentional: the example depicts transferring $100 from account 7534 to account 12345. regards, tom lane

Re: bytea documentation error

2023-03-18 Thread Tom Lane
Also, this example is pretty shoddy compared to the one for escape format a little further down. Will fix, thanks for the report! regards, tom lane

Re: Publishing Postgres Manual as a book

2023-03-22 Thread Tom Lane
ok and then give it away for free. I do question the practicality and environmental cost of putting such short-lived material on dead trees, though ... regards, tom lane

Re: Seeming contradiction in 22.1

2023-03-23 Thread Tom Lane
ame as the operating system user that initialized the database cluster, unless another name is specified while running initdb. It is common, but not required, to arrange for this role to be named postgres. regards, tom lane

Re: Publishing Postgres Manual as a book

2023-03-23 Thread Tom Lane
peaking for core, just myself.) regards, tom lane

Re: Split_Part w/negative integer does not work

2023-03-25 Thread Tom Lane
ates > ERROR: field position must be greater than zero > SQL state: 22023 Apparently, you are reading the v15 documentation and expecting it to be exactly correct for some older server version. The described behavior came in in v14. regards, tom lane

Re: Minor typo in 13.3.5. Advisory Locks

2023-03-28 Thread Tom Lane
ode and its FROM clause in the snippet. No, I think "form" is exactly what was meant. Maybe we should have said "second query" or something like that, though. regards, tom lane

Re: Minor typo in 13.3.5. Advisory Locks

2023-03-31 Thread Tom Lane
"not guaranteed" wording isn't really wrong, but an example that doesn't do what we're saying it does isn't good either. regards, tom lane

Re: doc build error on Fedora 38

2023-04-06 Thread Tom Lane
esn't-work situation has been true for awhile. regards, tom lane

Re: Should 'sum(mvf)' read 'sum(mcv)'...?

2023-04-12 Thread Tom Lane
e MCF Most Common Frequency, that is the frequency associated with some Most Common Value MCV Most Common Value, one of the values appearing most often within a particular table column regards, tom lane

Re: Incorrect link to ?

2023-05-05 Thread Tom Lane
rrect any errors that may exist in those doc pages. They're just there for historical reference. regards, tom lane

Re: Incorrect link to ?

2023-05-05 Thread Tom Lane
ant to view the same page..." sentence altogether. regards, tom lane

Re: tables on pgbench man page look garbled

2023-05-10 Thread Tom Lane
an older box handy to doublecheck. Hmm, any chance of addressing this by expanding out the relevant macros? regards, tom lane

Re: Typo

2023-05-23 Thread Tom Lane
of "I think the grammar is a bit shaky". It is what it is. regards, tom lane

Re: Sequence Dependency

2023-06-12 Thread Tom Lane
of table fruits | a (12 rows) regards, tom lane [1]

Re: Change "two" to "three" for decades of development in history

2023-06-22 Thread Tom Lane
Michael Paquier writes: > "With multiple decades of development behind it, PostgreSQL.." +1. It sure seems silly trying to automate changing this. regards, tom lane

Re: bad choice of the word in sentence

2023-06-23 Thread Tom Lane
entence? > No, the issue is only for committed transactions, not aborted ones. I think this sentence is formally correct, but it is not very hard to misparse. Maybe a bit of re-ordering would help? Like ... it never sees either uncommitted data or changes committed by concurrent transactions during the query's execution. regards, tom lane

Re: bad choice of the word in sentence

2023-06-28 Thread Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian writes: > On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 09:16:39PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote: >> I think this sentence is formally correct, but it is not very hard to >> misparse. Maybe a bit of re-ordering would help? Like >> ... it never sees either uncommitted data or changes commi

Re: Bug in documentation:

2023-07-17 Thread Tom Lane
cumentation claims. Which it does not, according to my tests here. I find this a bit disturbing --- did we intentionally change the behavior of SPI_exec somewhere along the line? regards, tom lane

Re: Bug in documentation:

2023-07-17 Thread Tom Lane
"David G. Johnston" writes: > On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 6:22 PM Tom Lane wrote: >> I think his point is that this example does not behave as the >> documentation claims. Which it does not, according to my >> tests here. I find this a bit disturbing --- did we inten

Re: Bug in documentation:

2023-07-18 Thread Tom Lane
to be one of the subtle points illustrated by >> this example. > I concur: Agreed. Done at 137b131d6. regards, tom lane

Re: IN for records

2023-07-18 Thread Tom Lane
t a different specific operator could be selected for each pair.) All the selected operators must be members of some B-tree operator class, or be the negator of the = member of a B-tree operator class, meaning that row constructor comparison is only possible when the operator is =, <>, <, <=, > or >=, or has semantics similar to one of these. after which we can go on with the bit about "The = and <> cases work slightly differently..." regards, tom lane

Re: CREATEROLE Inheritance

2023-07-18 Thread Tom Lane
ou did that led you to conclude otherwise, but going through additional layers like an IDE could well be confusing matters. regards, tom lane

Re: IN for records

2023-07-19 Thread Tom Lane
Ilya Nenashev writes: > I totally agree. > Who and when will put these changes into the documentation pages? Done at;a=commitdiff;h=15c68cd84a2c80eed9b67ed6746ed5b91baea587 regards, tom lane

Re: U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE (0xe2 0x80 0x8b) in PostgreSQL documentation

2023-08-10 Thread Tom Lane
way to get the XML toolchain to allow line breaks in PDF without putting invisible characters into other formats, let us know. regards, tom lane

Re: group by can use alias from select list

2023-09-06 Thread Tom Lane
expressions, however." Not sure if we cover that explicitly anywhere else. regards, tom lane

Re: Incorrect/confusing information about timetz

2023-09-07 Thread Tom Lane
want to document this? Section Times already says "The appropriate time zone offset is recorded in the time with time zone value." Maybe that could be made a little more precise, say "The resolved numeric offset from UTC is recorded in the time with time zone value." regards, tom lane

Re: Typo/wording on

2023-09-20 Thread Tom Lane
ete --- we don't list any relkind for that anymore. What probably does deserve to be called out in place of those is composite types, since their appearance in pg_class might be pretty surprising to newbies. regards, tom lane

Re: Typo/wording on

2023-09-22 Thread Tom Lane
of "kind" not "type", for consistency with the relkind field name and the rest of the para.) regards, tom lane diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml index d17ff51e28..e09adb45e4 100644 --- a/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml +++ b/doc/src/sgml/cat

Re: Typo/wording on

2023-09-22 Thread Tom Lane
Daniel Gustafsson writes: >> On 22 Sep 2023, at 19:04, Tom Lane wrote: >> I propose the attached. (I also modified the para's last sentence to >> speak of "kind" not "type", for consistency with the relkind field name >> and the rest o

Re: JSON type unsupported

2023-09-26 Thread Tom Lane
as we do for some other feature identifiers? regards, tom lane

Re: Is CREATE INDEX dependent on the session?

2023-09-28 Thread Tom Lane
e would, but that doesn't result in an automatic kill of the server process. > Do you want to propose a patch? There are enough environmental dependencies involved here that any simple description is likely to contain lies. So I'm hesitant to try to put anything about it into the docs. regards, tom lane

Re: `pg_restore --if-exists` clarification

2023-09-28 Thread Tom Lane
messages will be reported, unless --if-exists is also specified. --if-exists Use DROP ... IF EXISTS commands to drop objects in --clean mode. This suppresses "does not exist" errors that might otherwise be reported. This option is not valid unless --clean is also specified. regards, tom lane

Re: `pg_restore --if-exists` clarification

2023-09-29 Thread Tom Lane
.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=commitdiff;h=75af0f401f905b947ea14401e8a51f1bae4ac265 regards, tom lane

Re: The documentation for storage type 'plain' actually allows single byte header

2023-09-29 Thread Tom Lane
an fix anything useful. I wonder though if there's really just one place claiming that that's how it works. A trawl through the code comments might be advisable. regards, tom lane

Re: examples for windows functions

2023-10-02 Thread Tom Lane
-WINDOW-FUNCTIONS > but I think it would be helpful to put some examples in > That page starts out with a link to section 3.5 which is full of examples. Seems a bit repetitive to put more here. regards, tom lane

Re: INT4RANGE Upper bound always includes a higher number

2023-10-03 Thread Tom Lane
function, or none at all. See regards, tom lane

Re: Corresponding documentation page does not mention about `spread` mode

2023-10-03 Thread Tom Lane
and > complete. Perhaps a parenthetical remark like "(pg_basebackup refers to this as 'spread' mode)" would help? regards, tom lane

Re: Missing closing ]

2023-10-04 Thread Tom Lane
reservation VALUES > (1108, '[2010-01-01 14:30, 2010-01-01 15:30)'); > there should be ] after 15:30 No, it looks correct as given: that end of the range is open not closed. regards, tom lane

Re: Typo in PL/pgSQL trigger Example 43.4?

2023-10-07 Thread Tom Lane
s-info.html#FUNCTIONS-INFO-SESSION Yeah, either way has the same result. However, I wonder if we should change this example to use current_user for clarity. It does look more like it's intended to be a variable or column reference than a built-in function. regards, tom lane

Re: Typo in PL/pgSQL trigger Example 43.4?

2023-10-09 Thread Tom Lane
Daniel Gustafsson writes: >> On 7 Oct 2023, at 22:22, Tom Lane wrote: >> Yeah, either way has the same result. However, I wonder if we should >> change this example to use current_user for clarity. It does look >> more like it's intended to be a variable or column

Re: 31.7.1. Initial Snapshot

2023-10-11 Thread Tom Lane
isn't a good fix. regards, tom lane

Re: Clarify: default precision on timestamps is 6

2023-10-13 Thread Tom Lane
wrong with the existing docs. The limitation to 1-microsecond precision is spelled out in the table just above the para you quote. regards, tom lane

Re: "20.16. Customized Options" – cannot be set by `ALTER SYSTEM`

2023-10-16 Thread Tom Lane
LTER SYSTEM command. = 'baz' So that feels like a bug: we should not allow ALTER SYSTEM to execute against a placeholder GUC definition, because the placeholder can't tell us whether the value is valid. I wonder though if forbidding this would break any legitimate usage patterns. regards, tom lane

Re: "20.16. Customized Options" – cannot be set by `ALTER SYSTEM`

2023-10-16 Thread Tom Lane
Laurenz Albe writes: > On Mon, 2023-10-16 at 12:29 -0400, Tom Lane wrote: >> So that feels like a bug: we should not allow ALTER SYSTEM to execute >> against a placeholder GUC definition, because the placeholder can't >> tell us whether the value is valid.  I wonder th

Re: 'value' has special behaviour in alter system

2023-10-24 Thread Tom Lane
so, that para already mentions that the input can be a comma-separated list when appropriate, so your add-on para seems partially repetitive. I think you could just drop the first sentence of it. regards, tom lane

Re: Discrepancy between the documentation and the implementation

2023-10-25 Thread Tom Lane
was an intention to have some such feature but it never got done? Anyway, I don't see anything indicating that there's actually such a concept as "the default connection". I suggest we just remove those paragraphs. What *is* treated specially is CURRENT --- but EXEC SQL SET CONNECTION = CURRENT is effectively a no-op, so it's not very exciting. regards, tom lane

Re: Example 43.6. A PL/pgSQL Trigger Function for Maintaining a Summary Table

2023-10-27 Thread Tom Lane
ange time_key to be a timestamp or timestamptz value? regards, tom lane

Re: "22.3. Template Databases" documentation is incomplete

2023-10-28 Thread Tom Lane
er, CREATE DATABASE does not copy + database-level GRANT permissions attached to the + source database. The new database has default permissions. + + There is a second standard system database named regards, tom lane

Re: 'pg_global' cannot be used as default_tablespace.

2023-11-01 Thread Tom Lane
like there is anything unclear about the CREATE TABLE error message. regards, tom lane

Re: 'pg_global' cannot be used as default_tablespace.

2023-11-01 Thread Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian writes: > On Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 06:32:37PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote: >> But it *is* permissible, unless we add code to reject it during >> SET as Bruce mentioned. Which seems fairly pointless to me. It's not >> like there is anything unclear about the

Re: 'pg_global' cannot be used as default_tablespace.

2023-11-02 Thread Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian writes: > I found a cleaner improvement, attached. OK by me. Maybe that doesn't make the point strongly enough, but we can hope it's enough. regards, tom lane

Re: Incorrect mention of number of columns?

2023-11-03 Thread Tom Lane
"Daniel Westermann (DWE)" writes: > Creating a table with 1600 bigint columns does work with a 8k blocksize: Yeah, but populating it would not (unless many of the columns were NULL). regards, tom lane

Re: Incorrect mention of number of columns?

2023-11-03 Thread Tom Lane
mpact of NULLs, and the fact that usually tables have some variable-width columns, I doubt that a creation-time warning could be accurate enough to be useful. regards, tom lane

Re: Please make a note regarding the PL/pgSQL FOUND variable

2023-11-04 Thread Tom Lane
put notes about PL/pgSQL features into command reference pages that have nothing to do with PL/pgSQL. regards, tom lane

Re: Example for Unique Partial Indexes

2023-11-07 Thread Tom Lane
the first section that mentions partial indexes at all. Somebody reading the chapter in order would have no idea what we were talking about. regards, tom lane

Re: User mapping security

2023-11-09 Thread Tom Lane
dom users can't see umoptions. regards, tom lane

Re: T is a mandatory date time separator in RFC3339 but documentation states differently

2023-11-13 Thread Tom Lane
y case, we accept 'T', 't', '_', and most other punctuation there, so we should be able to read nearly any plausible variant. regards, tom lane

Re: T is a mandatory date time separator in RFC3339 but documentation states differently

2023-11-15 Thread Tom Lane
nce to a > particular standard, except for ISO 9075 to show that Postgres is > SQL-standard-compliant? I think that would remove useful context without actually improving anything. (The datetime input code would be far simpler if it meant only to read the exact format mentioned in the SQL spec.) regards, tom lane

Re: Additional Notes

2023-11-16 Thread Tom Lane
ctions that are writing the NOTIFY queue. If it were a lesser but still exclusive lock type, it wouldn't make any difference. explicit-locking.html is really only about locks on tables. Maybe that should be clarified somewhere? regards, tom lane

Re: "name" vs "alias" in datatype table

2023-11-29 Thread Tom Lane
could handle those another way than reserving a table column for them? We could give them their own table rows, or relegate them to footnotes. The "serial" types need a bit more reflection too, since they aren't truly types at all: there is no matching pg_type entry. I'm not sure they belong here. regards, tom lane

Re: Typo in '8.5. Date/Time Types' v16

2023-11-30 Thread Tom Lane
ct '2 month'::interval; interval -- 2 mons (1 row) regards, tom lane

Re: Section repeats information presented in section 4.1.1

2023-12-12 Thread Tom Lane
rily just read 4.1.1. Perhaps it'd be better to use different example strings though? regards, tom lane

Re: Documentation does not describes format for access privileges: =Tc/user

2023-12-25 Thread Tom Lane
"David G. Johnston" writes: > We probably should write the syntax like we do everywhere else: > [grantee]={privilege[*]}[…]/grantor > Then define the placeholders in the subsequent paragraph. Seems reasonable. About like this? regards, tom lane d

Re: Postgres compilation instructions do not work on modern debian or ubuntu

2024-01-01 Thread Tom Lane
gt; CI) Can't help you on that when you provide no details. PG certainly does work for many other people on Debian+arm64. regards, tom lane

Re: Problems when using unaccent

2024-01-02 Thread Tom Lane
database. See regards, tom lane

Re: incorrect description of Python try / except

2024-01-03 Thread Tom Lane
ill fix, thanks! regards, tom lane

Re: initdb username doc bug

2024-01-06 Thread Tom Lane
user running initdb". I don't like "installation user", that's just about as vague as could be. regards, tom lane

Re: Grammar suggestion

2024-01-08 Thread Tom Lane
lain it here. But nobody's done so in twenty years so I'm not holding my breath.) regards, tom lane

Re: initdb username doc bug

2024-01-08 Thread Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian writes: > Agreed, updated patch attached. WFM. regards, tom lane

Re: Question on doc for RETURNING clause

2024-01-11 Thread Tom Lane
et, as you'd find out if you tried it. I think there's a patch in the pipeline to allow it. regards, tom lane


2024-01-24 Thread Tom Lane
the new owner. For myself, I thought Laurenz's proposed patch is an improvement. regards, tom lane


2024-01-24 Thread Tom Lane
fraid of the compatibility implications if we change it now. regards, tom lane

Re: text and varchar are not equivalent

2024-02-09 Thread Tom Lane
rows) regression=# explain verbose SELECT txt = ch AS txt_ch FROM test; QUERY PLAN --- Seq Scan on pg_temp.test (cost=0.00..19.45 rows=630 width=1) Output: (txt = (ch)::text) (2 rows) regards, tom lane

Re: Broken link in pgcrypto documentation

2024-02-13 Thread Tom Lane
likely that we'll get better at it. I'm a little dubious about the "Technical References" list right below it, too. The RFC references are probably useful and stable, and maybe the wikipedia ref is OK, but I have little faith in either the stability or the long-term relevance of the other two links. regards, tom lane

Re: Broken link in pgcrypto documentation

2024-02-13 Thread Tom Lane
Daniel Gustafsson writes: > On 13 Feb 2024, at 20:42, Tom Lane wrote: >> I'm a little dubious about the "Technical References" list right below >> it, too. The RFC references are probably useful and stable, and maybe >> the wikipedia ref is OK, but I have lit

Re: Missing | ?

2024-02-19 Thread Tom Lane
y! Indeed. Will fix, thanks for report! regards, tom lane

Re: Typos in dectoint() and dectolong() function's descriptions

2024-02-25 Thread Tom Lane
...". Yup, I think you're right. Thanks for the report! regards, tom lane

Re: substring start position behavior

2024-03-05 Thread Tom Lane
27;s worth giving an example that neither explains the "disregarded" bit nor highlights the dependency on L being given. regards, tom lane

Re: What are the minimum required permissions for pg_isready

2024-03-13 Thread Tom Lane
server status; however, if incorrect values are provided, the server will log a failed connection attempt. If you don't want log spam about failed connections, you'd need a user with privilege to connect to the mentioned database. Otherwise, not. regards, tom lane

Re: Incomplete sentence in the description for most_common_freqs

2024-03-13 Thread Tom Lane
PG Doc comments form writes: > It seems the ending clarifying sentence: > "(Null when most_common_vals is.)" > should rather be: > "(Null when most_common_vals is null.)" I think it's perfectly good English as-is, if a bit terse. regards, tom lane

Re: A typo?

2024-04-07 Thread Tom Lane
ot; instead of "RETURNS real"? > The docs are correct. Specifically, that bit is a declaration of the data type of the function's result, not a specification of how to compute it. regards, tom lane

Re: 8.14.5 jsonb subscripting

2024-04-09 Thread Tom Lane
Arne Sommerfelt writes: > I am running on AWS RDS - it says engine version 12.17 i thought that was > the postgres version. If so, the [] subscripting should be supported > according to docs. According to what docs? Generic subscripting was added in v14. reg

Re: 8.14.5 jsonb subscripting

2024-04-09 Thread Tom Lane
ff. However, if you're running a moderately old PG version, you need to make use of the links at the top of the page to go to the equivalent page in the older version's docs. regards, tom lane

Re: Mysteries of the future

2024-04-11 Thread Tom Lane
the probability of the Gregorian calendar still being in use 18000 years from now, but it doesn't seem very profitable. What else do you want to use? regards, tom lane

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